elypaul.bsky.social's avatar



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Plague Poems's avatar Plague Poems @plaguepoems.bsky.social
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The good people know the pandemic is over, they tested, masked, stayed in if ill for they are good people, but that was long ago they no longer do those things if it weren’t over good people might be expected to do something so the pandemic must be over for they are good people.

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's avatar @elypaul.bsky.social
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Gotta say- I'm impressed at how many people can ignore, deny, or be blissfully unaware of multiple existential crises. I suppose in the short term, the former two serve as coping mechanisms, but ultimately, they are horribly maladaptive responses

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Dr. Lucky Tran's avatar Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran.bsky.social
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From the food we eat to the air we breathe, federal regulations are needed to save lives. The SCOTUS Chevron decision that allows courts to overrule experts at agencies, shows that ultimately governments care more about industry profits than our health.

0 replies 26 reposts 78 likes

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Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings @pwnallthethings.bsky.social
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This is pretty explicit articulation of what a Trump victory means for UA. Essentially the US will condition support to UA on "peace talks" at current lines. That'll be super easy for R to game out, with the tl;dr being if UA does not surrender, it will be abandoned. www.reuters.com/world/us/tru...

10 replies 176 reposts 385 likes

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Pwnallthethings's avatar Pwnallthethings @pwnallthethings.bsky.social
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Annoys me that folks accept the framing that this is about "peace talks". It's not. It's about surrender terms.

10 replies 46 reposts 321 likes

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@DrJoePajak 's avatar @DrJoePajak @drjoepajak.bsky.social
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'New Zealand's 6th wave of COVID-19 cases is largely being driven by people's complacency about the virus - the last 3 waves have been getting bigger.'
💯'COVID-19 doesn’t need winter, it basically causes waves any time'. Prof Michael Baker.' @otago

3 replies 30 reposts 73 likes

's avatar @elypaul.bsky.social
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Good riddance to it. What a disservice that man and his media empire have done to humanity- both through targeted harassment and filling the minds of his followers with hatred, misinformation, and conspiracies.

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Alyssa Harad's avatar Alyssa Harad @alyssaharad.bsky.social
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Maybe the progressive left will finally get on board with this issue now? Maybe? Please?

5 replies 50 reposts 111 likes

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Katiesaurus 's avatar Katiesaurus @katiesaurus.bsky.social
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"Tufekci has done our professions a great disservice. And, sadly, she was enabled by The New York Times opinion desk editors. What has this 'paper of record' now become? Does it value online clicks over accuracy?...Does the Times truly seek to energize the anti-science agenda"

1 replies 15 reposts 24 likes

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Reposted by elypaul.bsky.social

Taylor Lorenz's avatar Taylor Lorenz @taylorlorenz.bsky.social
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“COVID isn’t a respiratory illness; it’s a multi-dimensional threat impacting brain function, attacking almost all of the body’s organs, producing elevated risks of all kinds, weakening our ability to fight off other diseases. Reinfections are produce cumulative risks, and Long COVID is on the rise”

2 replies 110 reposts 230 likes

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Joe Vipond's avatar Joe Vipond @jvipondmd.bsky.social
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"And that, she says, is what most people fail to understand about long COVID: how serious it is, how much is at stake — how fast a healthy girl with boundless energy and big dreams can lose it all."


1 replies 33 reposts 58 likes

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wagoner's avatar wagoner @wagoner.bsky.social
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It's chilling to have gone from "we're all in this together" to "you're on your own" to "you aren't allowed to protect yourself"

1 replies 20 reposts 71 likes

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Marisa Kabas's avatar Marisa Kabas @marisakabas.bsky.social
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legalizing sports betting was such a profound societal failure.

60 replies 312 reposts 1244 likes

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Marc Elias's avatar Marc Elias @marcelias.bsky.social
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Having been convicted of crimes related to the 2016 election and indicted for trying to overturn the 2020 election, Donald Trump is now plotting his next crime in 2024.

I hope you take a few minutes to read what I wrote and to share it with others.

1 replies 28 reposts 107 likes

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Dr. Lucky Tran's avatar Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran.bsky.social
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It’s unethical that COVID is frequently left out of conversations about public transport accessibility. Many disabled and higher risk people haven’t been able to access public transport for years due to the lack of masks and clean air. This is a huge equity issue.

