Spamerooni's avatar


18 followers 43 following 104 posts

Just your average nobody. Feminism, cats, and kindness are my thing.

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eva's avatar eva
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why does retvrn to tradition always mean prairie dresses and fedoras but never temple prostitutes and transsexual oracles

30 replies 215 reposts 756 likes

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Liz Thurmond's avatar Liz Thurmond
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Pro tip: call the Project 2025 1-800 number and complain about it to them. The people answering the phones don’t seem to know what the plan even is.

19 replies 290 reposts 682 likes

Reposted by Spamerooni

amateur crastinator's avatar amateur crastinator
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im a sighted individual but because of other disabilities, alt text helps me understand and participate in a lot more discussion on social media

1 replies 12 reposts 46 likes

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Chris Geidner's avatar Chris Geidner
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Impeachment, criminal investigation, and court expansion — oh my! Congressional Democrats are pushing back, hard, against the Supreme Court's ethical lapses and extremism.

8 replies 72 reposts 261 likes

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Assistant to the Professor's avatar Assistant to the Professor
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I don't have a strong preference on Biden because of how much uncertainty there is, but seeing stuff like this cross my path is going to kill me. I'm begging people to learn how parties work. You can't Aaron Sorkin your way out of this.

56 replies 99 reposts 689 likes

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David M. Perry's avatar David M. Perry
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When you leave the NYT, please consider using your media money to subscribe to better outlets.

4 replies 40 reposts 141 likes

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Steve Benen's avatar Steve Benen
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It's not every day that senators ask the attorney general to appoint a special counsel to criminally investigate a sitting Supreme Court justice.

What's more, the case against Clarence Thomas is quite credible.

50 replies 292 reposts 1000 likes

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Jay Willis's avatar Jay Willis
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IMPORTANT: The website for Jonathan Mitchell's sock puppet org suing Northwestern for "bias against white men" is an open submission form asking for "evidence of race or sex preferences at any university you've been associated with." Just FYI!

17 replies 123 reposts 233 likes

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Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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Josh Hawley embraces the Christian nationalism label at NatCon:

14 replies 48 reposts 179 likes

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Dr. Damien P. Williams (Temporarily Logged Off)'s avatar Dr. Damien P. Williams (Temporarily Logged Off)
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Relatedly, please remember that a federal appeals court recently ruled that cops can compell you to use biometrics to unlock your phone. Passwords, pins, or patterns, people.

5 replies 205 reposts 329 likes

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Courtney Milan's avatar Courtney Milan
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I don't love Biden. I really don't. But it is just fucking ridiculous to have weathered YEARS of people telling me to stop criticizing him because it will suppress the vote, only to have people with way more power than me do *this.*

19 replies 110 reposts 751 likes

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Andrea Grimes's avatar Andrea Grimes
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I don't know if the people writing this crap understand this or not, but they should: "fetal personhood" as a concept mandates treating pregnancy termination and pregnancy loss (under whatever circumstances prosecutors want to define it) as homicide

3 replies 26 reposts 73 likes

Reposted by Spamerooni

Aaron Huertas's avatar Aaron Huertas
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The American two party system continues to offer a variety of compelling contrasts

3 replies 53 reposts 141 likes

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Grudgie the Whale's avatar Grudgie the Whale
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Trump raped a woman, was revealed as being in constant contact with a sex trafficker, stole nuclear secrets, is old, forged electoral certificates, was convicted of 34 felonies, committed fraud, is literally on the Saudi payroll, sent a mob to hang his VP but the opponent is also old.

10 replies 301 reposts 1045 likes

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Brooke Binkowski's avatar Brooke Binkowski
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"Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza...."

0 replies 19 reposts 41 likes

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David Forbes's avatar David Forbes
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It's also wildly inaccurate. Plenty of the base of white christian nationalism is in wealthy suburbs and, yes, cities too. Stop buying this "barefoot hicks" b.s. and realize the fascists are down the street shopping at whole foods.

11 replies 93 reposts 269 likes

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Kendyl Hanks's avatar Kendyl Hanks
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A man in his 30s I did not know well recently said to me he was surprised I was 50, and that he’d date me if he were older. Lacking a filter I said “I wouldn’t date you either way.”

9 replies 9 reposts 185 likes

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Reposted by Spamerooni

Zamira Rahim's avatar Zamira Rahim
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'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.

19 replies 541 reposts 1363 likes

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Angus Johnston's avatar Angus Johnston
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Just to be really explicit about what’s happening here, the cover conflates age, physical disability, and cognitive disability, and goes on to conflate disability with unfitness for office. It’s utter bullshit.

12 replies 219 reposts 747 likes

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A.R. Moxon's avatar A.R. Moxon
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Real hope isn't a passive thing, you know; no, hope is a crucial step in the natural process of repair. You can't fix a thing until you have the conviction it should be fixed, and the expectant determination to fix it—and if that doesn't describe hope, I don't know what does.

1 replies 7 reposts 64 likes

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Micah's avatar Micah
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if the media could go ahead and treat this claim the way they treat Biden saying "I'm fine" - aka, as a lie that requires days on end of front page stories to debunk - that would be great we'll be over here waiting

18 replies 215 reposts 821 likes

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Emily L. Hauser's avatar Emily L. Hauser
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The US only began to approach genuine democracy with the Civil Rights Act in 1964; in 1973, women gained some access to the Declaration of Independence's "inalienable rights" when we finally gained some control over our own bodies. Maybe our grandchildren will get a chance to give it another go.

