Radley Balko's avatar

Radley Balko


Not that anyone is asking me, but I have no idea what the Democrats should do right now. All the options seem bad, and there isn’t one that seems less bad than the others. And as a professional opinion-haver, it’s disorienting to have no strong opinion about something so enormously consequential.

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$1.25 Quarterstaff's avatar $1.25 Quarterstaff @davidorlo.bsky.social
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Biden needs to fulfil his oath of office and be the first and last POTUS to take advantage of this newly enumerated immunity and executive order genuine threat-to-Constitution Trump into exile or imprisonment. And call for an amendment explicitly against said immunity & self-pardon while doing so.

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Drone Cusack's avatar Drone Cusack @herodedalus.bsky.social
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It really is up to all of us this time. It always is, but this time there’s even less cohesion in leadership, and the coalition has to be clever enough to stick together despite all the headwinds.

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Paul Topping's avatar Paul Topping @paultopping.bsky.social
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Predicting the future is notoriously hard. I just don't see a path to victory in Biden's current trajectory. Injecting chaos by replacing him on the ticket is the only thing that gives at least a chance of success. The race is anti-Trump. Just give the anti-Trump voters a reasonable alternative.

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Paul Topping's avatar Paul Topping @paultopping.bsky.social
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If Biden stays in the race, what's going to change between now and November that puts him in the lead? Waiting for lost voters to come home to the Dems seems like wishcasting. No choice but to shake things up and take our chances, even if it has to be Harris.

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Head Engineer - Blinky Light Dept.'s avatar Head Engineer - Blinky Light Dept. @cppilgram.bsky.social
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I think he should stay the course. Later on the night of the debate, and the day after, he seemed to be his usual self. The metrics showed the debate as essentially a push, and "Biden old" has been the narrative all along. We have 4 months to the election. That's enough time to move beyond a poor

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riwoche རི་བོ་ཆེ་'s avatar riwoche རི་བོ་ཆེ་ @riwoche.bsky.social
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Which in turn suggests everyone can take a deep breath, enjoy the Fourth of July, maybe read fewer hot takes for 24 or even 48 hours, and then watch Biden's interview Friday night and THEN revisit what unfolded over the past week.

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KI7BDA's avatar KI7BDA @ki7bda.bsky.social
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I'm in the camp of the JVL, Sarah Longwell, Tim Miller latest podcast. Willing to go with Harris, despite preferring the theoretically strongest ticket.

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's avatar @jackwagon.bsky.social
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One suggestion is for the Democrats to unite and with one voice, consistent across platforms and speakers, denounce the current efforts by Republicans to reverse American democracy. This election is a referendum on democracy itself and all Democrats should be full throated on this everywhere.

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The Loony Liberal (HIATUS)'s avatar The Loony Liberal (HIATUS) @loonyliberal.bsky.social
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Having no opinion is better than having an opinion stemming from lies and/or unrestrained emotional outbursts. To paraphrase an old adage: "Ponder twice, skeet once."

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@anathema_device@bne.social's avatar @anathema_device@bne.social @iamanathemadevice.bsky.social
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when in doubt, do nowt.

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Eric Blair 's avatar Eric Blair @protecttruth.bsky.social
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This is why I am focusing on the need for Court reform. That one is very clear!

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zenosAnalytic's avatar zenosAnalytic @zenosanalytic.bsky.social
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my take: Panic is never a good emotion to act from.

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Tequila Sunset 🥥🌴's avatar Tequila Sunset 🥥🌴 @pepperonidave.bsky.social
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Kamala is the golden path for Democrats.

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Thomas Lavoy's avatar Thomas Lavoy @thomaslavoy.bsky.social
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"Talk nonstop about how Trump is a fascist who is also a rapist, pedophile, felon, con man, and nonstop liar." seems like a good start

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Bruno J. Navarro's avatar Bruno J. Navarro @brunojnavarro.bsky.social
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most pundits aren’t great at any single competency, so i’m far less inclined to take their hysterics to heart — and the logistics of shifting candidates or ballots opens up huge advantages for the insurrectionist candidate that are far, far worse

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‮Jeff Eaton's avatar ‮Jeff Eaton @eaton.fyi
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It feels like “what do you want the future to look like” is a question that must be answered. The right has a precise and enthusiastic and blood-chilling answer, while the DNC seems to genuinely insist that “exactly like how things are at this very second, but forever” is a vision

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Squire Boone's avatar Squire Boone @isomorphism.net
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If only all of your fellow professional opinion-havers had this attitude.

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DON FERRARI's avatar DON FERRARI @donferrari.bsky.social
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No, you actually are doing it right. This whole panic feedback-loop is embarrassing.

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Eric the .5b's avatar Eric the .5b @semiapies.bsky.social
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Not that you asked me, but I think Biden is right to stay the course. If he dies or becomes incapacitated after the election or (fingers crossed) inauguration, there's Harris. Take comfort that everything's within the margin of error, so Trump's revolting camp is stressing, too.

