Senator Ron Wyden's avatar

Senator Ron Wyden

Regarding the TikTok bill: I'm still reviewing it. I have serious concerns about any app that gives the Chinese government access to Americans' private data. But I'll also say this: history teaches us that when lawmakers rush to legislate on tech and social media, mistakes get made.

115 replies 40 reposts 365 likes

Scott Johnson's avatar Scott Johnson
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A thoughtful measured approach? Been a while since I saw that.

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CircusNoBread's avatar CircusNoBread
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American social media companies SELL private user data. let's focus on that!

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's avatar
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Haven't all these guys already stolen (or Hoovered) all our data anyway? Seems like control of the algorithm is the more critical problem. And that pertains to other platforms as well. Congress has really failed us on all of this. Like on so much else, frankly.

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Perry!🀄's avatar Perry!🀄
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Please don't lose on this issue to fuckin Donald trump of all people. Private data needs regulation here in the states. one of the largest social media platforms but a majority of our satellites are in the hands of a ketamine addled right wing oligarch. We got our own backyard to worry about

2 replies 1 reposts 12 likes

SirGeeFive's avatar SirGeeFive
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When you have Steve Mnuchin vying to purchase it, the voters can plainly see that this has nothing at all to do with privacy. Please make sure that bill goes nowhere. It is very obvious why this bill is being introduced and it is not a good look to support it. Your voters are fed up.

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The Store's avatar The Store
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I'd also be worried about who buys it if they divest. Lots of domestic groups are just as bad as the chinese government owning a piece

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Navel Jelly's avatar Navel Jelly
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This is just another xenophobic bill that will ignore the problem of data collection while letting you pretend you did something.

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Barrett Madden's avatar Barrett Madden
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We need a privacy law that keeps tech companies from collecting our data, not a law that makes sure that only US companies can do it. Stop with the TikTok nonsense and switch to something that actually protects us.

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NetKnave's avatar NetKnave
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I'd be more concerned with Elon Musk having access to lawmakers DMs, personally.

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Jorge Rivera Marín's avatar Jorge Rivera Marín
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I don't understand why your colleagues are rushing to ban TikTok, instead of listening to you. Yet they're doing nothing to regulate massive data theft by AI companies, including the sale of data to them by companies like DocuSign. You guys are either behind the curve or taking a hammer to things.

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's avatar
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That means all other countries should ban all US tech companies cause you have laws that make them subordinate to US state security apparatus.

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's avatar
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The Chinese don't need to go to the trouble of setting up a social media network to get the private data of Americans. They can just buy the data wholesale from any of the dozens of data brokers that will sell your data to anyone willing to pay.

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MJ Lindberg's avatar MJ Lindberg
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I'm not sure Mnuchin buying is better for the American people.

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Arch cam cam's avatar Arch cam cam
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Is it even legal to do this, won't there be a supreme court review at some point? They themselves have said they should not be involved with tech decisions. It just seems like jingoistic protectionism. Set laws that protect user privacy and country of origin will be a moot point.

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Weems at bsky's avatar Weems at bsky
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Pass a privacy bill that applies to all technology, don't ban something just because you fear China.

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Weems at bsky's avatar Weems at bsky
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Censorship of the internet and the Government banning a service is a horrible precedent you shouldn't consider for a second

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's avatar
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How about a basic privacy bill that affects all social media instead of a bill cherry picking one company. We need rights over our own data and our children’s data.

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sQueera's avatar sQueera
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Perhaps the goal should be to regulate information sharing and data gathering for all companies, rather than targeting a single company in a wave of sinophobia, and which also happens to be a platform where most users are young and on the left

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's avatar
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How about NO company owns that data - American or otherwise. A lot of kids are on that app.

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L's avatar L
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Anything that would get rid of the LoTT account would be great.

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Donna Jonas's avatar Donna Jonas
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TikTok should not be singled out. There are a lot of social media sites collecting info on Americans, so either we make one for all of them or none should be targeted. The Senate should find a way to make changes that benefit all Americans. Especially, the business folks who use it to make money.

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Alexander The Meh's avatar Alexander The Meh
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Then craft something that protects my data from US corporations as well, as we can prove that some of them have aided and abetted genocide. Til then, stop censoring one of the few places showing us what the US is doing in Palestine.

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R1Airport's avatar R1Airport
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Please strongly consider filibustering it.

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Jami's avatar Jami
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BTW This racist & fascist attempt to ban a harmless app is going to cost millions of Americans loss in revenue as loads of people use TikTok & TikTok Shop to make ends meet. But congress doesn't give a 💩 about poor people.

