Kevin M. Kruse's avatar

Kevin M. Kruse

This is what finally got me to cancel my subscription.

I'm not sure if the leadership is genuinely authoritarian or just so lost in its navel-gazing it can't see what it's doing, but I *do* know this:

Whoever wrote this editorial is an idiot & I'm not paying to hear this shit anymore.

73 replies 232 reposts 1266 likes

Kye Fox's avatar Kye Fox
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That meme with the geese chasing someone while yelling "Which opinions motherfucker?"

0 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Rich Wanket's avatar Rich Wanket
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There is no fundamental right to profess your jackassery and not get called out for it, and there never was.

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Guy's avatar Guy
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This is Chewbacca. It makes no sense.

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@LuLuRoche's avatar @LuLuRoche
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I dumped them months ago after a glowing opinion piece about DeSantis. Revolting.

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Schrödinger’s Batman's avatar Schrödinger’s Batman
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I guess it’s nice to know there is a straw heavy enough

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Democrat To Be Named's avatar Democrat To Be Named
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“When you condemn anybody who rejoices in Palestinian deaths, that’s an act of shunning and shaming which threatens Free Speech; but when I condemn you for taking such a position, that’s simply the voice of reason from the Serious Civil Center.” I mean, that’s literally what they’re saying, right?

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Jean Kayak's avatar Jean Kayak
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in which the NYT editorial board has a worse conception of free speech than a webcomic written by a former NASA engineer.

1 replies 1 reposts 31 likes

DW's avatar DW
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Question -- When has speech ever been free?
Maybe the is upset 'cause others can speak over their loud voice.

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Kate Tuttle's avatar Kate Tuttle
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Shaming and shunning are the least violent and most polite ways to communicate moral disapproval. Even Emily Post wrote about the social use of shunning.

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WindyCityGal's avatar WindyCityGal
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You made it a week longer than I did. I found them very hard to break up with as they are insistent you can't mean it.

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Tim Pierce's avatar Tim Pierce
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It seems really in keeping with Joe Kahn’s assertion that the Democratic Party swung too far to the left after 2016 and it’s their responsibility to provide “balance”. Which is to say, both, I think.

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condour's avatar condour
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I really wish someone would organize a mass cancelling.

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Krysz 's avatar Krysz
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These words justifying their hot garbage are from a place of entitlement & privilege. The obv contempt for anyone having the temerity to criticize the opinion of a upper income, educated white is palpable.

0 replies 1 reposts 4 likes

Jason, the Okayest Painter's avatar Jason, the Okayest Painter
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Wait til popehat hears about this

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Sammy R's avatar Sammy R @handle.invalid
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I'm old enough to remember when a political candidate could be derailed by misspelling a single word - or expressing a moment of frustration / exuberance - or insulting 47% of population. If anything, politicians have more freedom today to say idiotic things.

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's avatar
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Compared to their support of beating the crap out of students who question Israel’s war in Gaza children and other civilians. They not only are skinned, shunned, but physically harmed. And The NY Times cheerleads it all. But a right wing racist gets his feelings hurt, The NY Times is up in arms!

1 replies 1 reposts 19 likes

Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis's avatar Kendra "Gloom is My Beat" Pierre-Louis
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They're genuinely authoritarian. They surveil their employees. If you tweet something they deem inappropriate they not only sanction you, and demand an apology, but the tweet is stored in a database. AND they restrict internal speech

1 replies 1 reposts 32 likes

George S's avatar George S
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My campus library took that full-NYT-access deal for everyone, so it's not just article text in a news database we're already paying for. I'm starting to feel guilty about it. Like peeking at Twitter/X in the Musk era as we wait for him to just suspend all of edu-Twitter.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes's avatar
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Interesting, I actually *can* save money if I back off to Games, Cooking, and Wirecutter only...

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kkmortier's avatar kkmortier
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Mine was when they printed the oped that said the TX abortion ban was actually good for women.

