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On-Line Guy


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You're the guy from the hamburger train, right?

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Kaitlin Has Had Enough's avatar Kaitlin Has Had Enough @gothamgirlblue.com
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Kathy Hochul bravely defending the rights of New Jersey drivers to kill New Yorkers under their irresponsibly huge trucks for FREE because why come to the city and drink and then take the PATH home when you could just murder people

4 replies 56 reposts 247 likes

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Pyramead Head's avatar Pyramead Head @pyrameadhead.wifeguy.online
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Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there 🫡

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On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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The way lots of white suburbanites effectively treat 911 as their customer support hotline anytime someone bothers them lends credence to this theory

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Technology Connections's avatar Technology Connections @techconnectify.bsky.social
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Theory: Our current political climate comes from the mindset of those who want to speak to the manager because they're unhappy, and are flatly uninterested in understanding why they're unhappy or whether they should be. They just want the manager to "fix it" and thus are willing to empower tyrants.

34 replies 96 reposts 681 likes

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pee wee herman-palladino's avatar pee wee herman-palladino @markpopham.bsky.social
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according to my wife Charles II had a mistress who he called by the pet name Fubbs, which meant chubby because she was, and he named a royal yacht HMS Fubbs, which is basically like naming a ship the SS My Girlfriend's Huge Ass

10 replies 37 reposts 287 likes

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Peter's avatar Peter @notalawyer.bsky.social
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the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears

157 replies 292 reposts 3003 likes

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Best of Hasbara's avatar Best of Hasbara @bestofhasbara.bsky.social
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In November, Israel arrested Mohammad Abu Salmiya on the claim that he facilitated the use of Al-Shifa as a "Hamas HQ". This was served to the west and Israeli public as justification for the storming and massacres in the hospital complex. After 7 months of torture, he was released without charges.

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On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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I think CVS is trying to fake its shareholders into getting out of selling "stuff" at all. They bought a whole insurance company a while back, p. sure they just want to turn into a pharmacy/medical conglomerate but are saddled with all these locations they can't just close, so they're hamstringing

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Chris Hayes's avatar Chris Hayes @chrislhayes.bsky.social
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“Look, folks. There are no “gooner states” and “edging states”, we are the United States!” <wild applause>

37 replies 86 reposts 556 likes

On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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Fringe is the most wildly ludicrous show I've ever watched. Not a single thing makes sense and the ending of Season one had me collapsed on the floor with laughter when I first saw it last year. What a haymaker out of absolutely nowhere when that wide shot pulls out!

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

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your #3 source for absurdist true crime 🔨's avatar your #3 source for absurdist true crime 🔨 @davidgerard.co.uk
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Nina Power of Compact gets called a Nazi. Sues for defamation. In discovery, produces chats not just supporting Nazi ideas but calling herself a Nazi. Loses so hard she just declared bankruptcy. luketurner.com/Nina_Power/

the TERF to Nazi pipeline is a doorway, or just walking across the same room

5 replies 41 reposts 90 likes

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Shay O’Reilly's avatar Shay O’Reilly @shaygabriel.bsky.social
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The 2020 uprisings triggered a reactionary and anti-democratic turn among elites and their institutions, preparing them for this moment. It’s pathetic and scary at the same time.

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse @jbouie.bsky.social
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oh, you might say, the president can’t issue corrupt pardons. ah. but john roberts says that not only can he issue corrupt pardons, but if he tells his staff they are corrupt in the course of issuing them, that evidence is inadmissible in the event that you could somehow prosecute the corruption

14 replies 144 reposts 884 likes

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Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy's avatar Sen. Gogurt taking notes on a criminal conspiracy @ugarles.bsky.social
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the conservative theory of law in one headline

51 replies 1054 reposts 3760 likes

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Quinta Jurecic's avatar Quinta Jurecic @qjurecic.bsky.social
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I really cannot emphasize how catastrophically bad the Court's ruling was. I do my best not to exaggerate about these kinds of things but I am still kind of in shock

55 replies 246 reposts 1598 likes

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Sam's avatar Sam @very-simple.com
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So based on decisions from just this week, the President, as long has he has the gloss of officialdom, can basically do anything without legal restraint, whereas the President, acting via duly appointed agencies authorized by Congress, is more restrained than ever? What a coherent jurisprudence!

14 replies 131 reposts 632 likes

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Peter's avatar Peter @notalawyer.bsky.social
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I know this is tongue in cheek, but the point is that the limitation is the scope of the office as the Court sees it. within that scope, it’s open season. so under the majority’s logic, for example, there’s really no limit to what the president could use the military for.

11 replies 28 reposts 474 likes

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Peter's avatar Peter @notalawyer.bsky.social
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reflecting on the immunity decision a bit, what the Court seems to be saying is that every element of the executive branch is at the President’s disposal, no matter what he wants to use it for. his motives don’t matter. the office is a weapon to be wielded however he sees fit.

73 replies 276 reposts 1871 likes

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse @jbouie.bsky.social
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roberts’ reasoning is fundamentally (lower-case “r”) anti-republican. i know we dunk on the framers here but roberts has issued a rebuke of the revolutionary assumption that concentrated, unaccountable power is a fundamental threat to liberty.

23 replies 479 reposts 2079 likes

On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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It is kind of funny that everyone is catastrophizing about "what Trump will do with this power" when a Democrat literally has this power now and will for at least 8 months from now but everyone knows they won't actually bother to cash that check

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James Downie's avatar James Downie @jamescdownie.bsky.social
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Sotomayor's dissent is chilling: "When [the president]...orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune."

