Wolf MacLeod 's avatar

Wolf MacLeod


77 followers 114 following 112 posts

Hi. Older male that just turned 50. Long time fan if furry stuff, also theme park stuff. I am bad at these intros. Anyway hi! Oh and I am the potato in my profile picture, not Jenny O'hare

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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I know this is something me and one of my best friends have very serious arguments about. The big furry cons are no longer the tiny conventions that can handle registration with two laser jet printers. Oh, and for those that forgot, registration took ages back then as well!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Hot take time. Based on #Anthrocon going over 17k paid attendees this past weekend and #mff2024 probably hitting 20k this year, it's time for the big furry cons to start figuring out a better way to do registration.

I know #fwa24 knocked it out of the park with the reg lines!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Hate making group plans when I've had so many "friends" secretly tell mutual friends how they want nothing to do with me. The question then becomes, do I invite them honestly and be non-surprised at the plan to wash their hair months down the road? I hate second-guessing social stuff.

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

The Midnight Society's avatar The Midnight Society @midnightpals.bsky.social
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[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: how goesss the election? Rowling: did we win? Posie Parker: good news! Parker: if words meant the opposite of what they do, then yes we won! Rowling: excellent, excellent, that'ss great Rowling: wait a ssec

2 replies 34 reposts 191 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Dreamer Hyena's avatar Dreamer Hyena @dreamerhyena.bsky.social
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Going to make a reminder because I need it sometimes too. See someone being an asshole? Making an argument in bad faith? Don't Engage! Block and Move on! Especially with elections coming up, we don't need this place turning into twitter flame wars or main character of the day.

5 replies 14 reposts 49 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

ΛTLΛS's avatar ΛTLΛS @atlasbun.bsky.social
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Dear furry fandom, Please learn the difference between "this is an awful person who needs to be cancelled" and made a pariah and "I just personally had a bad interaction with them but your mileage may vary."

17 replies 137 reposts 440 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Will Quinn's avatar Will Quinn @willquinnart.bsky.social
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Daily bunny no.2541 is a bun of few words

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Congrats on ten years with someone you love that loves you back! May you have many more to come!

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Sardonicus  's avatar Sardonicus @sardonicus.eu
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Sent to me by a friend.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Id4 is very much a fun turn your brain off movie. Passed on the sequel because I've heard it's bad but I do like that movie!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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And for those curious, I voted for Warren. Would have been happy with Bernie. Specifically hated Bloomberg (wrong party), Gabbard (wrong party), Steyer (rich guy buying election).

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Also, I've tried to vote in primaries since my time in Houston, when we actually got to see some of the candidates outside the building where voting was occurring. And oh yeah i remember Biden LOSING the first couple primaries and I was happy as he wasn't one of my top picks.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Will try to minimize political posts because sanity.

Having said that, one person I follow complains about how centrists keep getting on ballots.


It's 2 years old but if numbers accurate, 27% turnout in primaries. Go vote in primaries.

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Magpiebones's avatar Magpiebones @magpiebones.bsky.social
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If it isnt clear cut yet why you have to vote in November to keep Trump out of office again, I cant help you. Its the courts. Its always been the courts. The GOP -cannot- be allowed back in office.

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

The Onion's avatar The Onion @theonion.com
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"While there’s a strong historical precedent for a lavish excursion to Bali, the plaintiff has instead taken a more unorthodox approach and presented an all-expenses-paid diving trip off the shores of Aruba."

7 replies 357 reposts 1438 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Mike Dawson's avatar Mike Dawson @mikedawson.bsky.social
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The galaxy falling back under the thrall of the Empire used to feel like the weakest aspect of the Disney sequels but now they feel like the most realistic. It wouldn’t even have taken 30 years, give it just 4 and the Star Wars news-anchors would be asking, how can Palpatine win the debate this week

22 replies 125 reposts 834 likes

Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Back in the late 90s/early 2000s fandom, wasn't that a standard thing? I know a friend of mine made the joke of "I'm leaving furry! Back in five minutes! "

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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I still remember the weirdness of furry back then towards Keller and specifically the view that, oh he hates us and makes fun of us at every turn but he is OUR celebrity so, free pass! Coming into furry in 98, I think he was the first fur I knew of that got such a free pass.

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Mary Gillis's avatar Mary Gillis @marygillis.bsky.social
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The best way to understand boomer psychology is participation trophies. Boomers insisted their kids all get trophies. None of them wanted upset, loser kids. Then when millennials were adults, boomers used the participation trophies THEY GAVE US as proof we were soft & entitled as a generation.

17 replies 48 reposts 272 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Col. Boozy Badger's avatar Col. Boozy Badger @boozybadger.bsky.social
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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Not in my district but please get rid of miss Jewish Space Lasers.

1 replies 1 reposts 6 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Mike Boylan-Kolchin's avatar Mike Boylan-Kolchin @mbkplus.bsky.social
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“Do not use your phone to answer phone calls” is not advice as much as it’s a condemnation of regulatory inaction that has led a vital means of communication to ruin.