14 replies 193 reposts 660 likes

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Nate's avatar Nate @natedub.bsky.social
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“I don’t find it inspiring to laud 75,000+ preventable deaths in a single year as a victory. I also don’t find it doomerism to demand better…I find it doomerism to accept notably worsened health outcomes and higher levels of illness than we had just a few years ago…” - @juliadoubleday.bsky.social

1 replies 29 reposts 52 likes

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Dr. Lucky Tran's avatar Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran.bsky.social
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We are living in an age of denial. Denial of a genocide. Denial of an ongoing pandemic. Denial of a climate crisis. Acknowledging reality is an act of rebellion.

11 replies 196 reposts 479 likes

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Joe Vipond's avatar Joe Vipond @jvipondmd.bsky.social
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« The accelerated increase in heart failure mortality rates during 2020 and 2021 suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic might have contributed to current trends. » jamanetwork.com/journals/jam....

0 replies 17 reposts 38 likes

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Nick Sawyer, MD, MBA, FACEP's avatar Nick Sawyer, MD, MBA, FACEP @nicksawyermd.com
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In response to the dangerous and discredited “herd immunity via mass infection strategy” over 6,900 caring scientists, researchers & healthcare professionals signed the John Snow Memorandum, which explains the impracticality of the “let ‘er rip” strategy pushed by the Trump WH. @dfisman.bsky.social

0 replies 4 reposts 11 likes

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Jonathan Howard's avatar Jonathan Howard @joho.bsky.social
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One of the oddest parts of the pandemic was having doctors who teamed up with child labor advocates lecture me about the value of education.

It’s almost as if kids learning in classrooms wasn’t their real goal.

My latest. sciencebasedmedicine.org/pro-infectio...

2 replies 18 reposts 46 likes

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Katiesaurus 's avatar Katiesaurus @katiesaurus.bsky.social
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"Democrats continue to stand behind their failed 'vaccine-only' strategy (now, without vaccines!) because of the political impossibility of attempting to pivot..."

1 replies 5 reposts 17 likes

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Dr. Lucky Tran's avatar Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran.bsky.social
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"So this bill will protect the Ku Klux Klan to wear masks in public, but someone who's immunocompromised like myself cannot wear a mask?" — North Carolina Senator Sydney Batch, who is a cancer survivor Unbelievable.

17 replies 231 reposts 578 likes

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ProPublica's avatar ProPublica @propublica.bsky.social
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New: The oil and gas industry has reaped profits without ensuring there will be money to plug and clean up their wells. In Oklahoma, that work could cost more than $7 billion if it falls to the state. www.propublica.org/article/okla...

8 replies 76 reposts 152 likes

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The Vertlartnic's avatar The Vertlartnic @thev.bsky.social
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“Why Is Everyone Sick After We Forced Everyone To Get Sick?” Says Man Who Runs Whole Country

5 replies 185 reposts 555 likes

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<>'s avatar <> @chatbotte.bsky.social
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WHO takes four years during which millions died and got maimed to spell out what all sane people would understand to be the definition 'airborne'. I'm starting to run out of words I'd like to write down to describe these creatures

1 replies 6 reposts 22 likes

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Zack Labe's avatar Zack Labe @zlabe.bsky.social
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Looking at the record warm month of March 2024:

🟥 warmer than average
🟦 colder than average

The average March global air temperature was +1.39°C above the 1951-1980 climate baseline, as shown on the map (this is +1.66°C above the 1880-1920 baseline). See code: data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/sour...

1 replies 41 reposts 48 likes

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David Fisman.  The other guy is a turnip.'s avatar David Fisman. The other guy is a turnip. @dfisman.bsky.social
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Positive feedback loops are a bitch, fam

2 replies 7 reposts 35 likes

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chadzia dax 🖖🏻 😷 🔞's avatar chadzia dax 🖖🏻 😷 🔞 @m00psy.bsky.social
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“In the past, climate change deniers accused scientists of exaggerating the threat of global warming. However, the evidence that is now emerging…makes it very clear that scientists did not exaggerate. Indeed, they very probably underrated by a considerable degree the threat that now faces humanity.”

0 replies 7 reposts 6 likes

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's avatar @elypaul.bsky.social
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Based upon the pandemic response, "if everyone does their part," is a real wildcard

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Willem Huiskamp's avatar Willem Huiskamp @willemh.bsky.social
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It's insane to me that there were ever people out there credulous enough to believe that the emissions targets of these fossil fuel companies were anything more than a PR smokescreen. I have no idea why this is just reported at face value...

