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Nails Nathan's avatar Nails Nathan
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One day after AI is abandoned they’re absolutely going to tout cutting their emissions by half/a third without acknowledging they were pumping out more than ever chasing a pump and dump plagiarism scheme

3 replies 68 reposts 232 likes

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Charlotte Clymer's avatar Charlotte Clymer
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I got a pretty bad feeling this doesn't stop with President Biden. If he were to drop out, I feel like we'd see a deluge of media criticism for Vice President Harris or Gov. Whitmer or Gov. Newsom or Sec. Buttigieg or any other Democrat while Trump gets a pass. Call it a hunch.

12 replies 12 reposts 95 likes

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Michael Paulauski's avatar Michael Paulauski
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The exact same thing happened with Hillary's Emails. Now we have a chance for a do-over. You have a choice to make: you can either get on board or you can help Trump win. Your concerns are noted. Biden isn't dropping out. What happens next is up to you. Trump or Biden, your choice.

2 replies 12 reposts 25 likes

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Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.

46 replies 849 reposts 3015 likes

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I’ve never been so glad I canceled my WAPO subscription last year! The oligarchy has destroyed our media.

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Michael Paulauski's avatar Michael Paulauski
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Remember, folks, the desired outcome here is to remove democracy and voting from the equation, and let literal high-level, unelected party officials pick the next presidential candidate. They don't want our voices heard, they want to pick their person, that's it.

2 replies 2 reposts 16 likes

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Yeah, The ageism is becoming downright dangerous. I’ve encountered so much hate online just because I’m older. It’s beyond ok boomer.

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I am so very happy about this! It gives me hope. We’re in the middle of a horrible Joe Biden is old campaign even though he’s been a wonderful POTUS.

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Michael Paulauski's avatar Michael Paulauski
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I cannot emphasize enough how accurate this statement is.

1 replies 4 reposts 31 likes

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United Farm Workers's avatar United Farm Workers
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Are cherries on your #July4 menu? They come thanks to workers like Pablo who shared this pic from where he was harvesting cherries in Yakima WA. He works piece rate. This means he rushes to pick as many as possible while getting the quality growers require. #WeFeedYou

5 replies 70 reposts 266 likes

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poop's avatar poop
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This is the tradcath weirdo whom the is publishing to tell you not to vote.

You should not listen to him. Instead, you should shove his ass into a locker and burn the entire campus containing said locker to the ground. (The campus is Hillsdale)

59 replies 112 reposts 606 likes

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Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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Don't print lies in the newspaper

6 replies 34 reposts 294 likes

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Meanwhile in Ukraine's avatar Meanwhile in Ukraine
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🇺🇦 Steven Van Zandt stand with Ukrainie 🫡

2 replies 23 reposts 196 likes

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here’s the fucking enraging thing about this: this is not what the newspapers and the magazines of the world are telling you. it’s not even a partisan thing to call this out. objectively, a second trump term means we all live in a different country than any of us have ever lived in. but, biden old.

6 replies 42 reposts 230 likes

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Charles Louis Richter's avatar Charles Louis Richter
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someone tell the economist about FDR

16 replies 55 reposts 268 likes

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Dr. SkySkull's avatar Dr. SkySkull
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Offensive as fuck, and The Economist should google “FDR.”

21 replies 61 reposts 293 likes

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Considering the 81 yr old put together one of the best cabinets we’ve ever had and has accomplished more than virtually any other potus we’ve had I’d say it still is. I really wish he didn’t have to run because he deserves time off. It’s the GOPs fault, not Biden’s. Fucking criminals.

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

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Honestly when we left Texas 2 yrs ago I considered it an escape. Not kidding.

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Michael Paulauski's avatar Michael Paulauski
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Don't forget about the documents just unsealed about yet more underaged sex shit Trump may have been engaged in!

0 replies 5 reposts 26 likes

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Kameron Hurley's avatar Kameron Hurley
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...but you're ENGAGING with that NYT op-ed, aren't ya?

11 replies 82 reposts 362 likes

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the fourth estate is fucking kneeling in advance and that is, i think, worth a lot more discourse than whether the only non-fascist in the race is an old man, which he is.

