Charles DeWitt's avatar

Charles DeWitt

30 followers 93 following 42 posts

Tech enthusiast, history fan/teacher, corgi caretaker, coffee lover, and enemy of bad faith rhetorical jackasses.

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Sojourner's avatar Aaron Sojourner
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"We're gonna put kids in cages. It's gonna be glorious." - Mike Davis, former Chief Counsel of Nominations for Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Grassley, on what he'd do if he worked in the next Trump administration's Justice Department.

22 replies 210 reposts 294 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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Wow amazing how the Saudis keep showing up in these stories where they offer illegal support to far right politicians.

20 replies 191 reposts 739 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

's avatar
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On Trump's proposal to cut taxes (for the rich) and raise tariffs, here is a chart from on what to expect.

In words: "The net effect would be negative for 80 percent of the population, especially for the bottom 60 percent, while extremely positive for the top 1 percent."

1 replies 8 reposts 15 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan
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Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"

81 replies 594 reposts 2916 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

United Farm Workers's avatar United Farm Workers
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Today, the federal government put itself on the right side of history by seeking, for the 1st time, to establish the precedent that every worker in America has the right to shade, water & rest while working in temps that could kill them. -UFW President Teresa Romero

11 replies 352 reposts 915 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

J.M. Berger's avatar J.M. Berger
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Everyone else is focused, rightly, on the threat, so let me just remind you that it will not remain bloodless, whatever the left decides to do or not to do.

18 replies 207 reposts 702 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Amanda Marcotte's avatar Amanda Marcotte
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Watching the GOP reaction to the Supreme Court's "immunity" decision has been instructive.

These folks don't "fear" Trump, as we've been told.

They want a dictator. They may personally despise him and his smell. But he's their best shot at fascism.

11 replies 47 reposts 154 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Brooke Binkowski's avatar Brooke Binkowski
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This IS Heritage's Project 2025. Remember it's not IN 2025. It's BY 2025.

6 replies 148 reposts 416 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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He's right. They're stealing the country from us and ending democracy. "Bloodless if the left allows it to be" is a threat to kill anyone who fights back

62 replies 534 reposts 1724 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Joanne Freeman's avatar Joanne Freeman
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That is an open threat. Terrorism as politics.

10 replies 44 reposts 170 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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New in PN: The pundit class needs to get a grip Politics isn't fantasy football and there's no One Weird Trick to beat Trump.

6 replies 19 reposts 140 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

luke's avatar luke
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They just come straight out and say it and nobody listens

11 replies 70 reposts 254 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Laura Helmuth's avatar Laura Helmuth
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A tragically common cause of death before pasteurization was food poisoning in children who were being weaned and starting to drink cow's milk. Pasteurization is one of the greatest public health successes in the history of the world, and now it's protecting us from H5N1 bird flu 🧪

17 replies 257 reposts 869 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Laura Helmuth's avatar Laura Helmuth
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This is predictable but so important: Pasteurizing milk kills the H5N1 bird flu virus that is circulating widely in dairy cattle. It's easy to take a 150-year-old technique that has saved countless lives for granted, but don't fool around with unpasteurized dairy products. 🧪

15 replies 227 reposts 746 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Helen Branswell's avatar Helen Branswell
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Rural veterinarians play a critical role in safeguarding the health of food animals. And they often alert public health to animal-human problems that are brewing. The role they're being asked to play detecting & containing #H5N1 #birdflu is putting them in a bind.

0 replies 15 reposts 29 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

States Newsroom's avatar States Newsroom
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Tiny bark beetles, namely the Ips engraver and southern pine varieties, have been killing millions of trees across Louisiana and Mississippi after a severe drought last year left forests and woods weakened and susceptible to the insect. Via Louisiana Illuminator

0 replies 3 reposts 3 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Preeti Chhibber's avatar Preeti Chhibber
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apropos of uhhhhhhh everything, reposting this again

3 replies 734 reposts 1671 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Beirne Roose-Snyder's avatar Beirne Roose-Snyder
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Back in February
& I talked about Project 2025 & how it destroys checks & balances & scapegoats LGBTQI+ people while decimating repro & other basic rights. The news in the last four days makes this convo even more urgent.
Nothing is inevitable. There's so much to do.

0 replies 3 reposts 3 likes

Charles DeWitt's avatar Charles DeWitt
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So Biden could have, as apart of official acts, taken 'gratuity' from foreign governments and that's fine.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

DCapTO's avatar DCapTO
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Y’all DO know we eliminated an entire flu strain during the few months we were all masking in 2020. Your maskless faces are not even giving us a chance. How is getting sick over and over better than NOT getting sick? Fitted K/N95 masks work. Masks are inconvenient? So is chronic illness & disability

0 replies 33 reposts 76 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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Easy to lose sight of the significance here, but the sitting president just gave a speech condemning the Supreme Court for a ruling that expands presidential power. It’s also a president who stands to benefit from this ruling, given that his opponent is vowing to imprison him and his family.

48 replies 347 reposts 1488 likes

Charles DeWitt's avatar Charles DeWitt
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In law sometimes ends phone conversations sincerely, desperately, warning us to be careful of murder migrants.