17 replies 316 reposts 765 likes

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Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney @mtsw.bsky.social
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among other things this is what the Supreme Court thinks of the hilarious notion of DOJ indepdence! The President can just do whatever he wants to in ordering prosecutions and investigations! This principle is so important it extends into conferring immunity onto the President!

5 replies 38 reposts 167 likes

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Radley Balko's avatar Radley Balko @radleybalko.bsky.social
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This Originalist™ court has effectively immunized both the president and all federal law enforcement officers from any meaningful accountability. Because if there are two things the Founders cherished, it's the power of a king-like executive and armed agents of the government to act with impunity.

13 replies 338 reposts 1155 likes

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b-boy bouiebaisse's avatar b-boy bouiebaisse @jbouie.bsky.social
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SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.

48 replies 700 reposts 2858 likes

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Nicholas Wallace's avatar Nicholas Wallace @wallace.bsky.social
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Absolutely wild that the court accuses the dissent of "fearmongering" with "extreme hypotheticals" when the actual basis for the indictment is a coup attempt that led to an attack on the capitol

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On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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There was a chorus of aghast pearl clutching from the media class when some people had the temerity to stand outside Brett Kavanaugh's home, leading to congress immediately authorizing millions of dollars for their protection.

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R. Eric VanNewkirk's avatar R. Eric VanNewkirk @sotsogm.bsky.social
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I think a thing that's poorly understood about American history is that a lot of the progress made through the New Deal was driven by the political elite's fear of the Russian Revolution happening here and not by them having a sudden turn of heart after being visited by multiple ghosts or something.

16 replies 241 reposts 879 likes

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Alejandra Caraballo 's avatar Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer.bsky.social
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This is the sound of the Biden administration throwing the trans community under the bus on the anniversary of Stonewall.

16 replies 95 reposts 319 likes

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Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan @davelevitan.bsky.social
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It's been days and eight of nine links at the top of the NYT right now are about the same thing

13 replies 22 reposts 108 likes

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Doug Gordon's avatar Doug Gordon @brooklynspoke.bsky.social
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“She's trolling New York City. The gall to wear an MTA shirt on today of all days. Just complete contempt for New Yorkers,” transit advocate and The War On Cars podcast co-host Doug Gordon said.

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On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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I don't know why every single ad for Biden isn't just stories like this. There's no end to them, you can just keep putting these stories on the air and hammer people with them.

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On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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Cats are unaffected by ideas so bourgeois as "efficiency"

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Michael 's avatar Michael @fleerultra.bsky.social
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the truth is a tremendous number of powerful people have been extremely careless with that power for a very long time in regards to the threat posed by donald trump specifically and the revanchist right generally. and they are *just now* realizing the problem several years late and panicking

5 replies 44 reposts 292 likes

On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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I have a black cat who loves to curl up around the dog's water dish and then dip her paw in and lick the water off. This image captures that goblin thief aura so perfectly.

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Wagatwe Wanjuki's avatar Wagatwe Wanjuki @wagatwe.com
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it's wild to see the quick pivot from "enjoy the CAMPS" to this. it honestly makes me feel crazy

32 replies 151 reposts 725 likes

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Gautham FC's avatar Gautham FC @gauthamrao.bsky.social
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on the very day the Supreme Court's conservatives said 'we know best' and put themselves in charge of complicated agency decisions one of the geniuses confused nitrous oxide and nitrogen oxide. So they had to have a do over. Not exactly an auspicious start.


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Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC's avatar Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC @mattnegrin.bsky.social
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The news media has explicitly endorsed the legitimacy of the Big Lie across every single outlet

41 replies 135 reposts 632 likes

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St. Chris's avatar St. Chris @stchris.bsky.social
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❌ As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. ✅ Greg was a bug

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Bjornebaer aka Bear's avatar Bjornebaer aka Bear @lilbjornebaer.bsky.social
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water stolen from the dog just tastes better

14 replies 191 reposts 892 likes

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Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock @coachfinstock.bsky.social
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NYT: Joe should quit, he stutters Philly Inquirer: Trump is a fucking criminal what the fuck are we doing here

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Gillian Branstetter's avatar Gillian Branstetter @gbbranstetter.bsky.social
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A point I've started using lately is the fact so many families I speak to are leaving the only homes their kids have ever known to ensure their trans kid can maintain access to hormones or blockers. Do you really think they're doing that for anything short of essential for their child's well-being?

2 replies 85 reposts 437 likes

On-Line Guy's avatar On-Line Guy @meetzow.bsky.social
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I was finally able to get a few good shots of my Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal

1 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

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Seth Cotlar's avatar Seth Cotlar @sethcotlar.bsky.social
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The shot/chaser to end all shots/chasers

34 replies 172 reposts 657 likes

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☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️'s avatar ☀️ Jon Schwarz ☀️ @schwarz.bsky.social
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The main vibe I get from U.S. politics is that white America is 100% determined to commit suicide.

8 replies 33 reposts 187 likes

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David_j_roth's avatar David_j_roth @davidjroth.bsky.social
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A decently funny and extremely foreseeable outcome here is that Biden does not step down, and in three months the Times endorses the guy they just said must leave the race for the good of the nation, for the good of the nation.

15 replies 52 reposts 387 likes

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Peter's avatar Peter @notalawyer.bsky.social
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tweeted this four years ago and it pretty much sums up my feelings on this shit

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