November's avatar


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Big fan of democracy, scientific skepticism, intersectional social justice and human rights. You know, freedom. Nerdy about several less crucial things that I would love to get back to. Please.

Reposted by November

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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this case against biden's resignation makes sense. i do think that if biden decides to step away from reelection, he should explicitly say that he is doing this because House Republicans are too corrupt to confirm a replacement for Harris.

36 replies 132 reposts 919 likes

Reposted by November

Sarah J. Jackson's avatar Sarah J. Jackson
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(1/?) “It would be naïve to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds. Those rights only come alive when citizens organize, protest, demonstrate, strike, boycott, rebel, and violate the law in order to uphold justice.”

1 replies 47 reposts 140 likes

Reposted by November

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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Another thing you can do is call Dick Durbin's office and demand he stand up for democracy and haul Alito and Thomas before the Senate Judiciary Committee. And publicly demand their resignations. If you can't literally impeach them, AT LEAST use the bully pulpit. 202-224-2152.

25 replies 342 reposts 889 likes

Reposted by November

November's avatar November
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What are they going to discuss? If they still have the guts to sentence him even for crimes committed BEFORE he was president?

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November's avatar November
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The fucking crimes were BEFORE he was President what the fuck?!

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November's avatar November
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My political awaking was the moment I realized that Presidents enjoyed a presumption of immunity, ever since George W. Bush illegally invaded the wrong country, authorized torture and suspended habeas corpus. But honestly we all should have been marching long before that.

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November's avatar November
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The slogan is "It's a Republic, not a democracy." They don't talk about *direct* democracy as distinct, because the point is to erode faith in democracy, not to argue with intellectual honesty.

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November's avatar November
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The Supreme Court just confirmed what many have suspected was always the law: they will not hold elites to account, because that undermines the illusion that we live in a meritocracy and are right to defer to the wisdom of our rulers.

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Reposted by November

Julia Azari's avatar Julia Azari
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i keep re-reading this to make sure i didn't hallucinate

22 replies 137 reposts 511 likes

November's avatar November
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I hope he heard the news about presidential immunity first, so he could feel like a tool, which is is

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Nicholas Grossman's avatar Nicholas Grossman
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Trump tells his rally crowd Chuck Schumer has “become a Palestinian.” Second time this week he’s used “Palestinian” to describe non-Palestinians he dislikes as if the word is a slur. I remain skeptical of the claim that Trump becoming president next year would improve the lives of Palestinians.

31 replies 140 reposts 565 likes

Reposted by November

Ian Carrillo 's avatar Ian Carrillo
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Race is still factored in. White applicants get to keep the advantages they've accrued through systemic racism without any countervailing forces.

25 replies 521 reposts 1939 likes

Reposted by November

Reposted by November

Jeff Sharlet's avatar Jeff Sharlet
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I was going to go to Vegas to report Trump's first rally as a felon--not for "news" but to listen for tone, for the mood of fascism as it mutates. But I decided it was too hot, so I stayed in VT & watched 5 hrs of it from an obscure rightwing network. And I made pictures... 1/

2 replies 10 reposts 42 likes

Reposted by November

Melissa Gira Grant's avatar Melissa Gira Grant
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"'It’ll break out in violence,' he says matter-of-factly, as if bloodshed were just tomorrow’s weather."

1 replies 4 reposts 15 likes

November's avatar November
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I'm just trying to figure out why this guy is lecturing fake news to his fashion doppleganger/near-future-and-or-past self

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Sage 🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar Sage 🏳️‍⚧️
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what the fuck is wrong with LinkedIn influencers

197 replies 248 reposts 1469 likes

November's avatar November
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I want a lifetime blank check for Tony Gilroy's anti-authoritarian Star Wars. Iger needs to let the only creative making high art Star Wars run free.