1 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Sarah Posner 's avatar Sarah Posner
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Trump is a convicted felon who stole classified documents and tried to do a coup and the NYT never called on him to drop out. Ridiculous

10 replies 106 reposts 430 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Greg Pak's avatar Greg Pak
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Also too: imagine if every NYT pundit used their valuable space this morning to call on Rs to ditch Trump for being held liable for sexual abuse, for committing 34 felonies, and for lying about literally everything. They could do that! They don't! I wonder why!

2 replies 115 reposts 309 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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Biden is too old. But he has surrounded himself with competent people and has had a conventional first term. Trump is authoritarian but inept. He has surrounded himself with people he hopes will make him more effective at authoritarianism. Neither is ideal. But these are not similar problems.

20 replies 294 reposts 969 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Mike Masnick's avatar Mike Masnick
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If they didn't think any of the whoppers last night were egregious enough to require a correction, wtf business do they have being on air?

12 replies 40 reposts 207 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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In a concurring opinion upholding criminalization of homelessness, Clarence Thomas argues the court should also repeal its decision striking down laws that criminalize drug addiction (not possession or distribution -- addiction). To support his argument, he cites a dissent by ... Clarence Thomas.

22 replies 72 reposts 279 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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Looking forward to the next Supreme Court decision, a 6-3 ruling that weirdos who taunt their neighbors with political flags are actually “very cool, according to the Constitution”

11 replies 62 reposts 479 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

ApocalypticaNow's avatar ApocalypticaNow
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Marcellus Williams was cleared by DNA evidence and the prosecutor is trying to vacate the conviction, but the state of Missouri still scheduled an execution date for him. Please sign and share this petition

31 replies 606 reposts 715 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Peter's avatar Peter
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it’s not just that, e.g., Clarence Thomas loves to be bribed. the conservatives really believe that spoils rightfully accrue to the powerful, and that exchanges of money and power are a natural and just part of politics

10 replies 85 reposts 631 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Uncertainty Vice Principal's avatar Uncertainty Vice Principal
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What often becomes clear is that Alito et al make rulings based on some BS FOX propaganda about the case, not what actually happened. Make a ruling that justices can’t watch FOX News all day. I’m kidding but yeesh. Right-wing media has rotted the brain of the US, and right to the top.

1 replies 2 reposts 21 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Joel Morris's avatar Joel Morris
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Can someone explain to the most powerful people on earth that science fiction is meant to be an allegorical discussion about the present, not an instruction manual / catalogue for the products we will / must have in the future? I blame all those deck plans books and endpaper maps.

31 replies 124 reposts 1027 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Marisa Kabas's avatar Marisa Kabas
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a shockingly accurate—and deeply depressing—headline.

29 replies 216 reposts 855 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan
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You will never guess which Judges voted to make it easier for public officials to receive gifts.

32 replies 349 reposts 1170 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

CHOAM Nomsky đź’­'s avatar CHOAM Nomsky đź’­
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The New York Democratic Party can’t shift a Republican out of his seat for love or money but they’ll move heaven and earth to boot a progressive black guy in favor of a Reagan Democrat racist

15 replies 281 reposts 1094 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Peter's avatar Peter
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the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence on corruption is basically at a point where the only thing that counts as a bribe is someone handing a public official a giant bag of money with a dollar sign on it while saying “this is a bribe” out loud

52 replies 303 reposts 1473 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Tim Carvell's avatar Tim Carvell
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2002: "Careful, kids, the Internet is forever!"

2024: "Oh, hey, all the work you did for a decade of your life was just deleted from the Internet for Business Reasons."

76 replies 847 reposts 1953 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Katie Mack's avatar Katie Mack
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We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.

147 replies 1364 reposts 5279 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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"Republicans can smear Hunter Biden as a screwup who traded on his father’s name and condemn the president as too loving and indulgent, but these talking points should be seen for what they are: a distraction from Trump’s egregious, unprecedented corruption."

2 replies 30 reposts 168 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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Remember Trump's "divestment plan" that was literally nothing more than binders full of blank papers? You should.

9 replies 45 reposts 248 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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"Last Friday, a judge booted Infowars out of bankruptcy. It was mostly a win for hate purveyor Alex Jones, who persisted with his grotesque lies about Sandy Hook even as grieving parents faced an avalanche of harassment from his deranged fans."

4 replies 19 reposts 62 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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"The leak of the Dobbs opinion was a turning point. That made it clear the Court’s conservatives were going to take away women’s rights, and they were going to justify it by saying constitutional rights must be constrained by the prevailing viewpoints at a time when women didn’t have rights."

5 replies 56 reposts 210 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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TRANSLATION: Trump is bullshitting with his sycophants and not actually preparing

36 replies 27 reposts 210 likes

Reposted by Charles DeWitt

Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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With even Fox News now acknowledging that Biden is pulling ahead, who's writing the big think piece about how Trump should gracefully bow out at the RNC for a younger, fresher candidate? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you, Nate Silver!

13 replies 59 reposts 370 likes