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Ed's avatar Ed
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What a twist of fortunes that Bernie gives one of the strongest affirmative defenses of Biden while the centrists try to shiv him

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Brendel's avatar Brendel
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When polls are saying Biden is up five in Michigan but New York is a battleground and Trump has 40% of the African American vote but Biden has 60% of the elderly, idk man polls are fucked some sort of way. Maybe Biden loses a historic landslide or heā€™s up by 5 but theyā€™re fucked some sort of way

38 replies 80 reposts 585 likes

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Will Stancil's avatar Will Stancil
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One thing I love is how every single person on Twitter thinks Harris could improve her polls by ā€œactually campaigningā€ without realizing that Biden is in fact actually campaigning. The problem is youā€™re in a media bubble that ignores him in favor of a narrative, and itā€™ll probably ignore her too

19 replies 59 reposts 354 likes

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John Pfaff's avatar John Pfaff
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Ah, FB memories serving up some winners. This is what an itemized $1,330,000 NICU hospital bill looks like (only 96 days to get there). The apple is there for scale. Hereā€™s why I share it. Too many ppl donā€™t know abt lifetime caps and pre-existing bans. Bc the STILL-VULNERABLE ACA banned them.

15 replies 181 reposts 492 likes

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Asawin Suebsaeng's avatar Asawin Suebsaeng
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If the (highly legitimate)question is ā€œdo we want a president with a functional brainā€ then letā€™s have that debate. we might want to apply scrutiny to both candidate equally, and not grade one in particular on a MASSIVE curve

4 replies 30 reposts 121 likes

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Ryan Godfrey's avatar Ryan Godfrey
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None of these so-called religious conservatives actually believe in God or eternal consequences for their actions in this life.

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Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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"Politics would be interesting again" Oh, jeez, I'm sorry that SCOTUS Team 6 waterboarding democracy to pave the way for a felon-messiah-king who's vowing to use the presidency to deport millions and imprison his foes for treason hasn't been INTERESTING enough for you. Let me jangle some car keys.

26 replies 106 reposts 464 likes

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I was searching for a pine nut free pesto (an allergy in the family) and found this. Itā€™s a KEEPER

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On vacation and not cooking but just made Arugula pesto before I left & itā€™s a keeper recipe. Served with grilled vegetables. omg so good (Washington post marbled potato salad with Arugula pesto) for some reason the link wonā€™t post

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Agree, to a point. But - no one is citing Threads/Bluesky around the block so, while it is extremely uncomfortable to be in the war zone being attacked by trolls/disinfo, I think it is still setting the narrative. + its exponentially harder to fight it with dwindling numbers of actual sane voters.

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Katharine Hayhoe's avatar Katharine Hayhoe
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Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. šŸ§µ

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Bruno J. Navarro's avatar Bruno J. Navarro
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She won a Pulitzer for exposing how the country's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to jail. "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.

15 replies 286 reposts 569 likes

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Iā€™m still there because Iā€™m somewhat sure that we will look back on everyone having left and realize it was a mistake to abandon the playing field in an information war.

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Katie Mack's avatar Katie Mack
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Keeping Trump out of the White House isnā€™t the only thing that needs doing and it isnā€™t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isnā€™t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I donā€™t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise

77 replies 1183 reposts 4581 likes

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Mark Joseph Stern's avatar Mark Joseph Stern
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Itā€™s too soon to say with certainty that the Supreme Courtā€™s conservatives are laying the groundwork to overturn Obergefell and abolish constitutional protections for same-sex couples.

But IF thatā€™s the plan, this is exactly what it would look like.

13 replies 128 reposts 271 likes

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Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel's avatar Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
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This guy is from Maryland and played golf at UVA

23 replies 78 reposts 406 likes

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I said this months ago to a younginā€™ who wasnā€™t looking ahead. The amount of nonsense we are about to witness in Chicago is imaginable and unstoppable. Donā€™t forget that we are up against dirty tricksters. This oneā€™s a lay up.

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Itā€™s ironic that they put us through all of this and then their systems get hacked. Latest big example, Argentina Govt ID database

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Jamison Foser's avatar Jamison Foser
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My related pet peeve is that over the last ~3 years we* have decided to replace simple logins* with six difference convoluted login schemes. This one emails you a link! This one texts you! This one is normal ā€¦ then an email! * not me, or you probably * username, password, 2FA code

3 replies 2 reposts 33 likes

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kilgore trout's avatar kilgore trout
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trump behaving as if he refuses to consider liquidating his real estate & treating it as off-limits as a source of cash strongly suggests it is all buried in debt and effectively worthless without going through a bankruptcy, which in all likelihood is now going to be forced on him

54 replies 264 reposts 1537 likes

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I swear we have one of these in my hood and my spastic, neurotic mess of an elderly female cat canā€™t speak to me so I end up thinking she needs medical care. Jfc. What an asshole

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Philip Bump's avatar Philip Bump
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Two kids drowned in the Rio Grande, ages 8 and 10. Families with kids are picking their way through razor wire to get here. Thereā€™s a reason the moral angle is downplayed.