27 replies 469 reposts 1410 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

kilgore trout's avatar kilgore trout @kilgoretrout.bsky.social
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I am once again asking you to consider that an entire information ecosystem established as the primary form of communication over a hundred years and allegedly regulated by the federal government was destroyed by scammers virtually overnight and we just don’t, like, ever talk about it

105 replies 1356 reposts 3957 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

thomas the wank engine's avatar thomas the wank engine @nickywoolf.bsky.social
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The last episode of my investigative podcast Fur and Loathing just dropped - it's the end of a ten year journey, and I'm pretty proud of it. Binge it today! I promise you won't regret it much. podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/f...

3 replies 11 reposts 15 likes

Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Themperor Kennedée🐸🏳️‍🌈's avatar Themperor Kennedée🐸🏳️‍🌈 @kennedytcooper.bsky.social
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"Expand public transit and make it free? And who's gonna pay for that?" Me you fucking goofy bastard. I pay taxes. give me healthcare instead of buying another 700,000 tear gas canisters for the police to spray on my friends.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Just came in to say I remembered ABK did a joke on that very thing.


Would be nice to have time travel and correct mistakes I made, but yeah, not happening.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Just to give context on my last post, someone added me, looked at their page and the wording of their posts looked very familiar.


Looked it up and yup, it's a possible scam.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Just got my first legit spam/phishing account following me. Congrats Bluesky! You will become just like twitter in no time!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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This episode was chilling and crazy. Well worth a listen! To be fair the entire season I recommend and bot just because oh hey, I was there that year and sat in the cold convention center for hours that night!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Ugh. That was bad. I knew it would be style over substance but so many borrowed tropes from better movies. It did look good though. I'll be generous, 5 out of 10. I've seen much better.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Heroes return to the village, and the movie is over. Droid now has antlers because, sure, why not. But wait evil guy that died needs to have his D. Vader moment because Zac REALLY wanted to do Star Wars. But first more exposition because F my life. And end part one!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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And down goes evil guy, who now has superhuman strength and pain resistance because sure why not! Yay, the heroes won! "This is the beginning of Something!" I snerk. And oh hey, we traded co-leader of the super merc group for ummm... someone? I didn't even catch her character name!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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And now another fight scene. And goodbye traitor guy, goodbye rebel leader guy I think? Nice homage to 300 with his death that is. And now it's time for Bad McBadington and his pimp stick vs protagonist woman! And who knew pimp sticks had cutting abilities against rope!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Oh no Lando Kai, curse your out of the blue betrayal. But first an overly long betrayal speech! Speaking of overly long, since Zac knows our attention span is non existent, he recalls all the backgrounds of the seven samurai equivalents. Every exposition is overly long, as if paid by the word.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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And now we have the Obi-Wan particles, except this is Zac Snyder so insert lots of bonus PTSD! Oh no the cgi character I barely paid attention to was punished. But first a stupidly long villain speech. I feel tired watching this movie. Now another stopover in whereverland but wait, betrayal??

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Oh hey it's time for more exposition. I swear we could knock off about 30 to 40 minutes if an editor had cleaned this up. In any case plot slows to a stop. I feel like the people Ted Striker is giving exposition to in Airplane. And now welcome to Gladiator World. Even the roommate went "Really?"

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Shockingly it's an hour in. I half expected to find we're only 20 minutes. And I have no idea why protagonist woman brought useless farmer middle manager that got town leader murdered. Now to further go seven samurai, we now have robot samurai woman. Sure why not.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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And oh hey it's been ten minutes, time for another slo mo fight scene but oh hey it's our great value Han Solo. And next scene, Asylum level Jason Momoa is a slave. It's gonna be expensive and tough to get him in the group. Actually it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience! My head hurts.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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The pacing so far seems very stop start. In between the wtf fight earlier, the pace moves at a glacial pace with omg so much exposition. And now we have the cantina, but it's grimdark cantina, complete with sexual harassment and random burlesque performers.

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Commented to the roommate I saw the opening plot done cheaper and better when it was done by Roger Corman and called Battle Beyond the Stars. First fight scene, yup, lots of unnecessary slo-mo, it's a Z. Snyder film. Best part is Zack wants it gritty, but no blood during the violent fight!

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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My netflix loving roommate finally got worn down by me talking about it. It's Rebel Moon time! Time to share my thoughts because I'm not suffering this alone. The bad guys are so stereotypically bad, I'm surprised they don't all have top hats and twirly mustaches.

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

Jen Sorensen's avatar Jen Sorensen @jensorensen.bsky.social
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This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

The Midnight Society's avatar The Midnight Society @midnightpals.bsky.social
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JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i'd like you all to know about my new book King: you wrote another harry potter book? awesome! Rowling: no itsss not a harry potter book Barker: oh jesus not another cormorant shrike Rowling: ITS CORMORAN SSTRIKE Rowling: AND NO

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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Holy crap. Not a good look by the convention chair of one of the biggest furry cons. But then again Doc Conway is in the dictionary next to not good looks. (Association with certain gryphon, paying for folks to remodel house, etc etc).

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Wolf MacLeod 's avatar Wolf MacLeod @wolfmacleod.bsky.social
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I have felt that way more and more since hitting 50 last year. Wish I had wisdom to share to you.

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Reposted by Wolf MacLeod

ian.fenrisgames's avatar ian.fenrisgames @fenrisgames.com
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Apropos of *nothing*: Mark Sexton, one of the concept artists on Fury Road, takes on the vehicles and characters from Wacky races. Very much in the vein of what I'm slowwwly aiming for in 28mm.

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