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Jami's avatar Jami
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We all know it's NOT about privacy as it's been proven time & again that TikTok is NOT violating our privacy but AMERICAN OWNED apps like Facebook ARE! It's about congress wanting to raise their Meta stock & being racist. DO NOT BAN TIKTOK!

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The Blue Leopard's avatar The Blue Leopard
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Constituent here, asking you to vote "no" on any legislation that would ban TikTok.

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Carl Nyberg 's avatar Carl Nyberg
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If you want to restrict and regulate data brokers, write & pass a bill to do that.

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Loaf Warden, Frood's avatar Loaf Warden, Frood
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You should have serious concerns about any corporation that collects Americans' personal data. Those corporations will sell that data to China directly, or through a shell corporation.

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A Random Canadian's avatar A Random Canadian
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Perhaps the first time that history has been invoked in connection with TikTok

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Leono's avatar Leono
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Ban TikTok. They ban all social media from the west. Why should we allow theirs?

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Emily Doyle's avatar Emily Doyle
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Personally, I'd worry more about Temu, an app from a company that already has a history of stealing user data.

2 replies 0 reposts 38 likes

Echo Gillette's avatar Echo Gillette
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It comes across as hypocritical to focus on TikTok (a platform that allows American people to have free & open conversations) and not to focus on Temu (a company KNOWN to steal American data & that uses highly unethical business practices)

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Michelle Lamb's avatar Michelle Lamb
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Democrats are just gonna hand this social media platform over to right wing oligarchs chomping at the bit to take it over?

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perfect princess's avatar perfect princess
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Do you have similar concerns over united states companies having access to americans private data. What about the american government. I am way more concerned with what the police in my city do with my data than a pencil pusher in china

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Jeff Schult's avatar Jeff Schult
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And when they don't rush, it's too late. Kind of screwed either way.

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MrsMNash's avatar MrsMNash
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So we know now that instead of China accessing our data right wing billionaires like Mnuchin will have access to our data. This stinks to high heaven. Vote NO.

0 replies 1 reposts 16 likes

illumi's avatar illumi
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I don't doubt that there are issues. I doubt that those issues are not just as prevalent if not moreso on apps run by twitter and meta. And question who is financially lobbying for this rushed execution.

1 replies 0 reposts 28 likes

proleartthreat's avatar proleartthreat
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misinformation..anyone heard of Fox...heck the Orange one?..stealing data? you guys give it away whenever you buy stuff or search online

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💢Marx was right.🕊's avatar 💢Marx was right.🕊
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The Red Scare lives on in you.

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Jacob "Obie" Obergfell's avatar Jacob "Obie" Obergfell
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Just gonna give my two cents Senator: hypothetically, if TikTok does give the CCP data from Americans, what's gonna stop them from making TikTok 2? Stop focusing on one app, and focus on the actual security of American's data. This will check TikTok, as well as Facebook, X, and Instagram.

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Steven Lumpkin's avatar Steven Lumpkin
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Senator, this bill is about legislating one single social media app- rather than genuinely resolving the privacy and data abuses that many companies perpetrate (including American companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter). Young voters LOVE Tiktok; don’t throw them away this cycle.

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Hens Breet's avatar Hens Breet
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You don’t need to legitimize the GOP’s hypocritical grandstanding. Just say no.

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Goldstein the Hon's avatar Goldstein the Hon
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Why is the Chinese government having access to my data more of a threat to me than the US government having it?

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lydy's avatar lydy
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Suggestion to make the data protections in the bill applicable to all data, so any limitations that apply to TikTok also apply to x and meta

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votenanocratic's avatar votenanocratic
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Every other entity on earth has access to my data. Why shouldn't the Chinese government? They will buy it on the market anyway because it's all for sale. There are no good laws actually protecting our data from anyone.

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Tibbi's avatar Tibbi
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All the socials do this, so the courts will probably declare this unconstitutional right off the bat. Also a tiktok post hasn't done a school shooting. Focus on what's killing us before messing with this stupidity.

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J.C. Wilder 's avatar J.C. Wilder
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The Temu app should be next on the list. The company already has a shady history of ripping people off.

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Starlit_Stella's avatar Starlit_Stella
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Oh Yes? like letting TikTok be sold to a group of Sick Trump Sycophants? Thats a huge mistake. We allready have FOX, Newsmax, OAN, Aaron Rodgers, Twitter, Steve Bannon's podcast for distributing Pro Trump Propaganda to MAGA cult members. Do we really need another platform to do more damage?

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Tully Quinn's avatar Tully Quinn
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Don't vote yes. Don't be a red scare xenophobe. Don't vote yes because AIPAC wants it. Don't be a hypocrite about data security, we know it's a bullshit excuse.