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John Ryan's avatar John Ryan
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Cue goose chasing person meme, "what opinions are those?" Second, that they want to say anything and not get called on it is the most pathetic whine I've ever heard. Absolutely unserious people who shouldn't be near a pencil let alone the NYT.

1 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

cumrade poptart's avatar cumrade poptart
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fact check: some ideas should be shunned and shamed

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hammancheez's avatar hammancheez
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Sir this is a dangerous move

1 replies 0 reposts 4 likes

Patrick Fabian's avatar Patrick Fabian
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The inability to engage in a civil argument has metastasized. I recently told a board committee that I disagreed with a proposal and would not vote for it. I didn’t say the idea was stupid. I just said I thought it was bad for the organization. I was accused of being disrespectful. Meeting over.

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LondonLee's avatar LondonLee
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“Without fear of being beaten up by cops and suspended from college” more like

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Robert Herzog's avatar Robert Herzog
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Isn’t that from 2 years ago?

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

James Jordan's avatar James Jordan
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There was Punch, and then there was Pinch, are we down to Smidge Sulzberger now?

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's avatar
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The rumor is that Sulz himself wrote this. He was afraid that he would be associated with the rumors of missing kittens.

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's avatar
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It’s basically NY Times ed board having a sad cuz they can’t call people ni**ers and fa**ots without consequence.

1 replies 0 reposts 7 likes

Mayor of the Moon's avatar Mayor of the Moon
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Wait Hold on An editorial board is made up of people whose job it is to have self-important articles on things that they don't understand? I fucking thought that it was made of just editors who do edits

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RonK, Seattle's avatar RonK, Seattle
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FWIW, here's the March 2022 piece in question -- thirty-odd grafs of discussion wrapped around a set of NYT/Siena poll results on related topics.

IMO the opening excerpt (vaunting a Fifth Freedom: Freedom from Harsh Criticism) is not characteristic of the whole.

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's avatar
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You wouldn't want a family member to marry into NYT leadership. You hope they don't have or raise children. You'd rather they not be neighbors. They are the worst of the worst because they know better.

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CodeMaxX's avatar CodeMaxX
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Lol... nobody in this country has ever had the right to not be called out on their BS

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Dave Bowman's avatar Dave Bowman
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Look, you can't have free speech unless people can spread disinformation without fear of being called out for it. We need to silence fact-checkers in the name of free speech. 🤷‍♂️

0 replies 0 reposts 55 likes

notorious CRK's avatar notorious CRK
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Hiring Bret Stephens was the last straw for me. No regrets.

0 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Marty Olliff's avatar Marty Olliff
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The NYT Editorial Board should have fucked off into the sun a long time ago.

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El Topo's avatar El Topo
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This is literally the "fuck your feelings" crowd whining that their widdle feelings are hurt.

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's avatar
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Did someone already check to make sure this wasn't actually The Onion instead of the NYT?

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Chris Fitzgerald 's avatar Chris Fitzgerald
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My advice is never read any paper’s editorials. WaPo is no better. They’re entirely divorced from reality.

1 replies 0 reposts 8 likes

Estarianne's avatar Estarianne
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They are all failsons and faildaughters.

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Lizard's avatar Lizard
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I cannot think of any point in US history, or world history, where any society did not have "things no fellow can do". A society with no social taboos whatsoever, I'd say, isn't a society. You have to be able to define "This we like, this we don't, this we believe, this we oppose."

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Rob Rakove's avatar Rob Rakove
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You're missing the wisdom of Mark Penn today, apparently.

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nick's avatar nick
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I'm just going to chuck "It feels like a third rail, dangerous." into everything from now on. Politics. Music. Grocery lists.

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Runnerdad's avatar Runnerdad
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The writer shouldn’t be in journalism if they truly believe free speech means not having to deal with the consequences of the speech. Wow.

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Benjamín Schultz-Figueroa's avatar Benjamín Schultz-Figueroa
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NYT editorial board about to publish a new piece: "Smell that? That's free speech, son! I love the smell of free speech in the morning. Smells like... victory."

