Todd H. Baker's avatar

Todd H. Baker

207 followers 738 following 68 posts

Senior Fellow, Columbia Business and Law Schools, Richman Center for Business, Law and Public Policy. Write and teach about all things fintech, banking, finreg. Linkedin is my usual haunt. Villa til I die.

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Neil Lewis, Jr.'s avatar Neil Lewis, Jr.
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This meme is relevant again.

15 replies 395 reposts 1260 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Jay Willis's avatar Jay Willis
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IMPORTANT: The website for Jonathan Mitchell's sock puppet org suing Northwestern for "bias against white men" is an open submission form asking for "evidence of race or sex preferences at any university you've been associated with." Just FYI!

17 replies 122 reposts 230 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Bellingcat's avatar Bellingcat
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See X post. Using an excerpt of a single email, they claimed Bellingcat shared a story with Dutch intelligence before publication. We obtained the full email: it shows a bureaucrat copy-pasted the article from our website and shared it with colleagues *after* it was published.

5 replies 2 reposts 60 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Josh Chafetz's avatar Josh Chafetz
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Am rereading the Alexander decision and almost choked on the Alito line, "[W]e must be wary of plaintiffs who seek to transform federal courts into 'weapons of political warfare' that will deliver victories that eluded them 'in the political arena.'"

20 replies 84 reposts 355 likes

Todd H. Baker's avatar Todd H. Baker
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Bardella (Le Pen’s PM choice) is 28 and has never held a real job or had any experience that would qualify him

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Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Assistant to the Professor's avatar Assistant to the Professor
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This is journalistic malpractice. The Biden admin was working on Parkinson's policy.

37 replies 277 reposts 854 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Brendan Nyhan's avatar Brendan Nyhan
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Sadly predictable but no less offensive

3 replies 13 reposts 48 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Tom Scocca's avatar Tom Scocca
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"Executive Time" fell out of the coverage of Donald Trump in the most incredible way. Nobody writing about his quest to become president again ever mentions the fact that he hated the job when he had it and he couldn't and wouldn't really do it!

35 replies 296 reposts 1161 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Hemry, Local Bartender's avatar Hemry, Local Bartender
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"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old

12 replies 234 reposts 873 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

John Scalzi's avatar John Scalzi
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Sorry, folks, this year "no vote" is a vote for fascism, don't be that person, voting is a necessary if not entirely sufficient act

48 replies 270 reposts 1284 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Philip Bump's avatar Philip Bump
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If the right is fighting a "second American Revolution," as Heritage's guy put it, it's worth identifying what they are rebelling against.

21 replies 123 reposts 342 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Assistant to the Professor's avatar Assistant to the Professor
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Someone needs to explain to the owner/political editors of the NYTimes what the introduction of a personalized autocratic regime means for their survival.

2 replies 8 reposts 39 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow's avatar Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow
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goddamn four alarm fire right here

4 replies 37 reposts 268 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

ProPublica's avatar ProPublica
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The Supreme Court's right-wing supermajority didn't happen overnight. This is the inside story of how Leonard Leo built a machine that reshaped the American judiciary and legal system.

11 replies 120 reposts 249 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Chris Hayes's avatar Chris Hayes
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this is a brilliant point that I was struggling to articulate.

20 replies 64 reposts 502 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Jonathan Ladd's avatar Jonathan Ladd
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The 14th Amendment says if you were involved in an insurrection you can't be president. SCOTUS said they won't allow anyone to enforce that because of reasons they made up. The Constitution doesn't say the president is immune from criminal law. SCOTUS decided he is because of reasons they made up.

72 replies 1123 reposts 3729 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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Good point from Sotomayor here. By barring prosecutors from probing a president's intent, Roberts renders the entire "official vs. unofficial" distinction meaningless.

11 replies 176 reposts 651 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Jonathan Ladd's avatar Jonathan Ladd
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There is no constitutional text that says presidents are immune from all criminal law. Nor was it the intent of the authors of the Constitution or any amendments. It is inconsistent with American precedent and tradition. They just made it up.

15 replies 101 reposts 454 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko
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It's just hilariously disingenuous. Imagine looking at, say, ALL OF HUMAN HISTORY and concluding that the biggest threat to liberty isn't abuse of power, but powerful people refraining from sufficiently wielding their authority out of fear that they might one day be held accountable.

21 replies 385 reposts 1561 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Assistant to the Professor's avatar Assistant to the Professor
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Being born in the 80s I felt like Nixon was ancient history. Republicans have been fighting to undo what was done to him ever since

0 replies 1 reposts 9 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Roxane Gay's avatar Roxane Gay
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I guess the British won after all.

