Probable Caws 's avatar

Probable Caws

95 followers 168 following 731 posts

Jewish. Father to two children and one dog. Husband to one wife. Lawyer defending children from the overwhelming power of the state. Gamer/geek. One time martial artist. Dad jokes. He/him. Magneto made some valid points.

Reposted by Probable Caws

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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The Heritage Foundation “don’t make us kill you, Democrats” statement may mark one of those moments people will read about in 100 years (hopefully!) and think to themselves “why didn’t they freak out when they heard the extremists say that?” (Sadly, it’s just not how humans work most of the time)

10 replies 86 reposts 268 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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I wonder what would happen if Biden showed up for his interview and just answered every question with some variation on “My memory isn’t what it uses to be, but I remember that court documents showing Donald Trump raped 12 year old children dropped last week.”

0 replies 5 reposts 12 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Hemry, Local Bartender's avatar Hemry, Local Bartender
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The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared

36 replies 351 reposts 1283 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Alternatively, “Here’s why that’s bad for Biden.”

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Spider's avatar Spider
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So uh... anybody with a bigger megaphone than me want to help a butch out? The Gilbert Baker Foundation & CMG are asking a settlement from us for referring to the Gilbert Baker flag/original color scheme as the "Gilbert Baker flag" of twice what we've ever made from anything with those colors.

30 replies 212 reposts 273 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.

46 replies 843 reposts 2996 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Reposted by Probable Caws

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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It is time to stop paying the New York Times a dime. Yes, that includes Wordle and the recipes. Sorry.

38 replies 109 reposts 482 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?

40 replies 443 reposts 1325 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Holly Brolightly's avatar Holly Brolightly
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proud to be an American??? it’s humiliating to be an American

7 replies 15 reposts 109 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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#2, so much. If the cops want to talk to you, it is SHUT THE FUCK UP FRIDAY. ALL DAY. EVERYDAY.

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Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Show me where in the Constitution it says you can prosecute bears.

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Reposted by Probable Caws

Director, Basque Space Program's avatar Director, Basque Space Program
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At this point just let me know who is running for president: if it’s Biden, I’ll vote for him, if it’s Kamala, then I’m coconut-pilled. Hell, a cabbage outlasted Liz Truss. I’ll vote for the cabbage. But please, I can’t handle people who discovered politics yesterday arguing over this any longer

6 replies 21 reposts 206 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Sorry, this is the second or third time I’ve seen something coconut themed connected to Harris, and I have absolutely no idea what it means?

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

post malone ergo propter malone's avatar post malone ergo propter malone
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when you vote for President you are voting for a coalition rather than a person. the right understands this very well, which is why evangelicals lined up behind Trump.

17 replies 85 reposts 309 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

proud rebel scum ⚛️'s avatar proud rebel scum ⚛️
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just listened to and the Serious Trouble podcast this week and honestly wondering how to get my day going. Ken White, someone who I count on to ground me and tell me people are overreacting, saying the immunity ruling is awful and destructive. Give a listen.

5 replies 7 reposts 121 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Reposted by Probable Caws

Katie Mack's avatar Katie Mack
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Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise

78 replies 1180 reposts 4563 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Jennifer Winch 's avatar Jennifer Winch
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The Heritage Foundation is taking its victory lap in advance. Pay attention if you don't want to live in Gilead. GOTV to get everyone off the bench because the January 6th crowd is coming for us. Go to IWILLVOTE-DOT-ORG to make sure you're still on the voter rolls because Team Blue needs us all.

0 replies 9 reposts 69 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.

49 replies 636 reposts 1675 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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I genuinely don’t understand the point of this?

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Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Motion for the congressman from Maine to get fucked.

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Reposted by Probable Caws

Tikkun Olamunist - ירמל גרױס's avatar Tikkun Olamunist - ירמל גרױס
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Fuck this guy in particular.

2 replies 2 reposts 20 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast) 's avatar Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast)
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very interesting. The president is now telling doctors to defy the law in order to provide emergency abortions. If the White House and Biden decide to actually play hardball, there’s a chance he might win the election. Big ifs here with massive implications but, we are living in historic times.

