Lynn Sacco's avatar

Lynn Sacco

48 followers 84 following 113 posts

Retired historian, Chicagoan, lived long enough to get out of Tennessee alive. Straight me - do not bother.

Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Larry Glickman's avatar Larry Glickman
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The increasingly brazen endorsement of political violence by the GOP is a tremendously dangerous development that warrants high-profile media coverage.

6 replies 58 reposts 156 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Seth Trueger's avatar Seth Trueger
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incidentally I am an emergency physician and I use a walker

38 replies 219 reposts 1325 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

John Bull's avatar John Bull
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Renaissance art.

12 replies 66 reposts 198 likes

Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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They've been doing it since Reagan. People like Falwell blaring on camera while Catholics like Paul Weyrich started Heritage. Abortion was a Catholic issue and post Vatican 2 backlash Catholics found common cause with reactionary Protestants. Their relationships are instrumental, not inclusive....

1 replies 1 reposts 8 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Last spring the Heritage Foundation sponsored a Leadership Summit by the "Bull Moose Project." Here's the leader of that project talking about his racist and homophobic, "blood and soil" version of what America should be about.

8 replies 32 reposts 70 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Joanne Freeman's avatar Joanne Freeman
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That is an open threat. Terrorism as politics.

10 replies 44 reposts 170 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Karen L. Cox 📚🏳️‍🌈's avatar Karen L. Cox 📚🏳️‍🌈
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When the League of the South was formed in 1994 they sought a "godly" nation run by white men. Here I discuss how the Lost Cause is used by political conservatives who use it to help them achieve white male patriarchy including power over women, minorities, etc.

1 replies 4 reposts 13 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Kevin Gannon 's avatar Kevin Gannon
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Today's must-read. Everything has a history, including yesterday's judicial coup on behalf of the executive, now possessing legal immunities that would be the envy of an absolute monarch.

10 replies 64 reposts 179 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Mike Fragassi's avatar Mike Fragassi
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Honestly, if he does not lay out some specific plans that can be pursued (besides simply waiting for them to retire or die), I'm going to be pretty pissed off

2 replies 4 reposts 17 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter 's avatar The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter
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a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won

54 replies 954 reposts 3186 likes

Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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Thinking that I've seen more chance spottings of that StupidElonTruck than I have sightings of Clarence and Ginni's little RV pulling in at a Wal-Mart for the night. How can that be?

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Cooper Lund's avatar Cooper Lund
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You heard it from NPR - this election is now a referendum on if Donald Trump can do crimes or not. Time to hammer that home to the American people!

5 replies 86 reposts 239 likes

Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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One of my Chicago relatives took a trip to see Tennessee. First thing she texted, in shock, were the Trump Stores surrounding Dollywood. I warned her.....

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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Trump "re-truthed" this meme yesterday. But look, whatever you do, don't call it fascism.

12 replies 111 reposts 442 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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At the Portland Timbers match last night the Star Spangled Banner was sung by a local drag queen. You know what the audience did? They cheered like crazy because it was a killer rendition of the song. Anyway, happy last day of Pride month.

5 replies 32 reposts 267 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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Friendly reminder that Ronald Reagan was called senile so often it became a running gag on SNL and the late night shows. He then won 49 of 50 states in the 1984 election.

112 replies 226 reposts 1132 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Tom Scocca's avatar Tom Scocca
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The crux of this is that these people feel sincerely entitled to a president who fits their personal preferences, rather than just trying to get the least fucked-up and harmful option in a busted system where bad interests have lots of power

15 replies 62 reposts 426 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Jerry Boyle's avatar Jerry Boyle
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Immigrants are a blessing, bring us so much. But our government scorns them to promote bigotry for perceived political advantage.

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Seth Rockman's avatar Seth Rockman
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Amazing. If you are a potential reviewer (or know someone who might want to be, or an outlet that might be interested), please be in touch with me or University of Chicago Press for a galley.

6 replies 48 reposts 131 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Adam Bonin's avatar Adam Bonin
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"There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."

2 replies 44 reposts 190 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Mezentine's avatar Mezentine
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It's an almost comic spectacle any time Jamelle Bouie gets thrown into a conversation with his colleagues and effortlessly reveals through basic argumentation that they're all intellectually vacuous hacks

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Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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Right. We assume the passage of time means progress. But change comes from people's interactions (including disengagement). The idea that a few marches or a politician who seems like a messiah will magically make permanent change is untethered from reality. It's lazy, not independent, thinking.

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

David Noll 's avatar David Noll
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Thank you for your service, Mr. Bannon, but we have the deconstruction of the administrative state covered from here.

14 replies 85 reposts 441 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Krankenbruder's avatar Krankenbruder
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The Blago endorsement should feature in attack ads: "When corruption is your only principle."

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Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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Sorry, I'm missing your point. Lots of GOP like Kinzinger are with the Dems encouraging former T voters to vote for Biden. It's about making Biden look like a plausible and appealing candidate to them. Just like he campaigns an angle for all kinds of groups. You have to meet people where they are.

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Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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Yes he did and that's exactly the point. No one is fetishizing him but if you were paying attention you recall his position after 1/6 - no one is praising him as a great guy, for christ's sake, only using him as example that GOPs don't have to be slavish dimwit followers.

2 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Daniel Gilmore's avatar Daniel Gilmore
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A good, if enraging, thread. For the four years of his presidency, news media discussed Trumps behavior as president thru the frame of “we should give him a break, its not like he’s ever been president before” even right up thru 2020. They have shown that they are determined to keep that frame going

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Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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I guess there are only so many ways you can make a dump truck feel ostentatious.

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Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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Injustice never affects 'only others.' Accepting that some people can be treated like crap perverts your own humanity and frays social ties and the social contract. Once you start lopping off who 'we' includes, you are already maimed and deformed your field of view.

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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OMG the Tribune didn't know that Bobby Breen was a soprano-belting child star of the 1930s!

NY Times critic Nugent found Breen's singing, manner, and footwork so perfect 'in a moppet' as to be 'marveled at, and then hissed."

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Larry Glickman's avatar Larry Glickman
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The Baltimore Sun on some of the eminent historians—including John Hope Franklin, C. Vann Woodward, Richard Hofstadter, and Martin Duberman—who took part in the Selma to Montgomery civil rights protest in March, 1965.

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Joseph Howley's avatar Joseph Howley
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I’m hearing a lot of “college kids today don’t know how to disagree because they are always in their little phone bubble” but it is by and large not the students who are calling up university presidents and demanding that speech they don’t like be banned.

7 replies 104 reposts 509 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis's avatar Avishay Ben-Sasson-Gordis
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I think I speak for all the Jews when I say “leave us out of it”

20 replies 40 reposts 253 likes

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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City politicians were more accountable to the little people during the patronage heyday. It was better to live here then, for those who played, which is a really sad comment. Now aldermen only pick up the phone for developers and their friends with empty buildings eager to 'rent' to migrants.

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Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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Only suburbanites and people who think having Burke level access means they're important think it's cute. What type of grown man needs to wear a badge like a 5 year old? Who looks to that sad suit and thinks, What a man! Other losers and takers. No wonder the council is filled with bottom feeders.

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Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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He and his wife, two shameless pigs.

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Lynn Sacco's avatar Lynn Sacco
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It's sickening. So many people feeling sorry for this POS who screwed us all, compromised how many of the little people in his way.

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Reposted by Lynn Sacco

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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All murders are terrible and should be condemned. But the political **meanings** we make out of those murders are another matter altogether. Let's not forget how Trump and his media enablers tried to politicize the murder of Mollie Tibbets against her family's will.

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