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I'm doing my best to be interesting and that's why it's not working.

Zac's avatar Zac
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"Biden refuses to take cognitive test" headlines coming from the same outlets that refuse to directly print "Trump brags about passing cognitive test intended only to measure brain damage".

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Chris Hayes's avatar Chris Hayes
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There's a world on the other side of this with a huge, vibrant, unionized and high-paying industrial base remaking the physical world for the post-fossil fuel age. It's already starting and I think even Trump can't *fully* destroy it, but he can slow it down and make us lag wayyy behind.

8 replies 42 reposts 330 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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Thankfully I live in a state where Republicans haven't entirely gutted public education. So... What if I don't support genocide, but can do math?

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Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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This seems to be a rather legit question more and more each day

8 replies 63 reposts 391 likes

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Aaron Sojourner's avatar Aaron Sojourner
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The U.S. govt decided to invest +$550 billion. $302B to roads, bridges, public transit, ports & airports, electric school & transit buses, EV charging... $78B to clean energy, buildings, & manufacturing. $25B to communities' resilience to climate change & other threats $36B water infrastructure.

1 replies 7 reposts 25 likes

Reposted by Zac

Peace, Truth, Science's avatar Peace, Truth, Science
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The problem is a mainstream media that insists on covering this election as if one of the candidates is not a coup-attempting, fraudulent, liable-for-sexual-assault convicted criminal.

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Reposted by Zac

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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It's pretty interesting what the media decides is front page news and what they don't decide is front page news! Trump being a child sex abuser with close connections to Jeffrey Epstein somehow doesn't merit the same coverage as "unnamed Dem insider has concerns about Biden's age"

20 replies 275 reposts 732 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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The swing states in 2024 are generally the same ones Biden won by a 1-2% in 2020. They're all the same states you can expect 1-2% of the 55-year-old median voters that did not vote for a white woman in 2016... would not vote for a black woman in 2024. DEI arguments do not come from reason.

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Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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Just saying Fox News has a "conservative bias" doesn't accurately describe it. If it did then they would be more friendly to RFK as he's moved to the right and become more openly conservative. Instead they attack him now because they are a propaganda organ designed to help Republicans win power.

9 replies 19 reposts 243 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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Why limit your call to inaction to actual voting? Please consider extending it to posting about voting.

0 replies 1 reposts 19 likes

Reposted by Zac

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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these people do not intend to ever lose power again

136 replies 1276 reposts 4070 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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I didn't realize how anxious the court ruling made me. I had a dream that was literally me turning on the tv to a headline that the 2024 election was over and Trump had lost. I woke up euphoric. I think I might cancel my internet until November.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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Riders too. Every delay on my daily commute was met with sighs and complaints about Metra. Trains averaged >95% on time and when there were delays they were typically less than 20 minutes. Meanwhile... Rush hour commuting in Chicagoland.

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Reposted by Zac

Dr. Damien P. Williams: Magus, Werewolf, Cyborg, Bi's avatar Dr. Damien P. Williams: Magus, Werewolf, Cyborg, Bi
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Now is a great time to download and learn how to use Signal.

13 replies 95 reposts 308 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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Huh... The shitbags actually leave when they're caught being Nazis over there? France, how luxurious!

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Reposted by Zac

Vince Mpls's avatar Vince Mpls
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.

36 replies 1170 reposts 2111 likes

Reposted by Zac

CHOAM Nomsky 💭's avatar CHOAM Nomsky 💭
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Oh boy, $150,000!

104 replies 1202 reposts 6994 likes

Reposted by Zac

Ashley Fairbanks's avatar Ashley Fairbanks
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This coming week, temperatures in Death Valley will be the hottest in the recorded history of this planet. Beryl is the earliest category four storm in the history of Atlantic hurricane season. People, both now and in the future, need us to stave off fascism and build a world where they can live.

20 replies 194 reposts 778 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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Editors note: "When it came time to personally stand for his convictions he immediately left."

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Zac's avatar Zac
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I've been mostly unplugged from his bullshit and when he claimed radicals are out there doing after birth abortions he sounded insane.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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My default is a "popular with friends" feed which has been virtually identical to "following" feed until recently. It's led to me shitting my opinions where they're not wanted, and following a lot of new people where they are. Possibly some knock on effects from network expanding in general.

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Reposted by Zac

High Country News's avatar High Country News
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Thousands of young people are getting to work this summer with the recently launched American Climate Corps. Over half of the jobs are in the West.

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Lars Maischak's avatar Lars Maischak
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In short, just like in the US and Germany, it is centrists who think that the (remote) threat of socialism in case of a left-wing candidate's victory is much worse than the certainty of fascism.