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November's avatar November
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Sounds less Jewish McCarthyism than Zionist McCarthyism

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Reposted by November

air budd dwyer's avatar air budd dwyer
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it rules that a jury of rando New Yorkers is braver than several federal judges and basically every single senator

56 replies 1534 reposts 5493 likes

November's avatar November
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weird tho that the ford company is the antagonist and ferrari barely gets any screen time

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November's avatar November
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Just saw someone waving a bedsheet w/ "PIG GUILTY" painted on it

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Reposted by November

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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alito is playing in our faces because he knows there’s nothing we can do about it and he has total contempt for the idea that he might be accountable for anything he does

53 replies 337 reposts 2373 likes

Reposted by November

Peter's avatar Peter
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one of the funniest things about this statement is that Alito implies that just going outside and taking the flag down himself would be illegal

23 replies 64 reposts 588 likes

Reposted by November

Reposted by November

Dave Weigel's avatar Dave Weigel
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Media Matters has a very high ROI - so high that two Republican AGs are suing it, ostensibly for "fraud" in how it covers Elon Musk, ideally to expose its internal operations and shut it down. A good case study in the perennial "liberal donors get bored and don't build" story.

19 replies 333 reposts 1133 likes

Reposted by November

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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This is a must-read piece making a vital point

20 replies 260 reposts 802 likes

November's avatar November
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Zombie mortgage debt collectors are turning people out of their homes bc yes, they are actually the worst humans, but they also know justice for their victims will move too slowy to stop them, and that any eventual punishment for their fraud will never outweigh their profits.

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Reposted by November

Michael 's avatar Michael
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court reform is not some niche issue for activists, it’s the policy precondition that unlocks every other policy goal the Democratic Party has. it’s that or decades of right wing theocracy; no in-betweens

20 replies 291 reposts 819 likes

Reposted by November

Reposted by November

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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like, thomas’ reasoning that article iii courts can only act as a high court of the crown could in 1788 is moronic.

16 replies 50 reposts 498 likes

Reposted by November

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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conservatives go on and on about the genius of clarence thomas but the thing about the dude’s arguments is that they are incredibly stupid

23 replies 170 reposts 894 likes

Reposted by November

Dan Lavoie's avatar Dan Lavoie
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Has anyone ever had scandal-hungry political reporters run as much interference for them as Trump? The campaign itself doesn't even seem to be making this (absurd) defense. It's just the AP reporter spitballing some ideas.

47 replies 146 reposts 775 likes

Reposted by November

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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If you’re in academia, you need to read this. And if you’re not in academia, you absolutely definitely have to read this.

24 replies 127 reposts 343 likes

Reposted by November

Christopher Federico's avatar Christopher Federico
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one thing non-Catholics need to understand about the subset of 'traditionalist' Catholics who never accepted (or are suspicious of) the changes brought about the Second Vatican Council is that one of the things they were most upset about is that the church told them they had to give up hating Jews

16 replies 207 reposts 696 likes

Reposted by November

Cooperstreaming ♿️'s avatar Cooperstreaming ♿️
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Are men emotional? A story in three parts.

61 replies 240 reposts 1343 likes

November's avatar November
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Sorry, the monoculture died. You need to have opinions.

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Reposted by November

Melanie D’Arrigo's avatar Melanie D’Arrigo
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30% of college graduates won't earn enough over their career to cover the cost of their degree. Unaffordable college is making a college degree an indicator of wealth or debt, not education or work readiness. Invest in our kids and make public college tuition-free.

1 replies 34 reposts 79 likes

Reposted by November

southpaw's avatar southpaw
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The precise difference, I think, is this: If Trump calls Ted Cruz a pussy, it makes the headline. But if Kamala Harris tells minority kids to kick the fucking door down in response to bigotry, the headline is “a PROFANE OATH has escaped our Vice President” and you don’t see her message til graf 4.

22 replies 154 reposts 647 likes

Reposted by November

Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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Holy shit. This thing is built like an R/C car. No, really.

128 replies 476 reposts 2093 likes

Reposted by November