PSL_4Loko's avatar


93 followers 208 following 412 posts

Grid Ops nerd (not just a TOP), public power enthusiast, and basic-est of bitches. He/him. 4Loko should make a PSL flavor. Occasional submarine and infrastructure opinions. Bike commuting is best commuting.

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Tom Scocca's avatar Tom Scocca
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Just like none of the bold investigators backfilling Joe Biden's feeble debate performance with punchy anonymous quotes have ever figured out why Trump was rushed to Walter Reed, claimed he wanted a spur-of-the-moment weekend checkup, and a year later declared that he had NOT had a series of strokes

20 replies 325 reposts 1072 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

rahaeli 's avatar rahaeli
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Remember: Texas is not a red state. Texas is a massively voter-suppressed state, with a lot of people working very hard and very thanklessly to fix that.

16 replies 189 reposts 550 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

daryl "happy birthday to the GROUND" bartley 🏳️‍⚧️ 's avatar daryl "happy birthday to the GROUND" bartley 🏳️‍⚧️
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I know this is an obvious question, but there was SEXUAL ABUSE INSURANCE

18 replies 40 reposts 169 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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I *almost* bought Starfield. There's many reasons to follow Phil but saving $50 on a bad game to then spend on BBotE is a delightful unintended outcome.

1 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

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Gabe OrtĂ­z's avatar Gabe OrtĂ­z
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“Faced w/the choice of another four years of Biden/Harris or the gravy train of Trump, the press has openly picked Trump. Even before the debate, the media studiously minimized Trump’s criminal convictions, fascist rantings, verbal diarrhea & his use of language literally out of Hitler’s playbook.”

0 replies 21 reposts 58 likes

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Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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if there is one traditional aspect of being American I live by, it’s absolutely refusing to acknowledge or play along with British royalty and nobility bullshit

18 replies 20 reposts 272 likes

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Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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Wow amazing how the Saudis keep showing up in these stories where they offer illegal support to far right politicians.

20 replies 191 reposts 740 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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God do I empathize. I hope for everyone's sanity both of you get better soon so you can get that ride! This guy was out in it yesterday, so I figured being in good health I could do the same. Luckily for me my commute's mostly on the river trail.

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PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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Horribly sad that anyone's gotta miss a ride for any reason though...

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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Ungh. Critically jealous of your weather right now. Riding home from work shortly in scenic Sac.

2 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

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Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Technology Connections's avatar Technology Connections
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Happy independence day to all who remember why we declared independence and a very fuck off to those who think kings are good actually.

20 replies 219 reposts 1335 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar
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History will recall that the New York Times, that bastion of "the liberal media," on July 4, 2024 chose to give prime space on their op-ed page to a theocratic absolutist who argued that people shouldn't vote, even though he himself has voted in the last 2 elections (but nowhere is that mentioned).

24 replies 275 reposts 824 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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One of the best things about the churn in grid operations is getting to hear everyone's stories. Not just bungled management or stupid shit, but what events they were on shift for.

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

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Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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Abusing the legal system is now a key tenet of conservative thought and action. They have unlimited money and wasting legal fees is the only downside of filing frivolous lawsuits (many of which will succeed anyway if they get in front of the right FedSoc judge)

4 replies 29 reposts 148 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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It's a propaganda site. By going there you are absorbing propaganda chosen by an evil billionaire. Maybe you think you are a very special boy who, unlike other human beings, is immune to being influenced by propaganda so it's okay!

12 replies 63 reposts 405 likes

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hammancheez's avatar hammancheez
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They are pretty moving (having participated myself as an immigrant ) And every one of them were tested on the question “is anyone above the rule of law in America”

3 replies 23 reposts 103 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Iron Spike's avatar Iron Spike
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Didn’t even need to click through to guess the author’s race an gender. Do you what you want, fucker. But too many people got savaged by dogs, blasted with fire hoses, and hung from trees to get me into the voting booth for me to ever opt out.

30 replies 135 reposts 699 likes

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Snitty's avatar Snitty
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You know, the guy made very public comments about underage girls on the Howard Stern show. Teenage pageant contestants complained about him coming into their dressing room. He's made unhinged comments in public about his own daughter. Frankly, there's plenty in plain view.

1 replies 4 reposts 75 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

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the first, second and third most important news stories this week are about the SCOTUS decision, and every columnist spending their time talking about biden old is telling you what they value. we don’t have to indulge them, though, stop your subs, stop clicking, stop talking about them.

13 replies 110 reposts 391 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Faine Greenwood's avatar Faine Greenwood
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Speaking of GOP attacks on reporters:

0 replies 13 reposts 43 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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Jesus. Automated enforcement advocates really underestimate the potential for abuse with these cameras. The amount of information they collect is staggering, as is the ability to piece it all together to meticulously track individual people.

27 replies 234 reposts 464 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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sam alito salivating at the chance to make this life for americans

20 replies 263 reposts 1342 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Miles Grant's avatar Miles Grant
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AP story waits until paragraph 16 to mention police & prosecutors are accused of conspiring to protect the cop who's apparently the real killer, until then making him seem like a lone wolf

8 replies 408 reposts 1016 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Daniel Feldman's avatar Daniel Feldman
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Mississippi is the poorest state in the US.

Even though the state gets federal welfare funds, it is difficult to get welfare.

The money was all getting stolen, and they got away with it.