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Slipknot’s Berry Farm's avatar Slipknot’s Berry Farm
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ohhhhh nooo the chinese can see that i watched that sea shanty shit 5,000 times. maybe focus on stopping wannabe fascist shitbags from taking over the country from within instead?

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🦀 Shawn Morris 🦀's avatar 🦀 Shawn Morris 🦀
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That last sentence is more than enough reason to vote no and not be undecided about it? Like "Boy we sure do mess up when we rush in but idk I might still vote yes" is absolute nonsense

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Bargdaffy's avatar Bargdaffy
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Oh just shut up! You Folks in Congress are the ones Beholden to AIPAC and ADL, This is nothing more than crushing American's First Amendment Rights all to Protect Israel and their Genocide from honest criticism.

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Chris Delauder's avatar Chris Delauder
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The Chinese government can already buy any data they want because we don't have data privacy laws. TikTok is not the problem, and it would only make sense to write legislation specific to TikTok if they were violating data privacy laws, which we don't have. Please give us GDPR instead

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's avatar
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How about showing the same concern for Americans private data when when it comes to any nation, even our own. Protect Americans from American corporations, it's the least you could do.

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Red Lantern Supergirl Superfan (she/her)'s avatar Red Lantern Supergirl Superfan (she/her)
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kind of a dumbass thing to do to worry about privacy when the bad actors are Chinese and let the bad actors ruin your fucking life while doing nothing about privacy if they're American

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El Topo's avatar El Topo
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If TikTok should be banned just for being connected to China, let me tell you about a once-important social networking site that got purchased at great expense by a drugged-out megalomaniac in the midst of a mid-life crisis...

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Erica Joy Astrella's avatar Erica Joy Astrella
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start with the bill is not about chinese access to american private data, otherwise it would include other apps like shein, dhgate, alibaba, and aliexpress, which have a LOT more access to private data than tiktok does. the bill is about the chinese govt having access to influence americans via TT.

0 replies 1 reposts 14 likes

Norbizness's avatar Norbizness
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That's right, I say keep the data breaches confined to those that enrich people like Steve Mnuchin and the Saudis, the way the Founders intended! Thank goodness all other social media platforms are spotless and beyond reproach.

0 replies 2 reposts 24 likes

Eric Riley's avatar Eric Riley
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Really glad to see you on this and taking the care to do things carefully.

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mwschmeer's avatar mwschmeer
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Your right that rushing to pass laws leads to gaps or oversights or unintended consequences. But Senator, with all due respect, don't weasel out by using passive voice; mistakes don't get made on their own. It's easy to shift blame by saying "mistakes were made" rather than "we made mistakes."

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Will “Looking for a job” Smith's avatar Will “Looking for a job” Smith
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Why not just ban the sort of data collection wholesale? It’s a massive invasion of user privacy and only serves to enrich the people who sell advertising and user data.

3 replies 6 reposts 61 likes

Ni en pedo's avatar Ni en pedo
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The data will still end up in China...only this time after a hefty commission from Mnuchin.

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Accountabilabuddy's avatar Accountabilabuddy
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A *comprehensive* industry-wide reform bill, with proper enforcement (i.e., jailing of executives for violations), would be a step toward solving the massive privacy problem. But that isn't the bill the oligarchs have purchased. They just want to buy TikTok.

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White silhouette 's avatar White silhouette
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Should other countries follow suit?. Like the EU banning any app that gives the American government access to their citizens private data?.

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's avatar
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Thank you Ron. This is a reasonable take. What I'd really like to see is it brought under US control and then passing a widespread, sensible online privacy bill that can bind TikTok and all other platforms to protect Americans and their data.

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Raea 🦋💕🏳️‍⚧️🏴's avatar Raea 🦋💕🏳️‍⚧️🏴
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thanks u moster senador

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Colin Moore's avatar Colin Moore
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The Majority Leaders kids have kush jobs at Facebook and Amazon. Chuck Schumer must recuse himself. No different than the conflict of interests on the Supreme Court.

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robot_sheed's avatar robot_sheed
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it seems dumb and racist to me.

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Abstract the Origin's avatar Abstract the Origin
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The way to address this is to address data privacy in full and not this hodge podge way of banning apps. This issue is not limited to Tiktok; it's an issue relevant to all companies that handle private data and run algorithms.

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Dave Johnson's avatar Dave Johnson
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Just how much 'history' do you think you have re_"tech and social media," sir?

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Nihl L'Amas's avatar Nihl L'Amas
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US companies are openly selling our private data, including live location. Much of what TikTok is imagined to be up to isn't even illegal.