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Lee Franke 's avatar Lee Franke @leefranke.bsky.social
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Yeah there is no obvious good plan. I think the best we can hope for is less chaos.

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Daniel Ninja's avatar Daniel Ninja @okiest.bsky.social
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I think asking the only one out of the candidates that didn't rape children with Epstein to drop out is beyond gross. That's my baseline.

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Amanda Mull's avatar Amanda Mull @amandamull.bsky.social
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Same dawg

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Your Pal in Ypsi's avatar Your Pal in Ypsi @ypsidoodle.bsky.social
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Maybe you’ve found part of the problem? Maybe the fact that so many people are required to have an opinion-almost instantly- has led us to a place where “hot takes” are given far more weight than thoughtful responses?

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maniagnosis 's avatar maniagnosis @maniagnosis.bsky.social
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How the US ends: Republicans: "Fuck yeah! Trump!Trump! Trump! He'll make those Jewish wetback n***r soyboys pay!" Democrats: "Well, yeah, we own the voters on every issue, but that dude...meh. I dunno, maybe...nah. Eh, whatever."

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's avatar @countanton.bsky.social
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I feel you.

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Dr Tom Hill's avatar Dr Tom Hill @tomhjhill.bsky.social
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Right. It pretty much requires detailed war-gaming - and only as one leg of the analytical/consultative effort needed to make a robust judgement.

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Area Librarian's avatar Area Librarian @arealibrarian.bsky.social
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At this point I’ll be voting for Biden even if he’s just a pile of nail clippings. If he were to withdraw he’d need to resign from his job, and everything gets EXTREMELY complicated. I’m happy to pretend I’m in his cult—look what the GOP is loyal to. But the dems DO need a Plan B ‘cause he’s MORTAL.

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Big Fat Bartolo's Colon's avatar Big Fat Bartolo's Colon @bigfatbartolocolon.bsky.social
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I think the move might be to talk up all this "Trump raped kids with Epstein" stuff

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JaneLane's avatar JaneLane @nyjanelane.bsky.social
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Now that the issue has been raised, if Trump wins there will be I-told-you-so’s for eternity. I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

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justin maurer dot dev's avatar justin maurer dot dev @justinmaurer.dev
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's avatar @peakvt.bsky.social
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I'm just mad that everyone who promptly piled on the day after the debate hadn't thought one bit about the legal details, which may very well require Biden carry on as the candidate. Good job (once again), pundits.* * Of course, a lot of them want Trump to win, but can't say so openly.

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W. Ethan Duckworth's avatar W. Ethan Duckworth @weduckworth.bsky.social
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Suppose you knew for certain that Biden or Harris at the top of the ticket gave you precisely the same odds, which would you choose? Now, with what degree of certainty can we assert that we know which gives better odds? Combine the above statements and … ?

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Annette & Vizsla Tucker's avatar Annette & Vizsla Tucker @vizslaspgh.bsky.social
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Vote against Trump. End of.

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's avatar @jiminnh.bsky.social
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What Democrats should do right now is go all out, put every ounce of energy into a blue wave. The team is set, now let's get out there and kick Trump's ass and all of his cultist all the way down the ballot.

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's avatar @joshuabhoe.bsky.social
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My take is this, before this happened, Biden was behind Trump...he needs to energize the base, bring in undecideds and independents, and try to farm all these people who voted for Haley against Trump...How is that going to happen if he isn't capable of rallying?

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Enlightened Despotist in Name Only's avatar Enlightened Despotist in Name Only @edino.bsky.social
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“Get united and work as a team” is the ultimate answer, obviously, though the question is how. I think they have Biden do his ABC news thing on Friday and if it goes well they get behind him and roll with him. But keep getting him out there, interviews and townhalls.

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Zeroisanumber's avatar Zeroisanumber @zeroisanumber.bsky.social
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The least-bad option is to keep running with Biden.

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Rosie's avatar Rosie @rosiepone.bsky.social
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honestly I think the best they can do right now is just keep going and not trip over themselves during the most important part of the campaign

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TubaPeter.com's avatar TubaPeter.com @tubapeter.bsky.social
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I was trying to talk a friend into voting D, and he said "What we need is a flat tax," and I realized, I don't understand anything about anyone.

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Bob Booten's avatar Bob Booten @bobooten.bsky.social
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If you had an idea they wouldn't do it anyway.

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's avatar @schroedinger.bsky.social
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Trump is apparently trash talking Harris in private, which is a pretty obvious tell he's worried about running against her.

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Kaphka's avatar Kaphka @kaphka.bsky.social
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Same here, but a lot of it depends on Biden's actual condition, which we don't know. The people running his campaign should know. If he's declining rapidly, or if the debate truly was an aberration and he's fine now, that would make the decision simpler.

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Nathan L Smith's avatar Nathan L Smith @nlsmith.com
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Kamala Harris

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David in Spanish (Dahveed)'s avatar David in Spanish (Dahveed) @davitivan.bsky.social
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It is too late. It is Biden and we are going to weekend at Bernie it

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Brianna Chesser's avatar Brianna Chesser @chessercat.bsky.social
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No one else can raise money or get on the ballot in all 50 states. There ya go. This is also Republicans pushing GOP talking points. Don’t fall for it.