Now the journalists who exposed the story are facing a lawsuit and jail.

28 replies 686 reposts 1315 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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He's right. They're stealing the country from us and ending democracy. "Bloodless if the left allows it to be" is a threat to kill anyone who fights back

64 replies 535 reposts 1725 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Jesse Raub 's avatar Jesse Raub
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time and time again people are confused that the content they see is directly related to the people they follow and that they’re absolutely lost navigating the internet without an algorithm force feeding them lowest common denominator dreck

78 replies 235 reposts 1612 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

James Downie's avatar James Downie
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If only a Founder made this exact point, in the Federalist Papers, to explain separation of powers.

Oh wait that's exactly what Madison wrote. "It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government."

3 replies 63 reposts 321 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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My trusty(?) Brooks just failed awkwardly after like 5k miles. Probably my fault for being not a svelte rider and not getting off the saddle during some rough stuff, but failing after my 25ish mile commute to work rather than after my ride home is... a thing.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

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A.R. Moxon's avatar A.R. Moxon
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The president who was willing to use the military to oppose and vanquish a seditious faction that was waging war against the United States is now considered our greatest president it occurs to me for no particular reason.

11 replies 69 reposts 343 likes

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Machu Pikacchu's avatar Machu Pikacchu
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“Nobody gets hurt if they don’t resist” is a) the biggest lie cops tell and b) an obvious threat. Fuck all these people into the ground.

0 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

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John Bull's avatar John Bull
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2nd July 1863. Battle of Gettysburg. For perhaps the only time in the entire war the Confederates seem to be winning. Dan Sickles, commander III Corps, is ordered hold on Cemetery Ridge. For reasons unknown he advances. Broken, his men begin to flee. This is the moment on which the war depends /1

14 replies 111 reposts 350 likes

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regular meghan 🫧 나영지 🍉's avatar regular meghan 🫧 나영지 🍉
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every time we get news abt clarence thomas being deeply unserious i think about him lying for years about his sister being a welfare queen who was indoctrinating her children into welfare dependency and the entire time she was working two jobs and her kids were either employed or still in school

6 replies 165 reposts 915 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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I want something like Michael Caine's Scrooge and muppets but with the electorate seeing the ghosts caused by the School of the Americas.

1 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

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Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy's avatar Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy
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the conservative theory of law in one headline

51 replies 1054 reposts 3760 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Sean Casten's avatar Sean Casten
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“…But if the Supreme Court is ever composed of imprudent men or bad citizens, the Union may be plunged into anarchy or civil war.” - Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1831

1 replies 33 reposts 97 likes

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Popehat's avatar Popehat
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.

40 replies 894 reposts 2787 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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Can't imagine anyone disagreeing with anything put forth here.

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Ed Burmila's avatar Ed Burmila
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"No, WE failed HER!" is one of the phrases I heard a lot in 2017-2018 that convinced me that for a lot of people, politics really is just their favorite TV show. It's not a thing with outcomes that affect real people; what matters is giving your fave characters a satisfying narrative arc.

1 replies 10 reposts 59 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Shiv Ramdas's avatar Shiv Ramdas
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what the last few weeks tells us is what we'd already know if there wasn't a literal industry trying their best to keep that info from the public- the republicans know they are never winning another free and fair national election in our lifetimes

3 replies 35 reposts 129 likes

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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roberts’ reasoning is fundamentally (lower-case “r”) anti-republican. i know we dunk on the framers here but roberts has issued a rebuke of the revolutionary assumption that concentrated, unaccountable power is a fundamental threat to liberty.

23 replies 479 reposts 2079 likes

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Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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It's just hilariously disingenuous. Imagine looking at, say, ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY and concluding that the biggest threat to liberty isn't abuse of power, but powerful people refraining from sufficiently wielding their authority out of fear that they might one day be held accountable.

21 replies 385 reposts 1555 likes

Reposted by PSL_4Loko

Pete Woods is full of love and pasta's avatar Pete Woods is full of love and pasta
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You can say Trump is a rapist because by definition he is. His supporters are fine with rape. That makes them shitty people. They can’t deny it. They’re cool with raping. Evil. The fact every headline about Trump doesn’t say “Rapist Donald Trump” is the media complicit in whitewashing a rapist.

3 replies 58 reposts 190 likes

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R. Eric VanNewkirk's avatar R. Eric VanNewkirk
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I think a thing that's poorly understood about American history is that a lot of the progress made through the New Deal was driven by the political elite's fear of the Russian Revolution happening here and not by them having a sudden turn of heart after being visited by multiple ghosts or something.

16 replies 241 reposts 879 likes

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Grudgie the Whale's avatar Grudgie the Whale
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Biggest campaign story ever: using a private email server that could hold top secrets but doesn’t and could be breached but wasn’t. Tiny story: stealing top secrets. Hiding them in a bathroom. Taking them to NJ. Showing them to foreigners. Meeting with foreign governments.

16 replies 291 reposts 1174 likes

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Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here

79 replies 1531 reposts 4504 likes

PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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I used to have previous results saved. My first time was a pretty uniform nationwide yellow due to a childhood and then some constantly moving around. It's biased west since I've lived in CA longer than I've ever lived anywhere in my life: 5 years now, just edging out Alaska and then Florida.

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PSL_4Loko's avatar PSL_4Loko
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Travelling always sucks but getting told straight faced by United agents that 30 minutes late is an on-time arrival is really annoying.

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