23 replies 377 reposts 1156 likes

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Jacob Montgomery's avatar Jacob Montgomery
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Nothing has radicalized me on immigration more than graduate advising. We are bringing many of the most brilliant people on the planet here, paying to train them as cutting edge scholars, and then making it pointlessly difficult for them to stay here and use those skills to benefit society.

34 replies 519 reposts 1969 likes

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Brendel's avatar Brendel
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84 million dollars is the most someone has paid for being a big baby loser who canā€™t stop posting since someone paid 44 billion dollars for the same reason

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Grudgie the Whale's avatar Grudgie the Whale
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Iā€™m not saying there arenā€™t other failures, but 95% of the problems in the US health care system has to do with cascading problems from 3rd party payers.

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My insurer just radically changed their ā€œexplanation of benefitsā€ format to something completely unrecognizable. so now it feels like I need to learn a new language.

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Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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I think Iā€™ve made my white hot hatred for Greg Abbott clear ā€” donā€™t do this shit

27 replies 66 reposts 671 likes

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Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan
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How much did my medical procedure cost? I have no idea (even after going to my health portal and my separate health payment portal to try to figure out). Am I done paying? Donā€™t know. Will I get reimbursed? Your guess is as good as mine. Healthcare in America.

34 replies 70 reposts 379 likes

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Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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family separation was a Trump POLICY. it was not policy during the Obama years unless a member of a family was suspected of a crime much more serious than illegally crossing the border

1 replies 2 reposts 65 likes

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Mark Copelovitch's avatar Mark Copelovitch
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Quite literally, ~100% of Trump coverage erases ~100% of his presidency. We had 4 years of lawless authoritarianism, incompetence, & presidency-ending-worthy scandals (yes, the daily overt monetization of the WH at the hotel down the street), & it's just horse race theater coverage all over again šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

7 replies 41 reposts 166 likes

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Mine are fighting the deer for the contents of my feeder šŸ„°

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L O L G O P's avatar L O L G O P
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I forget who pointed this out first but DeSantis missed out on the opportunity of his career. if he hadn't ran, the drum from the press and donors for him to be the party's savior would have been immense. Instead, he comes out of this even worse than Ted Cruz in 2016.

5 replies 8 reposts 77 likes

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There was a time when we would stretch the phone cord as far as it would go to try to have a private, we get to hear everything on *both* sides of the conversation.

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Joshua Holland 's avatar Joshua Holland
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Heā€™s still the incumbent among Republicans. Last time he went unchallenged and got 97% of the vote in IA.

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Mitchell Epner's avatar Mitchell Epner
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1/ From @innercitypress on Xitter: Habba: But my client has to choose between attending his mother in law's funeral -- Judge Kaplan: I have ruled. Sit down. Habba: I don't like to be spoken to that why. Please refrain. I am asking for an adjournment for a funeral. Judge Kaplan: Denied. Sit down.

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Joshua J. Friedman's avatar Joshua J. Friedman
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VERY testy exchange between Alina Habba and Judge Kaplan after Habba again asked for adjournment so Trump can attend funeral. Kaplan: "The application is denied. I will hear no further argument on it." Habba attempted to speak. Kaplan: "None. Do you understand that word? Sit down." (via Erica Orden)

8 replies 32 reposts 246 likes

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Helen Kennedy's avatar Helen Kennedy
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President Mike Huckabee, President Rick Santorum and President Ted Cruz welcome Donald Trump to the ranks of Iowa caucus winners.

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Matt Novak's avatar Matt Novak
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At least 10% of the electorate hold such contradictory and completely incoherent political ideas in their heads that you couldnā€™t begin to guess how they otherwise function in society.

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L O L G O P's avatar L O L G O P
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If 28% of those who came out in -20 Iowa winter to vote in the Iowa caucuses think Biden won, thatā€™s actually not great for Republicans

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Iā€™ll one up you on this. I am as described above BUT have the added insight of having grown up in a small, rural area. I know these people. These waters do not run deep. Itā€™s just spite. šŸ’Æ

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a really obnoxious part of the ā€œliberals need to understand trump votersā€ throughline is that the average suburban lib who sees them as coal-rolling, lifted truck assholes who show up red-faced and screaming at back to school night understands trump voters way better than the average op-ed columnist

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Iā€™m in a sports documentary stage and Iā€™m thoroughly enjoying it. Recently watched Beckham, the Short Game, Full Swing, and Iā€™m onto season 2 of Break Point. I admire dedication and sports prowess. I swear this stuff was made just for me šŸ˜‚

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