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Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness 's avatar Sarah Parcak, Book Writing Madness @indyfromspace.bsky.social
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For this refreshing honesty, I am now following you. Thank you Radley.

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Marley Jay, a Werewolf of Wall Street's avatar Marley Jay, a Werewolf of Wall Street @marleywrites.bsky.social
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Damn it, man, this is no time for nuanced opinions that acknowledge the complexity of the situation. The only thing that will save our democracy is Takes! Piping Hot Takes!

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Marisa's avatar Marisa @marisamiller.bsky.social
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Then stick w the fundamentals. Good presidency, incumbency advantage, good economy better than rest of world, gas prices dropping, Cabinet largely scandal and corruption free, very good admin, several major leg wins (IRA, Infrastructure, drug prices seniors), pro women/LGBTQ Together these win.

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's avatar @dvdtrow.bsky.social
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Honestly, i feel like what you just said is an opinion that should be very loudly, clearly, and repeatedly shared. "THIS IS COMPLICATED! NONE OF US HAVE ALL THE FACTS! I HAVE NOTHING RELIABLE TO ADD!" i know this won't work, but good lord it's what we all need to hear right now

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KC Momkin's avatar KC Momkin @kc-momkin.bsky.social
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My parents have a estate plan with health care directives and power of attorney forms. Would it be comforting to spell out the political version of this for Biden/Harris? Nothing is ever certain...Paul Wellstone, Scalia, RBG, Kennedy, Lincoln....the fact that he is old isn't the only concern.

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Two all the way, a coffee milk, and a Del's's avatar Two all the way, a coffee milk, and a Del's @ri.oldfolkshome.org
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Yep. My only opinion is to hell with what any politician or their fans wants and to hell with any thoughts of it being anyone’s “turn”. The only thing I want is the candidate with the best chance of beating Trump, screw anyone’s feelings. But I have zero idea who that candidate would be. 1/

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KenGoldsholl's avatar KenGoldsholl @kgsbca.bsky.social
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Joe Paulson's avatar Joe Paulson @joepaulson2.bsky.social
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Stick with Biden, who before & after the debate showed he could be a good president, and not let an hour dictate our democracy. Doesn't seem like a "bad" option to me. This "shrugs" sentiment furthers the lie that the debate meant more than it did. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Al 's avatar Al @notheworddash.bsky.social
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The idea that’s growing on me (which means it must be really, really bad) is that Biden should formulate and announce a plan using his new powers to sideline the EC and certify the next Presidential election based on the popular vote. Demonstrate how much power Roberts just gave the president

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Brandon Snavely's avatar Brandon Snavely @bksnav.bsky.social
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I like Biden but I feel bad for him because the election will be razor-close and his incoherent “senile-appearing” TV debate is something that can’t be unseen. Even if he only lost 1-2% of his potential voters due to the debate, those voters are gone. Razor thin = a point or two means everything.

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☭ Mephistopheles ☭ (Pr0nouns:0pen)'s avatar ☭ Mephistopheles ☭ (Pr0nouns:0pen) @habaner0.bsky.social
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Pardon me. How is it enormously consequential? Neoliberalism and its ravaging effects aren’t going to be tossed by either candidate. You could replace Biden with a bowling shoe and get better outcomes though. Just a thought.

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Lois M.'s avatar Lois M. @ov099.bsky.social
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Not to mention, forgetting the two specific men running for president right now, no party had any rules/guidelines/etc in place just in case something happened to their nominee, of which they can fall back on. I mean, even if the nominee was 35, they could get hit by a bus, and then what?

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's avatar @darkwebmallcop.bsky.social
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Look “Reagan is senile” was a running joke on SNL and look how that turned out for President Mondale. And I’m pretty sure Reagan didn’t even try to have SNL quit making fun of him like a certain thin orange skinned man did

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jody's avatar jody @jodyshenn.bsky.social
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I came up with #fliptheticket Always something to figure out eventually

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Jacob T. Levy's avatar Jacob T. Levy @jacobtlevy.bsky.social
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Steve Zorowitz's avatar Steve Zorowitz @stevezorowitz.bsky.social
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I had an opinion, but I changed it 3 times already since yesterday morning.

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Real American Hombre's avatar Real American Hombre @realamericanhombre.bsky.social
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There is one option that is MORE bad than others: Turning it into a backroom free-for-all where donors and party-dudes and >retch< PUNDITS maneuver their favorite candidate into being the replacement nominee. F that.

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Cindy 's avatar Cindy @samuraicindy.bsky.social
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So let me tell you how to think.....

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DreamsOfGerontius's avatar DreamsOfGerontius @dreamsofgerontius.bsky.social
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We're voting today, seeking to unseat a cruel and malignant conservative party. The main thing that has dismayed me is the complete failure of the opposition to counter the prevailing narrative of "they're all as bad as each other". That's what the anti-fascists around the world need to be doing

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