1 replies 13 reposts 37 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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He's not remotely interested in national politics at this time. Maybe next decade, assuming we're still doing the free and fair elections thing.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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Boring for sure, but not compared to the likes of Kaine and Biden. Voucher and charter school support had a lot of support from the left for a decade or so of hallucinating. Probably a lot of people that could be tied to DeVos thanks to that.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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Ever since Booker literally saved somebody from a burning building when he was mayor I have been mystified he's not more successful on the national stage. Smart, charismatic, and could literally campaign wearing a cape. Why isn't this dude everywhere?

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Zac's avatar Zac
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Unsurprising. Started drinking away some debate sorrows and then decided to argue with people on the internet to feel a bit better on the back swing.

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Julia Kane's avatar Julia Kane
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Orphaned wells are a climate and public health nightmare. The oil industry continues to dump *billions* in cleanup costs onto taxpayers and is fighting reform efforts.

Fantastic reporting by Mark Olalde for on an issue that rarely gets the attention it deserves:

1 replies 55 reposts 84 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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I'd like the coverage to match. Instead of repeating the specific bullshit claims made over and over again until they feel true... The coverage could shorten to "Trump said several unverifiable things". The problem is they'd just have identical headlines for every event. Can't sell ads with that.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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Why is it consensus that it's not the job of the moderators to fact-check again? Authoritarians using your platform for disinformation *is* something you're responsible for.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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"When an authoritarian like Trump is involved, he turns it into an occasion to air poisonous lies. This puts the other person on the defensive, forcing them to spend all their time refuting the lies."

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Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC's avatar Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC
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Three days after the debate every Sunday news shows invited an avowed election-denying fascist on the air in an overt effort to legitimize them as good-faith commentators The news media is openly pro-fascist

27 replies 260 reposts 655 likes

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Will Stancil's avatar Will Stancil
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We’re in the middle of an election cycle where one candidate is a criminal authoritarian running on a platform of bloody revenge against Democrats and the only time in the entire campaign you’ve seen a bit of sincere emotion from the Dem insider class is a panic attack over their own guy.

1 replies 25 reposts 116 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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There's a meaningful percentage of the vote difference between Hillary and Biden that are old union guys that are fine voting for the most racist person they know before they would vote for a woman.

The "we almost had a mommy" guy outside Trump's inauguration...

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Zac's avatar Zac
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Really is wild that this party hasn't bothered with a platform for 2 elections, and now that they have one it is the wildest mask-off shit... And the press is just repeatedly talking about Biden's age instead.

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Jon Green's avatar Jon Green
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Kendrick Lamar teaches us that, in public debate, refuting your opponent's arguments point by point is less effective than identifying your opponent's single greatest weakness and maintaining message discipline.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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Eh, it's a pretty fitting vibe. One party was pushing to speed run the creation of climate refugees and represented by a guy quoting Hitler in between going on national TV telling the world immigrants are raping and killing everyone. Not voting against that feels at least on par with wasting food.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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He went and shot the shit at a Waffle House immediately after the debate in search of someone writing this piece lol

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Zac's avatar Zac
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"Debunked by what sources?" Trump then has to ramble about 'people are saying' or actually legitimize Snopes. Which should be pounced on. Why is Biden's spouting specific economic stats again?

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The Onion's avatar The Onion
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Breaking: Kamala Harris Warming Up In Debate Bullpen

10 replies 72 reposts 711 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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Honestly Brian Cox did great bringing charts to interviews and literally throwing them at people.

It's something I think should be done more in this space occupied by deniers asking congressman what % of the atmosphere is CO2 as a gotchya question.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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I caught a lot of blocks and randos for demanding somebody referencing the constitution to cite their sources. From dad joke to pariah and not even for the usual reasons. Social media is dumb sometimes... Most of the time.

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Zac's avatar Zac
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It's in the dumbest possible way too where every jurisdiction independently sets and collects their part of the bill instead of handling it all at the county level. Instead of an annual large bill you get 2-5 smaller bills that are more than the large bill for less service.

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Reposted by Zac

Phil Lewis's avatar Phil Lewis
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Denver gave people experiencing homelessness $1,000 a month. Results showed that close to half of the participants secured housing, and nearly $600K saved in public service costs due to fewer ER visits & jail stays. They also saw improved mental health.

48 replies 765 reposts 2150 likes

Reposted by Zac

Grudgie the Whale's avatar Grudgie the Whale
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Trump’s support and active participation in the mass slaughter of Yemeni citizens was so senseless, Congress passed a bipartisan bill (!!) to end it and he vetoed it! Look at how the New York Fucking Times covered this blood lust:

16 replies 107 reposts 369 likes

Zac's avatar Zac
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It's worth exploring well fitted ear bud models if you can condition yourself to them. For $30 I can still hear my podcasts fine even when standing next to train engines and lawn mowers.

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