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lowtax speedrun enjoyer's avatar lowtax speedrun enjoyer
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jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava

103 replies 612 reposts 2445 likes

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hilzoy's avatar hilzoy
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Bear in mind that Brett Kavanaugh BROUGHT HIS PARENTS to watch the decision being handed down.

12 replies 26 reposts 226 likes

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Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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A big part of the problem for the Christian right leaders is that they've spent so much time praising Trump as the best president ever that it's very hard for them to get the base to switch gears. They'd really have to show that he's engaging in a serious reversal/bait and switch on abortion. 11/x

1 replies 4 reposts 24 likes

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suzette sommer's avatar suzette sommer
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"Note that no one is demanding Trump step down due to his making a mockery of the 'debate' with his lying or because of the disgrace he brings to America’s global reputation by being a convicted felon & having staged an insurrection. Instead, it’s Biden who is supposed to step down." Ruth Ben-Ghiat

2 replies 8 reposts 24 likes

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emptywheel's avatar emptywheel
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It's a choice to publish this ... on July 4.

10 replies 27 reposts 218 likes

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Brendan Nyhan's avatar Brendan Nyhan
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Category error watch. People keep assuming legal proceduralism will apply in an authoritarian state.

29 replies 117 reposts 659 likes

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DJW's avatar DJW
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I don't feel desperate, I feel betrayed. Pretty sure fellow vets feel the same, especially those of us with "fight for democracy" as the reason we were sent to war to begin with. Knowing my friends and fellow troops died for this anti-American BS pisses me off.

2 replies 14 reposts 79 likes

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DJW's avatar DJW
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Oh, and all the thousands of civilians we bombed and for what? Too many innocent people are paying the price for a few privileged individuals to live in comfort. Make them uncomfortable, people.

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.

48 replies 700 reposts 2858 likes

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Michael Feola's avatar Michael Feola
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One thing to know about today's SCOTUS ruling is just how closely it tracks the radical dreams of the new/far right. For decades, they've argued the now-familiar laments about the "deep" state. Argued that the "managerial" or "administrative" state subverts the "will of the (true) people". 🧵

1 replies 7 reposts 20 likes

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I came here to see what your take was. I was afraid of that.

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Tom Nichols's avatar Tom Nichols
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The Court has saved Trump, kneecapped Smith, and set up the conditions for an elective monarchy.

22 replies 49 reposts 217 likes

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Ditto - Biden doesn't have dementia, if he did he couldn't function like he does. He's slower yes, and people his age get tired more so than when they were young. Biden at half the capacity he has now would still be 1000x better than a Trump administration.

1 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

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Ed Burmila's avatar Ed Burmila
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Playing high school football for a coach who believed in “toughness” more than hydration, I collapsed on a 95 degree day of Doubles and was in the hospital for 3 days. I remember almost none of it. A plastic helmet and shoulder pads are, in this heat, like being in a portable oven.

15 replies 33 reposts 201 likes

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Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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Just as the Devil can quote Scripture, any modern political argument can find a foothold in "the Founders" because they were a diverse group whose members often took contradictory stances. Odds are good one of them provides support for your contemporary position ... and several more refute it.

13 replies 38 reposts 238 likes

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Iron Spike's avatar Iron Spike
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For folks not familiar with Dr. Walker: -Only woman recipient of the Medal of Honor -Dressed as illustrated below in a time when that shit got you arrested -Lifelong abolitionist, frontline war surgeon, Civil War P.O.W. -Paid her own way through med school on a teacher's salary (lol can u imagine)

17 replies 394 reposts 1243 likes

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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one of my deep seated beliefs is that elephants are one of the other high level intelligences on this planet and that if there is a judgment day humanity will be held to account for our crimes against them

135 replies 616 reposts 3519 likes

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Jacob T. Levy's avatar Jacob T. Levy
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Campaign ad that includes the correct precise numbers. Scrolling text: 60 courts rejected Donald Trump's claims that the 2020 election was stolen. 900 people convicted or pled guilty to January 6 crimes. 10 Trump lawyers disbarred or facing disciplinary or criminal charges. 1/

4 replies 128 reposts 339 likes

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Brian Beutler's avatar Brian Beutler
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Recent reporting suggests Biden world understands that his abysmal approval is rooted in a rotten info environment more than material reality. That’s the good news. The bad news is they’ve developed a defeatist mentality, instead of trying more things.