0 replies 0 reposts 8 likes

Energetic Nova's avatar Energetic Nova
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I would trust you to write something more universal and better. And I wished it was your privacy legislation that GOP walked out on you on 3-4 years ago.

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Outtamylaine's avatar Outtamylaine
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I mean, Facebook has a known history of not giving a fig about anyone's privacy, of working with foreign governments looking to influence Americans, and of enabling the proliferation of scams that harm users. Twitter is owned by a drug addled security risk. Are we going to shut them all down?

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Jim Mooney's avatar Jim Mooney
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I am more concerned about the export of my data to corporations and the US govt. I could care less what the Chinese do with it.

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TwinScales's avatar TwinScales
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What is the point of this bill other than naked protectionism? If you want to ACTUALLY do something then start aiming for laws that support general data protections and stop allowing companies to literally sell our data for a pittance.

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The Loremoth's avatar The Loremoth
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Considering they already but everything they want from data brokers picking out info off DOMESTIC websites, I'm more concerned about why our govt is so interested in the platform.

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Kaia Bell's avatar Kaia Bell
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Our data needs to be protected from ALL social media companies. As brutal as it is, you need to consider that if Trump wins, American tech companies will pose a far greater threat to our safety and privacy.

This ban feels like an act of misdirection.

0 replies 0 reposts 10 likes

brian's avatar brian
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We need real privacy and data protection laws that govern all internet connected services not election year grandstanding by banning one app.

1 replies 1 reposts 12 likes

Cameron Mathews's avatar Cameron Mathews
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I am less concerned about the Chinese than Republicans or Elon Musk to be quite honest.

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Cameron's avatar Cameron
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It’s been eight years since the EU passed the GDPR. California passed the CCPA six years ago. It wouldn’t be a “rush”, digital privacy law isn’t new. That’s what needs to happen: comprehensive privacy law protecting consumer data. not one-off threats of legislation targeting specific phone apps.

2 replies 1 reposts 22 likes

Unemployed tech guy's avatar Unemployed tech guy
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Senator, respectfully, how about protecting the privacy rights of American children and adults from American companies?

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Stig & The Grumble's avatar Stig & The Grumble
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Just carrying a phone around with you is worse than anything TikTok can do. They know where you go, what stores you shop at, any conversation you have regarding your purchases. If you use a rewards card at a store, same thing. They all sell your data and who knows who gets it. Tip of the iceberg.

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JC (they/them) 's avatar JC (they/them)
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We should have broader privacy protections from both companies and governments. I think focusing on just one app is naive, since it doesn't solve the broader issue in anyway. It'll just happen again.

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Robert Szasz 𓅆's avatar Robert Szasz 𓅆
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I mean, they can just buy the data from data brokers and LexisNexis anyways

1 replies 0 reposts 7 likes

Wade Minter's avatar Wade Minter
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If data protection is the concern, there are larger efforts around there that should apply to ANY company operating in the US. If algorithmic push is the issue, then things like YouTube promoting far-right content and Twitter pushing white nationalist content should be part of the conversation too.

1 replies 1 reposts 17 likes

Lovely cat lashes ♿ *chiari awareness*'s avatar Lovely cat lashes ♿ *chiari awareness*
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I mean, Mnuchin wants to sweep in and grab it so he can take a built-in audience of teens and flood them with right-wing content

1 replies 2 reposts 50 likes

ZigZaggin's avatar ZigZaggin
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What insures the Chinese government can't just purchase - directly or through intermediary - all the private data that is already collected and sold as a matter of course by Google, Amazon, Meta, etc?

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zenmuppet's avatar zenmuppet
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A new privacy law would be a good idea but not this thing that only singles out one company. Let's not forget Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, which impacted a national election.

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Hemlock Autumn's avatar Hemlock Autumn
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Okay then make a bill that affects ALL.comlanies collecting ALL information for EVERYBODY. Should be a better way to handle the issue, no?

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Michael Mouse 's avatar Michael Mouse
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We have way bigger problems to address.

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Pyrholidon Enthusiast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 's avatar Pyrholidon Enthusiast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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This bill is the equivalent of taking your shoes off at the airport. Do something about the data brokers that can do whatever they want with our data instead.

0 replies 1 reposts 7 likes

Katie B.'s avatar Katie B.
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Well said. Thank you.

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iquanyin 's avatar iquanyin
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our phones are made in china

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Apples McGee 's avatar Apples McGee
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Yes. I think every House rep who voted yes will see how big of a mistake when they’re voted out later this year.

