Prisonculture's avatar


I keep seeing references made to 'leftists' who 'want 45 to win.' Who are these leftists? Are they strangers on the internet? I just don't see this. No one I know on the Left(s) is pro-45. I know some reactionary *moderates* who are though.

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's avatar
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I think the framing is that if you are anti-Biden, you are seen as pro-Trump by default. The argument may be that not voting for Biden may as well be a vote for Trump

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robeagle's avatar robeagle
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any "leftist" who wants the orange turnip in , ain't no "leftist" that much Is all I know!

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Sasha Danielle's avatar Sasha Danielle
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I think the insinuation is that Leftists who despise Biden or who refuse to vote for Biden therefore want Trump to win.

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Akovia's avatar Akovia
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Bots. And paid Putin agents.

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Jeff The Dog's avatar Jeff The Dog
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Boring Weirdo's avatar Boring Weirdo
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Anything to take the scrutiny off the moderates.

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Kien Lim's avatar Kien Lim
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There's an important distinction between "think he's going to win" and "endorses him winning."

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's avatar
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Easy. These are the leftist who don't vote. They'll throw many reasons at you, but ultimately they don't vote this strengthening 45's likelihood of winning. If you are leftist, vote!

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Steel Rat Gamer's avatar Steel Rat Gamer
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I got another one who said "The swing voters" wont vote unless Biden drops out. as I tried to ask for some estimated numbers the % got smaller and I was attacked for being ignorant, and stupid

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Dustin's avatar Dustin
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Those people propagate on Facebook. Facing a 30 day ban cuz of them.

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claude zachary's avatar claude zachary
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Some say that because we aren't voting for Biden or Trump. Understanding the reasons why that might be is too hard for their emotional brains to work out. 🤔

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Kari G Elliott's avatar Kari G Elliott
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Also, when you say, I UNDERSTAND why people are unhappy that Biden is the Dem candidate, it gets twisted into "so you WANT Trump to win???" Nuance is impossible.

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Joey P's avatar Joey P
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I haven't even seen (scare quotes) MAGA Communists (/scare quotes) in a dog's age

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r's avatar r
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It's a bad faith strawman based on the assumption that anything other than unconditional support of Biden must mean unconditional support of Trump.

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Eike Exner's avatar Eike Exner
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Reactionary liberals/centrists hate leftists for revealing the emptiness of liberals' professed beliefs ("in this house" and so forth), so it's cathartic for them to pretend leftists are the ones holding back progress. Same with the constant Bernie Bros cost Hillary the election stuff.

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Chet Sandberg's avatar Chet Sandberg
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I’ve heard VERY few misguided accelerationist takes

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Miss Riss's avatar Miss Riss
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Any random person I've seen say something of this nature online was (a) absolutely very obviously not a leftist, or (b) making a very obviously hyperbolic shitpost/sarcastic retort, and the majority (c) exist in the mind of politibros so they can get mad and punch around

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Not Malcolm's avatar Not Malcolm
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The Dem Biden fanatics are insisting that anyone who does not affirmative state they will vote for Biden (because of Gaza, or senility) are tacitly supporting DJT. You can tell them that you want to vote Dem if the genocide stops, Biden respects the laws and Dem voters, but they get enraged.

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Asian Cajun Socialist's avatar Asian Cajun Socialist
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They must all live in Strawman House or the Ratf*ck Co-op

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Benjamin Harnett's avatar Benjamin Harnett
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Yeah, I hate to “no-true leftist” this but I think people are thinking of like Arizona new agers who believe electing Trump will open a portal to another dimension and also end the tyranny of the greenback dollar or whatever—these people are not leftists

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PunkyMaySnark's avatar PunkyMaySnark
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Ah yes, the classic liberal tactic of branding everyone who hates Biden as a MAGAT in leftist's clothing.

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Quick and Dirty's avatar Quick and Dirty
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I hang out with some hard-core leftists and none of them are pro-45 -- this is nonsense and (I would gently argue) propaganda intended to foment discontent.

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Quick and Dirty's avatar Quick and Dirty
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I consider myself a progressive who has faith in our institutions and would like to see more money put into them so we can nice things like schools & roads & sh*t like that. I don't have a hardon for Biden, but Imma still vote for his old ass. Pfft. Look at the alternative!

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Raea 🦋💕🏳️‍⚧️🏴's avatar Raea 🦋💕🏳️‍⚧️🏴
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broads, trannies, (((them))), leftists of that nature

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Elly's avatar Elly
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What I have seen is a bunch of self-identified leftists saying that Biden and Trump are basically the same so it doesn’t matter who wins; I have also seen a few self-identified leftists who prefer accelerationism and think if Trump wins, the End Of Capitalism will arrive bc the people will revolt.