5 replies 26 reposts 68 likes

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Reposted by elypaul.bsky.social

Joe Vipond's avatar Joe Vipond @jvipondmd.bsky.social
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The minimizers are organized, actively working to impede mask truths, and vaccine uptake. See Collateral Global, Brownstone Institute, etc.
Shouldn't those who care about public health be as organized?

Consider supporting the @cancovsoc.bsky.social.


0 replies 11 reposts 27 likes

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chatham harrison is tending a new garden's avatar chatham harrison is tending a new garden @chathamharrison.bsky.social
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N95s are remarkable technology. HEPA filtration is a remarkable technology. mRNA vaccines are an *astonishing* technology. And the "facts & logic" crowd led their audiences to abjure all of it. It was a crime against humanity.

6 replies 50 reposts 211 likes

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Reposted by elypaul.bsky.social

Joshua Erlich's avatar Joshua Erlich @joshuaerlich.bsky.social
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it's a bit hard to convey how big of a deal this is, but the most basic, most fundamental black letter law we have is that immigration is a federal matter. every reason to believe a court that issues this ruling is operating without any guardrails.

38 replies 785 reposts 1972 likes

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Reposted by elypaul.bsky.social

Mitchell Epner's avatar Mitchell Epner @mitchellepner.bsky.social
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My fear, from the start, has been that Judge Cannon will wait until after the jury is empaneled to dismiss the charges against Trump, which could not be overturned on appeal because of the Fifth Amendment ban on Double Jeopardy. I discussed it here on 6/15/23, starting at the 50 minute mark.

18 replies 67 reposts 198 likes

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Darth Paradox's avatar Darth Paradox @darthparadox.bsky.social
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And in the 2020-2021 winter flu season, do you know how many pediatric flu deaths we had in the US? One. Back when we gave a shit about COVID precautions, we saved thousands of lives. Then we gave up. I don't think I'll ever stop being angry about that.

2 replies 155 reposts 365 likes

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Bruno J. Navarro's avatar Bruno J. Navarro @brunojnavarro.bsky.social
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A staggering $50 trillion. That is how much the upward redistribution of income has cost American workers over the past several decades.

60 replies 636 reposts 1350 likes

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Nosferatu's avatar Nosferatu @realnosferatu.bsky.social
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"The virus is rampant. We’re still in a pandemic. There’s a lot of complacency at the individual level, and more concerning to me is that at the government level"

WHO COVID response leader New piece in Scientific American by

2 replies 41 reposts 89 likes

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Stephen Farrow's avatar Stephen Farrow @stephenfarrow.bsky.social
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This. "Learning to live with the virus" - a phrase you hear with numbing regularity - doesn't mean pretending it doesn't exist, or pretending the danger has passed. It means taking a few small, sensible, painless, inexpensive precautions to protect ourselves and the people around us.

0 replies 13 reposts 37 likes

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Dr. Lucky Tran's avatar Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran.bsky.social
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Cognitive dissonance is making a New Year's resolution to get healthier, but refusing to get vaccinated or wear a mask to protect yourself from a highly transmissible virus that can increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, neurological conditions, chronic fatigue, and more.

1 replies 36 reposts 139 likes

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Dr. Lucky Tran's avatar Dr. Lucky Tran @luckytran.bsky.social
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US healthcare is so broken. It's the second-biggest COVID wave so far, and patients have to call individual hospitals to beg them to reinstate masks. Meanwhile, the Spanish government simply overruled right-wing anti-maskers and made masks required in all hospitals nationwide.

7 replies 203 reposts 567 likes

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BWJones's avatar BWJones @bwjones.bsky.social
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Here is why immunizations are important. Chicken pox comes back as shingles. CMV comes back as severe colitis. HPV comes back as cancer. EBV increasingly looks like it comes back as MS. What is SARS CoV-2 coming back as? We know it sequesters in all sorts of tissues.

24 replies 299 reposts 651 likes

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Matthew Budman, book guy's avatar Matthew Budman, book guy @matthewbudman.bsky.social
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Three years ago today. Remember how outrageous this seemed at the time? It should *still* seem that outrageous.

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