1 replies 6 reposts 20 likes

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Wagatwe Wanjuki's avatar Wagatwe Wanjuki
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that's the problem. we already know who he is. if "grab em by the pussy" didn't do shit when he was just candidate, this won't do shit ESPECIALLY now as a former president

8 replies 26 reposts 165 likes

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The Achiever formerly known as Karl's avatar The Achiever formerly known as Karl
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I've lived in an authoritarian country (Saudi) and the lesson I take from it is that most of us will be fine--many of us will even prosper. But folks on the margins are in for a level of cruelty that's incomprehensible right now. At least now we know what our generation's great struggle will be.

3 replies 15 reposts 51 likes

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Patrick Canning's avatar Patrick Canning
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Not much news about the devastation from Beryl, this was the first post I saw today

1 replies 19 reposts 32 likes

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jon ben-menachem's avatar jon ben-menachem
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did anyone catch the protest-bashing line in gorsuch's homelessness decision? "It makes no difference whether the defendant is a person experiencing homelessness, on vacation, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building"

6 replies 69 reposts 192 likes

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Serenity Now!'s avatar Serenity Now!
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Here’s the Vanity Fair piece that story came from. The allegations of sexual assault are even more troubling. (Then again, Trump has set the bar sub-basement-level-low.)

1 replies 2 reposts 7 likes

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Saeed Jones's avatar Saeed Jones
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When I was writing HOW WE FIGHT FOR OUR LIVES, I privately debated leaving some chapters out. I thought writing about kids asking me if I was saved at the lunch table or my private panic about Matthew Shepard would be too dated to be relevant to readers by the time the book came out in 2019. ALAS.

2 replies 7 reposts 89 likes

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Spamerooni's avatar Spamerooni
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That doctors and other professionals and individuals with the resources to flee the state are doing so does not mean everyone who is unable to do so deserves to suffer.

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Spamerooni's avatar Spamerooni
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I'm trying to advocate the position that it is just and beneficial to care for people affected by inhumanity rather than abandon them to these "consequences of voting" as if they are all to blame.

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Spamerooni's avatar Spamerooni
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The position of "just leave" is so tiresome.

1 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Spamerooni's avatar Spamerooni
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And what of the citizens who have been disenfranchised and cannot vote? What of the counties/states that have been gerrymandered to oblivion?

2 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Spamerooni's avatar Spamerooni
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And what of the patients they leave behind?

2 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

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Emily L. Hauser's avatar Emily L. Hauser
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And I've reached the point where I, too, believe RBG ultimately failed the country she served so well for so long—yet it is DAMN telling that people are only too happy to lay the blame for what our white supremacist patriarchy has wrought at the feet of that one (1) woman.

8 replies 13 reposts 114 likes

Reposted by Spamerooni

Kaitlin Has Had Enough's avatar Kaitlin Has Had Enough
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Yup: Fascism is just interpersonal abuse scaled for a population!

2 replies 11 reposts 43 likes

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The Volatile Mermaid 's avatar The Volatile Mermaid
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“Mom, tell me about 2024.” Well, honey, people were concerned about a man’s age so we let Nazis take over.

11 replies 68 reposts 328 likes

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Seth D. Michaels 's avatar Seth D. Michaels
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"That the public interest might also be served, perhaps, by using the criminal courts to hold the president accountable for attempting a coup, is absent from this opinion."

0 replies 30 reposts 95 likes

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Robin Marty 's avatar Robin Marty
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Just getting caught up on this immunity ruling and can some explain how it wasn’t a conflict of interest to have the three justices he literally gave lifetime jobs to ruling on this issue?

1 replies 2 reposts 14 likes

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Saeed Jones's avatar Saeed Jones
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I’ll cheer on this country when it stops trying to kill me.

5 replies 62 reposts 552 likes

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Cait's avatar Cait
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I used to really care about the Supreme Court as an institution. Someone gave me SCOTUS water glasses as a wedding present. I'm that girl. I don't respect the court anymore. The conservatives are hacks. Roberts et al. deserve to be mocked, booed, & ostracized for the rest of their miserable lives.

8 replies 9 reposts 80 likes

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Nicholas Wallace's avatar Nicholas Wallace
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Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol

43 replies 722 reposts 2271 likes

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Marisa Kabas's avatar Marisa Kabas
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the sad part is that biden will see this moment and say “im gonna act like an extra good boy to show im the responsible choice for president and everyone will think that’s nice!”

14 replies 26 reposts 215 likes

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Hemry, Local Bartender's avatar Hemry, Local Bartender
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Maybe I'm super fucked up but having the supreme court declare that J6 was fine and good actually feels worse than J6

25 replies 241 reposts 1458 likes

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Joshua J. Friedman's avatar Joshua J. Friedman
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Sotomayor: "Today’s decision ... makes a mockery of the principle, foundational to our Constitution and system of Government, that no man is above the law."

5 replies 62 reposts 233 likes

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andy™'s avatar andy™
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waiting for the torment box to tell me if i'm ruled by a god emperor

4 replies 18 reposts 149 likes

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Talia Lavin's avatar Talia Lavin
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i think donald trump should withdraw from the presidential race, for the good of the country

12 replies 83 reposts 569 likes

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