Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar

Melody Crowder-Meyer

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan
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The future is terror.

Funded by Heritage Foundation, the same group creating Project 2025, a GOP activist is snooping into the background of federal employees, creating a Trump enemies list.

With Schedule F, they will fire those officials.

16 replies 133 reposts 288 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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[points out at deadly heat waves] anybody got an overhyped bullshit machine that can make all that far worse??

1 replies 30 reposts 128 likes

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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To add to my email signature "I know of no way of using the English language to make it clearer to you."

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings
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Rs: We gotta put biblical rules in schools Me: Holy shit! Like a debt jubilee every 7 years? Rs: Haha, no, not that one Me: like "you shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt"? Rs: Hahaha not that one either Me: so, uh, which rules exactly? Rs: Oh, you know the ones

37 replies 466 reposts 1597 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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Stop government mandates! Now comply with this law that requires you to post this particular version of the Ten Commandments, in a very specific size, in all classrooms.

2 replies 16 reposts 69 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Elsk's avatar Elsk
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I watched this yesterday and told my husband and MIL about it, and that kicked off a "how are we going to volunteer and donate leading up to the election" discussion. I think I had been exhausted from the past 8 years and this video was a good alarm bell

1 replies 2 reposts 11 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Crooked Emily's avatar Crooked Emily
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I know there are more of us normal people that just want our local politicians to fix roads and pay teachers and deliver clean water than there are the insane freaks that thrive on tormenting trans kids, but I go to a lot of public meetings and unfortunately the freaks are overrepresented

1 replies 3 reposts 45 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Crooked Emily's avatar Crooked Emily
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I'll be the first to acknowledge how much it sucks to add one more responsibility to your plate with everything we all have going on, but it's so so worth it. It's uncomfortable to speak at these meetings and a lot of times I'm outnumbered but good god someone has to stand up to these ghouls

2 replies 2 reposts 61 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

A.R. Moxon's avatar A.R. Moxon
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3 years ago I wrote “I genuinely dread the point in the near future of our media where republican (and only republican) attempts to overturn each election are simply read as an expected, natural and given part of the horserace, which any democrat (and only the democrat) must overcome for legitimacy”

7 replies 134 reposts 476 likes

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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To be clear... 3 seasons is not enough. We need more and soon. It is a never-fails-to-entertain show with my elementary schooler that I also find entertaining! Please see also "The Voice." These save me from having to delve into something like America's Got Talent.

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Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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Robocalls are a menace. Can't hurt to put some energy behind this bill!

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Joe Sudbay's avatar Joe Sudbay
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Greg is right. This is a tell Biden is protecting some of the very people Trump and Miller want to deport. Miller intends to send red state national guard troops to blue cities for roundups Republicans don't want voters to focus on that part of their diabolical plan so they scream "border"

4 replies 90 reposts 234 likes

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Christina Wolbrecht's avatar Christina Wolbrecht
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My general rule is to always RT women scholars promoting their own (fantastic) work.

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Karyn's avatar Karyn
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Judiciary appointments and agency staffing are two huge reasons I’ll be voting for Biden despite the many, many issues I have with him. Both have impacts way beyond a presidential term & often have life or death level consequences. I’m not voting for a person, I’m voting for a path.

8 replies 149 reposts 463 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

The New York Times's avatar The New York Times
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President Biden on Tuesday announced sweeping new protections for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who have been living in the U.S. illegally for years but are married to American citizens.

4 replies 14 reposts 95 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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Some reduce the 2024 campaign to a contest between two old men, but it's a choice of two slates of federal appointees who'll impact your life in a million ways. Biden has staffed executive agencies with excellent choices who are doing good work. Trump will empower an army of Stephen Millers.

54 replies 962 reposts 2283 likes

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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This is exactly what I tell anyone who conflates Trump and Biden in my presence. You don't have to be excited about Biden. Don't vote just for him. Vote for the thousands of people in Biden's administration who are doing seriously badass, competent, progressive work (& many of whom are young!)

1 replies 0 reposts 11 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Peter Sagal's avatar Peter Sagal
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This is so important, and yet almost impossible to make people care about. I have a friend who runs a federal agency (sub-cabinet level) and is doing a terrific job, making excellent progress for stakeholders, but “Govt Agency Succeeds” is not a story that gets published.

7 replies 73 reposts 299 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Jonathan Ladd's avatar Jonathan Ladd
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Pay taxes. Raise taxes higher. Organize labor unions and give them money. Fund local community groups and religious congregations that build social capital so politicians will be pressured to respond to people's needs. Fund and organize local political party orgs. Fund left-of-center media orgs.