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alex 🌴🥥's avatar alex 🌴🥥
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Senator: what we need is comprehensive data privacy regulation like the GDPR in the EU. Targeting an individual company because of foreign ownership smacks of national chauvinism and will inevitably make life worse for users of these platforms. Please listen to your constituents: nobody wants this.

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✨🐸 figmentpudding 🐸✨ (Pam Poovey Aspirant)'s avatar ✨🐸 figmentpudding 🐸✨ (Pam Poovey Aspirant)
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🗣️THEN PASS A PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION ACT THAT ACTUALLY PROTECTS US FROM ALL THE NEFARIOUS DATA BROKERING APPS (Twitter, OpenAI, Meta, Temu, Amazon, the calls are coming from inside the house, and targeting TikTok is an obvious ploy to control information during an election year)

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Rumble The Imp's avatar Rumble The Imp
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Kill this bill. It’s not about the safety of the people. It’s about controlling what information we have access to. It’s censorship. And if it’s not tiktok, it’s something else. Kill the bill now.

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ə Schwa's avatar ə Schwa
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For a living, I am a network security engineer. As a tech guy, I have opinions on this issue. I have to say, I appreciate your approach to digital privacy and tech legislation in general. You're better at it than the rest of your colleagues. Here are my thoughts 👇

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Birdy's avatar Birdy
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I appreciate that you're at least aware that the utter speed at which the House moved for this and not a single other bill that actually supports American life is obscene.

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Om Nomsky's avatar Om Nomsky
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Are you going to do anything about the American government getting our data without a warrant or is this just weird xenophobia?

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Thomas A Lewis's avatar Thomas A Lewis
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do not participate in the censorship of US citizens. Multinational corporations have access to our data all day every day and the US government cooperates with them to mine our data for profit. Legislate that

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poor bunny's avatar poor bunny
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Fair, but could y'all be this aggressive towards genoc1de or school shootings???

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🏳️‍⚧️Lilly (void) North🏳️‍⚧️'s avatar 🏳️‍⚧️Lilly (void) North🏳️‍⚧️
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Yall, halc of you dont even know how to use Google docks Your all so old You wanna really protect your people from shit like this? GET YONGER PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND HOW THIS ALL REALLY WORKS TO TALK ABOUT IT, THEN YOU ALL COULD REST EASY Instead yall are just xenophobic and decrepit

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Mick719's avatar Mick719
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Maybe you should give them a year to divest.

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johnbron's avatar johnbron
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I was curious about your thoughts. I’m aware this issue isn’t so black and white and I like your statement. I hope this can move forward to better protecting us while not handing Trump another way to manipulate the uninformed into siding with his newly changed take on it. Best of luck.

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Tonight's Special Guest's avatar Tonight's Special Guest
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How about a bill protecting Americans' private data instead? Can't be sold without Opt-In agreement, users fairly compensated for the data instead of brokers, time limits for how long data is "good" before it must be expunged?

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Stephanie 🎀's avatar Stephanie 🎀
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Please consider that people who are here from China use it to stay connected with their family at home because other means are blocked off. I am uncomfortable with data brokers in general- not just from China, but domestically as well. They are effectively stalkers and need serious crackdowns.

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Jennifer Van Goethem's avatar Jennifer Van Goethem
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I mean c'mon man. This would not make me feel safer.

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Jennifer Van Goethem's avatar Jennifer Van Goethem
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They already have access. Maybe addressing the data brokers and the sale of our info by ALL these companies would be more effective.

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Tommy's avatar Tommy
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To be fair, Senator, Congress hasn't exactly shown itself to be in a rush to legislate data privacy

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John Kusters Jr's avatar John Kusters Jr
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It’s better to affirm personal data privacy that applies universally rather than playing whack-a-mole on an app by app basis. Going after TikTok today means we’ll be going after another app in a few months’ time.

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Brooke Binkowski's avatar Brooke Binkowski
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Senator, with all due respect we are in far greater and more immediate danger from the likes of Facebook and Musk's Twitter

5 replies 10 reposts 109 likes

HenryHill1's avatar HenryHill1
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'Do Nothing' is the congressional way. Letting the Perfect be the enemy of the Good bill. Dems are dirty as R's on letting US companies decimate privacy while DOING NOTHING. Ask yourself why china bans ours.

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neither local nor real's avatar neither local nor real
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What about companies that give the US government access to Americans’ private data?

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Gravity Pike's avatar Gravity Pike
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I don't care if the Chinese government has my private data - all of the people positioned to take advantage of me are domestic! Instagram collects all of the same information that TikTok does, but THEY use it in a way that makes my life materially worse!

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