6 replies 53 reposts 188 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Popehat's avatar Popehat
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I don’t think it’s an exaggeration at all to say the decision threatens the Republic. I might not have said so in 2015, before I saw how triumphantly lawless and autocratic the President could be, and how so many people would applaud it or at least shrug.

42 replies 496 reposts 1692 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Needed this earlier, so I’m reposting. I’m scared outta my goddamn mind, and it helps to be reminded that a) that’s okay, and b) that doesn’t mean you don’t stop fighting

0 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

cyber professional's avatar cyber professional
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passing on an ask from an organizer, there's an occupation protest against the shutdown of one of our local organizing hubs by its landlords.

2 replies 11 reposts 16 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Ashley Fairbanks's avatar Ashley Fairbanks
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I just want to beg people to tell me what happens when we completely give up on the electoral system. Tell me what you imagine happening. I want to be able to see it. Tell me how it doesn't involve things getting so much worse, millions dying, before there's any chance of something better.

40 replies 92 reposts 535 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Brendan Nyhan's avatar Brendan Nyhan
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What you would do when authoritarianism comes to America is what you're doing right now

34 replies 253 reposts 707 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Me: This can’t be about a Jane Austen inspired MMA league. ::clicks through:: Huh. I guess it is.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Stephen Webb's avatar Stephen Webb
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i'm getting so, so tired of the doomerism on here, and the press loves covering shit like a horse race instead of explaining fundamentals and what's at play, a job that seems to fall to on here.

so here's a thread about why i'd rather be biden — yes, biden — right now

7 replies 135 reposts 390 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Crooked Emily's avatar Crooked Emily
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BlueSky in the past has been the place to mock sincerity, but I know the average user here is not gearing up to lead a violent revolution If you are scared or angry, it’s ok to channel that into something productive. You’ll probably find it actually helps ease the anxiety. This is one option!

1 replies 7 reposts 42 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Jacob T. Levy's avatar Jacob T. Levy
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Not one more minute of defensiveness from the Biden campaign, please. Not one more question answered about age or debates. All day, every day, a referendum on Trump's criminality and assault on the constitutional order, on what he would be like with blank check for his lawlessness.

7 replies 115 reposts 435 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Question: If Biden tells all federal agencies to ignore SCOTUS’ recent rulings and to enforce regulations to the maximum extent, is that an official act? What stops him from saying to the EPA “I don’t give a shit what SCOTUS said. Shut down that power plant (or whatever).”

0 replies 2 reposts 4 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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Just a reminder in advance that the Supreme Court is illegitimate and Thomas and Alito should have been kicked out of office months if not years ago.

10 replies 134 reposts 624 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Bruno J. Navarro's avatar Bruno J. Navarro
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┻┳| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻| ┻┳| trump should drop out ┳┻| _ / ┻┳| •.•) ┳┻|⊂ノ

0 replies 8 reposts 28 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Rick Healey, man out of thyme's avatar Rick Healey, man out of thyme
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The Philadelphia Enquirer not only slammed an asshole from New York, they did so in a way that makes a different New York institution look bad? Stop, I can only have so much civic pride.

0 replies 9 reposts 22 likes

Reposted by Probable Caws

Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here

79 replies 1531 reposts 4504 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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I immediately read that in Gollum’s voice. Just needs some “my precious,” thrown in.

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Reposted by Probable Caws

Kathleen Bachynski 's avatar Kathleen Bachynski
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Hear, hear: “In fact, the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump. Trump, 78, has been on the political stage for eight years marked by chaos, corruption, and incivility. Why go back to that?”

16 replies 189 reposts 743 likes

Probable Caws 's avatar Probable Caws
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Alternatively, it’s a device for converting bees to dollars.

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Reposted by Probable Caws

Tikkun Olamunist - ירמל גרױס's avatar Tikkun Olamunist - ירמל גרױס
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The proper response to SCOTUS gutting Chevron is to say "we aren't doing that shit" and daring SCOTUS to enforce their own shitty opinions.

5 replies 9 reposts 63 likes