8 replies 80 reposts 311 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Laura Helmuth's avatar Laura Helmuth
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The new Washington Post publisher said the old buddy he just hired “will restore an even greater degree of investigative rigor to our organization.”
This story is the Post saying: Oh yeah? I got yer investigative rigor right here

7 replies 28 reposts 116 likes

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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love this! a) it's adorable (put that kid in a newsies outfit as they say it) and b) it makes google not the standard!

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Tony Corsentino's avatar Tony Corsentino
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An easy way to support your public library is to make use of it—even if only to visit. We keep (anonymized) statistics not only on circulation totals but on attendance & visits and even on patron-staff interactions. Big numbers please trustees and municipal/county administrators. 📚

9 replies 260 reposts 552 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Ryan Nanni's avatar Ryan Nanni
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Welcome to the Annual Most Dad* Thing You Did In The Last Year Thread. Per tradition, I will lead off: I bought a mitre saw almost entirely because it was on sale, and now I will find the thinnest excuse to incorporate it into any home project. *You need not have kids or identify as male to Dad.

664 replies 180 reposts 1264 likes

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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I experienced this as a kid and... yeah...

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Mean Gay's avatar Mean Gay
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Happy Fathers' Day from Erik and Lyle Menendez

1 replies 17 reposts 133 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Bradford Vivian's avatar Bradford Vivian
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Pundits and alleged free speech or viewpoint diversity groups are celebrating the elimination of “diversity statements” in universities. But “diversity statement” is a catch-all phrase for many dissimilar practices across institutions. So what’s really being eliminated? 🧵 1/8

1 replies 7 reposts 23 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Bradford Vivian's avatar Bradford Vivian
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Faculty feel the chill of potential government interference in their teaching, avoid research activities, and are unsure if they can even discuss diversity measures at conferences in other states. This is exactly the climate that authoritarian regimes create in universities. 7/8

1 replies 3 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Bradford Vivian's avatar Bradford Vivian
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The point is to create a climate of suspicion and self-censorship so that faculty and administrators censor existing discussion and materials and self-censor future speech and activities--doing the work *for* those authorities. Vague standards create over-compliance. 5/8

1 replies 6 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

John Pfaff's avatar John Pfaff
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For the billionth time, general-issue opinion writing is NOT A THINK THAT SHOULD EXIST. Every ACTUAL expert is like this: “man, so easy to get it wrong if I move one slight issue off my lane.” Pundits just run around saying “I openly don’t understand this, but here’s my confident take on it.”

2 replies 15 reposts 45 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Guy Grossman's avatar Guy Grossman
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Are you a graduate student studying the controversies, dilemmas, and promises of a democratic society?

Consider applying to present at the Annual Graduate Workshop organized by Penn's Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy. See

0 replies 5 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Karoli's avatar Karoli
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Love this Biden-Harris frame. "Most Americans would prefer living in a country where an unhinged felon who has also been found liable for sexual abuse cannot own a firearm." Keep hammering him.

16 replies 273 reposts 1081 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Bryce Covert's avatar Bryce Covert
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A year after Vermont invested significant, sustained funding in childcare, more programs are opening than closing

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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Infinite data. I have lifetime supply of data. Time-consuming/difficult to gather data. Yet I somehow always seem to need more.

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Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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I suspect this would be rather useful to a lot of intro American Politics college courses (like mine, where this is a key learning objective)

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

it's gita time's avatar it's gita time
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My husband is reading a really interesting book about activist burn out, and basically every chapter that looks at specific historical activists shows that being unable to acknowledge even minor victories leads to burn out and depression.

32 replies 781 reposts 2740 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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all of these decisions hinge on the false idea that the 14th Amendment and the civil rights laws of the 1960s were written achieve "colorblindness" and "level the playing field" when they were explicitly devised to end THE RACIAL SUBORDINATION OF ONE GROUP TO ANOTHER.

27 replies 665 reposts 2150 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Karl Bode's avatar Karl Bode
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probably just me being paranoid I'm sure it's cool that we're firing all the reporters and putting AI-obsessed right wing wokescolds in charge of all of the major media organizations

1 replies 15 reposts 92 likes

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Neil Lewis, Jr.'s avatar Neil Lewis, Jr.
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Those of you who have been unsubscribing from the...less informative newspapers, consider shifting those subscription dollars to ProPublica donations. They consistently produce high-quality journalism.

3 replies 29 reposts 70 likes

Melody Crowder-Meyer's avatar Melody Crowder-Meyer
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Lots of us have family members who have struggled and made really terrible decisions. It can be hard to keep showing love in that circumstance, especially when it's substantially negatively affecting you personally. I respect Biden for how he shows love to his family.

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Reposted by Melody Crowder-Meyer

Adam Serwer's avatar Adam Serwer
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The main thing to understand about abortion ban exceptions do not exist. They are ornamental. They’re like plastic fruit. They are not meant to be used, they’re just there to make the ban look reasonable.

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