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Hank Hoffman's avatar Hank Hoffman
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The only things that keeps me subscribed are the Food section &'s columns.

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Truth Axe's avatar Truth Axe
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This feels like a sign.

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This Smells Like Basil's avatar This Smells Like Basil
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So then… where’s everyone getting their news these days? Genuine question.

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maureen thunder rosa's avatar maureen thunder rosa
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The NYT puzzle department needs to go on strike and then everyone will realize AG Sulzberger just turned the NYT into Der Sturmer

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the talented Mr. Dittmann's avatar the talented Mr. Dittmann
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your cancellation is making them feel shame for their beliefs. how grossly authoritarian of you

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's avatar
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I canceled my wapo subscription when they fired a ton of people but not Hugh Hewitt. That left me only with the Times. If I cancel the Times, where do I go? I am a rare modern person that wants to pay for high quality news. The high quality regional papers of my youth are garbage now.

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's avatar
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definitely not the kind of paper I would read if I knew how

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Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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"Without fear of being shamed or shunned." Jesus Christ. Get bent.

51 replies 48 reposts 821 likes

Joe Gannon's avatar Joe Gannon
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This is the kind of crap Mark Levin seizes on to promote his own ideas of NEWTHINK. I wish I'd had more than one subscription to cancel.

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Dub Leahy's avatar Dub Leahy
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Two weeks into the college administrator nonsense was what got me. I have no idea who their readers are.

0 replies 0 reposts 25 likes

RockWils1's avatar RockWils1
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Dreaming in NKY's avatar Dreaming in NKY
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WTF has that guy been? Cause that definition has NEVER existed!

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Dan Froomkin ('s avatar Dan Froomkin (
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That is not new. That is from March 2022. See:

4 replies 4 reposts 34 likes

Kathleen's avatar Kathleen
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What essay in the Times is this from?

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SoFlaGazpachoPolice's avatar SoFlaGazpachoPolice
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I finally stopped paying to read that horseshit around 2 months ago after YEARS as a subscriber. That newspaper has very clearly lost its editorial direction and way.

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Jay Marose's avatar Jay Marose
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I thought the “conservatives” supported the free market of ideas? Any chance they’ll learn that Darwinian capitalism has its limits? Especially if you can’t remove the losers - ever.

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KaliDestroyer's avatar KaliDestroyer
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The Muskivization of the NYT

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's avatar
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God damn it. I wish I hadn't already canceled my subscription for other egregious editorials, because this one is the WORST and deserves canceling the most.

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AO's avatar AO
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Somehow the "depluralizing" feels like the worst part. Not even Robert Dahl would say the U.S. is less "plural" than 25 years ago simply because fascists are criticized.

3 replies 2 reposts 57 likes

Catherine Bannister's avatar Catherine Bannister
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I canceled mine this week after the Kahn Semafore interview. But this would have gotten me there, too.

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TheBaroness's avatar TheBaroness
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There’s a huge difference between opining and spreading Russian propaganda.

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Vitamin Bee 🐝 's avatar Vitamin Bee 🐝
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They also just got rid of their discounted student subscription

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Katja Kleinberg's avatar Katja Kleinberg
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It was published on March 18, 2022.

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Zig Zag Wanderer's avatar Zig Zag Wanderer
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Ya can’t just say openly bigoted and completely untrue things on corporate media outlets anymore with worry that some other corporations might pull their ads, this used to be a proper country

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🏳️‍🌈A hand-made tortilla chip in a world of Pringles.'s avatar 🏳️‍🌈A hand-made tortilla chip in a world of Pringles.
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amex reimburses my subscription so i have no idea whose pocket the $4/mo comes out of but i will cancel in solidarity. i only look at the recipes they push and they’re starting to repeat anyway. and the “breaking” notifications are stressful and silly.

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Jake Ten Pies's avatar Jake Ten Pies
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Glad you cancelled your subscription. The NYT is not a voice for change

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Richard Keppler 🦋's avatar Richard Keppler 🦋
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And lose access to the Bedbug and the Mustache of Understanding?

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