3 replies 15 reposts 64 likes

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Andy Richter's avatar Andy Richter
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BREAKING: in a devastating blow to both-sides-ism, the judge and jury in the Hunter Biden trial remain unthreatened

24 replies 311 reposts 1515 likes

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NPR's avatar NPR
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Plastic has become embedded in everyday life. That’s because for the last 70 years, the plastics industry convinced consumers to embrace the material for its low cost and disposability.

21 replies 116 reposts 344 likes

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And convenience. My pet peeve right now is why are they putting plastic in things like Tissue boxes and business envelopes? It's unnecessary and must produce tons of plastic pollution. I'll pay a few cents more if that's what it takes. Do better US.

0 replies 0 reposts 8 likes

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The media would, but that's not why Biden won't pardon his son. He won't pardon him because it's the right thing to do. Biden believes in the law. Even if his son was railroaded for something a million people have done. With the GOP cruelty is the point.

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Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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Finally read this. The context for the slur makes it entirely believable. But the rest is just as awful. NBC knowingly resurrected a washed up, racist, misogynist, parasitic con man, and presented him to the country as a brilliant, cutting-edge businessman. It felt dirty just reading it.

26 replies 271 reposts 961 likes

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You read. He is in charge of Netenyahu and Hamas?
"The House voted on Thursday to pass a GOP-led bill to compel the delivery of defensive weapons to Israel as Republicans ramp up pressure on President Joe Biden"

What, Biden is a dictator??!! You want to live in fascism?

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

's avatar
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Alright. Tell us please, how Biden is all powerful enough to stop a middle east war. Please. (Also how 2.5%, horrific yes, perpetrated as much by Hamas as Netenyahu, is the genocide of 2M)

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

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Please refer to as Convicted Felon Trump, never President. Thank you.

1 replies 0 reposts 5 likes

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Oh shut up. They are NOT the same. Take your, ah, 'Bathosphere' and go home. (Is it Russia? It's Russia isn't it? Iran? China? Your little group of obscure gamers living in fantasy land?)

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

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ryan cooper's avatar ryan cooper
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open question whether it’s Hamas or Netanyahu who cares less about Gazan lives. they’re barely even fighting back against the IDF, so much for glorious martyrdom

4 replies 1 reposts 39 likes

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Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy's avatar Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy
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The claim that political gerrymandering is non-justiciable is risible and the most overtly political thing the Supreme Court has done, in an era of hilariously partisan rulings. There is simply no "good faith" to be found in an enterprise so focused on partisan advantage and subjugation.

17 replies 132 reposts 405 likes

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Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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Trump pledges to make America "great" again by making it early 20th century Germany, and that he is the Hitler-esque figure who will make the racist phoenix rise from the ashes of a supposed humiliation of America by the "globalists." It's not subtle or inscrutable.

2 replies 20 reposts 82 likes

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Pet issue isn't anyof those. It's "Am I Autonomous?" or am I going to stand for being told how to take care of my life and body by a bunch misogynistic old white politicians?

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Marisa Kabas's avatar Marisa Kabas
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If you read one thing I’ve written, I hope you’ll make it this one.

4 replies 30 reposts 134 likes

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Micah's avatar Micah
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precisely Gaza is both a moral abomination *and* a massive drag on Biden politically, in a time when the consequences of him blowing the election could not be higher doing the right thing here is both correct and the smart play, and he and his team should have figured that out months ago

19 replies 201 reposts 788 likes

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ryan cooper's avatar ryan cooper
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the fact that we saw the largest vaccine rollout in history, like 10 billion doses administered, there were almost no serious side effects, and the result was a large increase in anti-vaccine paranoia is proof of the power of propaganda

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Yes. They just started camping and didn't talk at all far as I can see.

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Dave Weigel's avatar Dave Weigel
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Backstory about Bidenworld resenting how NYT didn't take him seriously in 2019 is very interesting. That sentiment (our guy is being screwed over) was shared by the Sanders campaign, which was so frustrated with how it was covered vs how Warren was covered that it pushed NYT to reassign reporters.

6 replies 13 reposts 81 likes

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Pretty sure dancing in the streets when Trump goes down will be very healing. (CNN: craven, much?)

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Four Years Ago Today's avatar Four Years Ago Today
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April 20, 2020 The virus has now killed more than 40,000 people in the US, nearly a quarter of all global deaths from Covid-19. New York, the current epicenter of the outbreak, is recording over 500 deaths a day.

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Kevin Elliott's avatar Kevin Elliott
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Unfortunately, this baldly misstates the facts. He wasn't trying to "cover up a sex scandal" he was trying to deprive voters of basic information about his character before the election

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