25 replies 100 reposts 667 likes

Todd H. Baker's avatar Todd H. Baker
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Two thirds of voters vote against Le Pen and it’s a big victory?

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Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Molly White's avatar Molly White
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Coinbase's "Stand With Crypto" PAC website is now confirming what I reported earlier. More than 99% of the amount they claimed was raised by this supposedly "grassroots" PAC is in fact massive corporate contributions to the FairShake super PAC.

5 replies 44 reposts 164 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Asawin Suebsaeng's avatar Asawin Suebsaeng
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“The justices accidentally, repeatedly referenced laughing gas in a disastrous ruling before declaring that judges know better than agency regulators”

30 replies 348 reposts 1051 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Mark Lemley's avatar Mark Lemley
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Chevron overruled 6-3. Without a hint of irony, the Court notes that it was adopted in the first place 40 years ago by "a bare quorum of six Justices."
Gorsuch, concurring, would essentially do away with stare decisis altogether.

2 replies 4 reposts 17 likes

Todd H. Baker's avatar Todd H. Baker
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Supreme Court: Nothing is real until I decide it’s real. The tip jar is by the door.

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Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Timothy Noah's avatar Timothy Noah
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Since you were planning to blow your brains out anyway, here’s another reason: the Supreme Court just castrated the regulatory state. I’m kidding about the blowing your brains out part. Read my Liberties Journal essay instead.

0 replies 2 reposts 1 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Joshua Erlich's avatar Joshua Erlich
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not much to say that i haven't already said, but this week's opinions really drive home that we're in crisis. chevron's out, bribery is in, coups are good, air pollution can't be regulated because of freedom or something.

8 replies 86 reposts 325 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

David Noll 's avatar David Noll
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one of the Roberts Court's slimiest moves is to stop following its binding precedents and then cite its disregard for the rule of law as a reason for overruling them

1 replies 4 reposts 22 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Michael 's avatar Michael
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the roberts two-step described in the pages of the supreme court reporter! incredible and an excellent use of a dissent

5 replies 77 reposts 278 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Gautham FC's avatar Gautham FC
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Chevron famously said, "Judges are not experts in the field, and are not part of either political branch of the Government." Today, Roberts and the other chaos agents on the court say: "Judges are the only experts in any field, and can dictate policy to either political branch of the Gov't"

15 replies 260 reposts 901 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Jamison Foser's avatar Jamison Foser
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Clarence Thomas, writing from a lounge chair on a yacht owned by Koch Industries while wearing a Koch Industries bathrobe, applying all his scientific expertise to conclude that regulating oil spills has no scientific basis, while Koch Industries readies his it’s-a-tip-not-a-bribe.

4 replies 93 reposts 346 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Christopher Federico's avatar Christopher Federico
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However you cut it, ‘conservative’ legal movement doctrine is fundamentally inconsistent with how governments need to operate in a modern market economy. Some of the GOP justices just don’t care; some of them naively deny the likelihood of the chaos they are unleashing.

4 replies 24 reposts 99 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Josh Chafetz's avatar Josh Chafetz
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Gear up for several years of doctrinal chaos as courts try to figure out how to deal with regs in complex areas that the judges can't possibly understand ...

14 replies 65 reposts 243 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Assistant to the Professor's avatar Assistant to the Professor
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Good news everyone, John Roberts who called the science behind determining gerrymanders "sociological gobbledygook" just gave himself the power to rule on extremely technical matters over the expertise of people who have dedicated their lives to mastering administrative tasks.

8 replies 105 reposts 364 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

The New York Times's avatar The New York Times
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Breaking News: The Supreme Court reduced executive agencies’ power, a decision that threatens regulations in countless areas, including the environment, health care and consumer safety, and hands a victory to the conservative legal movement.

6 replies 12 reposts 17 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse
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once again i think that mark lemley’s article on the “imperial supreme court” is the most perceptive thing written about the roberts court and its overarching project

8 replies 168 reposts 481 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

David Dayen's avatar David Dayen
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The Supreme Court said today you can bribe a public official as long as you give them the money AFTER they do your bidding and not before. "Thanks for the tip," corrupting influences replied! Here's Hassan Kanu with the dirty details:

2 replies 34 reposts 119 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

James Fallows's avatar James Fallows
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Contrasts of the NYT: On one hand, political coverage. On other, truly outstanding investigative projects. Like today's by Rebecca Robbins / Reed Abelson on "PBM" racket jacking up pharma projects:

Really well done.

Target for second Biden term.

3 replies 19 reposts 61 likes

Reposted by Todd H. Baker

Kevin Gannon 's avatar Kevin Gannon
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Funding the Internet via ad revenue continues to produce absurd results

2 replies 25 reposts 132 likes