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Brett 🇺🇦 🇵🇸's avatar Brett 🇺🇦 🇵🇸
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Whether they were real or not IDK, but I have previously gotten flooded with attacks by supposed leftists who said we should let Trump win, because it won't get better until it gets worse. Their thought was only then can true leftism win. Grain of salt and all that, but it was a gross interaction.

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BlazeWarriorWolf/Swiftdrawer/Fireking492 ⚔️@COVIDaware they/them's avatar BlazeWarriorWolf/Swiftdrawer/Fireking492 ⚔️@COVIDaware they/them
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They’re figment leftists. That’s right. Figment leftists. As imaginary as a numerical answer to square rooting a negative number (which is impossible to do so we have imaginary numbers)

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Mutant_Brainslug_Princess (he/him)'s avatar Mutant_Brainslug_Princess (he/him)
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I'm just shouting across the cacophony at this point, but the idea feels to me like folks oversimplify via refusal to engage with nuance, similar to how it's never, apparently, the right time to discuss lots of other issues too. If you don't like Biden, they see the only conclusion as you like Trump

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Comrade Phoenix 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🔆's avatar Comrade Phoenix 🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🔆
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Who's the shitlib that thinks "MAGA Communists" and other nazbols are actually leftists?

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Maya Media's avatar Maya Media
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They’re always making up stories to vilify us. If we ask for evidence, they’ll show us one person out of 1,000,000 who fits their profile.

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Giant Pain in the Ass's avatar Giant Pain in the Ass
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The leftists that want 45 to win were the ones saying Biden should drop out because he's presiding over (and even enabling) a genocide. The ones who don't want 45 to win are the moderates saying Biden should drop out because he's old.

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Jerry Lambert's avatar Jerry Lambert
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I know a few and they are real people. It has caused some stress on our friendship. It’s mainly because they think he’ll destroy the status quo and then a progressive viewpoint will finally be valid.

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a's avatar a
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I didn't want Trump to win when the Hillary campaign elevated him in a desperate gambit ic hubris to make her candidacy viable. I.e. the first time. Yet the DLC persisted.

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Tyler LaGrange's avatar Tyler LaGrange
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They make this up based on one iffy poll about Bernie supporters voting for Trump instead of Clinton because it makes them feel better about what has happened as a result of her loss. And yes, they keep at it 8 years later because it’s easier than facing the truth.

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Prisonculture's avatar Prisonculture
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I know non-electoralism leftists who don't vote but they are not pro-45.

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kwisatz chaderach's avatar kwisatz chaderach
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I can’t lie I’d love a 45 year old to become president instead of the two front runners. I’d take names out of a hat idgaf

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Drifting's avatar Drifting
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This is a decent round-up (that also has the advantage of explicitly not acting as if those people are representative of "the left" in general):

(Most people cited there aren't explicitly pro-Trump either, but anti-anti-Trump enough to basically be pro).

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Ordo Templi Ultra's avatar Ordo Templi Ultra
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The same sort of people who winge about leftists being critical of Biden = Wanting 45 back, probably. Just because someone is mediocre and sleeping on letting fascism happens doesn’t mean if they’re my only feasible vote that isn’t a real fascist I’m going to just sit at home. Fuck’s sake 😒

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Matt - Why We Seek 's avatar Matt - Why We Seek
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The shitlib boogeyman

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The Waynemaker's avatar The Waynemaker
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They’re accelerationists. The only way to improve society is to first destroy society. They believe that a utopia will eventually spring from the ashes like a phoenix.

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Keith Decent's avatar Keith Decent
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They REALLY can’t take a joke

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William Li's avatar William Li
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Is this about the Chicago DSA tweet?

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Robin 🦊's avatar Robin 🦊
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It's just a dishonest substitution, that's all. If you do not fawn after them personally, you "want 45 to win" & then after establishing that amongst themselves they can later cut the first part out & just say "the left favors 45" & no amount of numbers or their own voting habits matter now.

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MisterJayEm's avatar MisterJayEm
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They engage in the logical fallacy of "If you won't enthusiastically say that you'll vote for Biden, then you want Biden to lose, therefore you want Trump to win" The holes in the logic are evident, so they try to skip straight to the conclusion (I don't know ANYONE left of center who wants Trump)

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ASMEH's avatar ASMEH
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Maybe people who want the country to break to start a revolution?.

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