8 replies 47 reposts 296 likes

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Michael Paulauski's avatar Michael Paulauski
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Once again reminding folks that US corporate media likes Republicans and wants them to win.

0 replies 6 reposts 32 likes

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Bart Bonikowski's avatar Bart Bonikowski
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An aspiring dictator & convicted felon w history of treason may win the presidency. Profoundly corrupt SCOTUS justices undermined the constitution and gave him immunity from prosecution for past & future crimes. This is all political journalists should be writing about 24/7. We’re at the precipice.

23 replies 192 reposts 647 likes

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🤖 AP Breaking News (unofficial)'s avatar 🤖 AP Breaking News (unofficial)
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BREAKING: Advocates submit double the amount of signatures needed to put a constitutional right to abortion on the ballot in Arizona.

15 replies 428 reposts 1587 likes

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Jeramy Neugin 's avatar Jeramy Neugin
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Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.

49 replies 442 reposts 1042 likes

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Karl Bode's avatar Karl Bode
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"journalism isn't profitable" until you remove the fail upward brunchlords consistently soaking up outsized compensation despite making endless, terrible choices

8 replies 72 reposts 284 likes

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Personally I’m blocking anyone falling for the “but her emails” 2.0

1 replies 1 reposts 7 likes

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Personally I’m blocking everyone jumping the new but her emails

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Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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We really need to start learning not to fall for this shit right now, before we lose the right to call it out.

3 replies 23 reposts 169 likes

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Aaron Sojourner's avatar Aaron Sojourner
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Companies decided to sink billions of dollars of new investment into manufacturing plants in the U.S. after the CHIPS and Inflation Reduction Act boosted incentives for U.S. production, Check out that spike in manufacturing plant construction. It dwarfs all prior increases. 📉📈 #️⃣#️⃣

12 replies 106 reposts 267 likes

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Mike Sterling, Comics Guy's avatar Mike Sterling, Comics Guy
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has anyone asked the convicted felon to step down from candidacy, seems like that's the bigger problem

7 replies 25 reposts 145 likes

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Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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The punditocracy has gone both apeshit and feral, but politics isn’t fantasy football and there isn’t One Weird Trick to beating Trump

1 replies 23 reposts 165 likes

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Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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New in PN: "Pundits like stuff to happen, and Biden stepping down would be good copy. The media wants dramatic events. Choosing to stay the course feels boring and insufficiently proactive. But sometimes the best thing to do is to follow through."

15 replies 27 reposts 140 likes

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Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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"Amidst all the tearing of garments and vultures circling, the fact is that we’re still pretty much where we were pre-debate. There are two questions: Is Biden fit to serve? And, would Democrats benefit by forcing him off the ticket? The answers remain 'he is' and 'probably not.'"

20 replies 61 reposts 235 likes

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George Takei's avatar George Takei
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In "How Men Like Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh, And Brock Turner Are Made," writer Amelia Mavis Christnot explores the roots of toxic masculinity and privilege. From Ivy League halls to positions of power, see how entitlement shapes behavior and fuels impunity. A powerful read.

7 replies 70 reposts 274 likes

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Thomas Zimmer's avatar Thomas Zimmer
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Kevin Roberts believes he’s a noble defender of “real America” against a totalitarian “woke,” “globalist” assault from without and within.

“Project 2025” is his declaration of war on multiracial pluralism.

I wrote about his extremist worldview here:


8 replies 146 reposts 288 likes

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Michael Paulauski's avatar Michael Paulauski
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Here's the thing, every time someone suggests a way to falsify the claim that Biden should step down, they suggest tests that Biden has already passed. "Oh if only he'd do more public speaking or rallies, *then* I'd be satisfied" Biden has publicly spoken every day since the debates except one.

4 replies 15 reposts 60 likes

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Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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Jesus. Automated enforcement advocates really underestimate the potential for abuse with these cameras. The amount of information they collect is staggering, as is the ability to piece it all together to meticulously track individual people.

27 replies 234 reposts 464 likes