Tom Nichols's avatar

Tom Nichols

This should be the story tomorrow, and every day:

The leader of one of America’s two major political parties has just signaled to the Kremlin that if elected, he would not only refuse to defend Europe in World War III, but he would gladly support Vladimir Putin.

1121 replies 2331 reposts 4282 likes

Grudgie the Whale's avatar Grudgie the Whale
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Even if they didn’t work together in 2016 (and beyond) this would make you think something corrupt is going on there.

1 replies 3 reposts 103 likes

's avatar
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Why doesn't he emigrate to Russia and have a tea with "nice truthworthy guy" Putin? It's all about money, don't you think? Both don't care about anything but themselves.

1 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

JennyIL (Gail & Lennie’s human)'s avatar JennyIL (Gail & Lennie’s human)
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We will instead see many articles about how Biden is old.

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Elaine's avatar Elaine
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It’s time your allies spoke up but will ppl in US take any notice if they do? For decades allies have said stuff like sharing the same values as US but if he gets back in WH allies will say US no longer shares OUR values. It’s hard to believe this is really happening!

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Random Dad's avatar Random Dad
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Trump is a terrible human and should never have power again. Germany, Spain, Italy, et. al. have generally failed to live up to their spending commitments since the start of NATO. The failure in their obligation gave the orange haired idiot a valid talking point.

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Random Dad's avatar Random Dad
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As much as I hate to say this, I have felt for years that if I was Taiwan, South Korea & Japan I would be building my own nuclear weapons. I guess I will be adding European countries to that list. Poland should get to it.

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Grog's avatar Grog
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I read john schindlers latest story on the war and it was so many veiled kremlin talking points... comparing supporters to blm supporters, saying Ukraine is as corrupt as russia, etc. how did some conservatives lose their minds?

2 replies 1 reposts 45 likes

's avatar
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WaPo's report notes that at that same rally he also impugned Nikki Haley's spouse, who is deployed, serving our country overseas.

1 replies 4 reposts 25 likes's avatar
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Wow. That’s a bold move. Let’s see how this pans out 👀

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ms. maya b's avatar ms. maya b
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there’s an abominable, undeniable swagger to a guy who doesn’t stand a chance of ‘winning’ the election by free & fair voting : here’s the plan to usher in the american theocratic autocracy with its titular dunderhead, mango CRIMINAL menace. thom hartmann’s take.

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ms. maya b's avatar ms. maya b
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the impunity with which he has escalated his authoritarian rhetoric seems overconfident. is fbi &/or doj &/or rule-of-law up for the next election theft attempt? … we are being told over & over & over it’s going to happen. the rotting corpse of republican party is ‘seemingly’ completely onboard.

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Athena's avatar Athena
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Jfc, this guy could be the fucking president again. We really are living in the worst timeline.

1 replies 0 reposts 5 likes

I Heart Noise's avatar I Heart Noise
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It is top news on Google, thankfully

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Elsewhere55 #FBPE's avatar Elsewhere55 #FBPE
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Always judge people by the company they keep.

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

NutMeg 's avatar NutMeg
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Trump is a fine businessman, and knows you always work with the people willing to pay you the most for your services.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes's avatar
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This is why I am maintaining my Atlantic subscription while cancelling my Washington Post subscription

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Nicola Noble's avatar Nicola Noble
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"Do whatever the hell they want" to states delinquent in their bills .... says the lunatic that never pays his bills

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Paul Tree's avatar Paul Tree
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And has thus made World War III materially more likely to occur. Which I’m sure the David Saks of the world are going to be up in arms about aaaaaaaany day now

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Policy_g's avatar Policy_g
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He is a complete and utter traitor.

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Johnny Brown's avatar Johnny Brown
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With a responsible media it would be.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

SF Tomato Whisperer's avatar SF Tomato Whisperer
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“No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.” Says the hollow-souled man who never pays his bills.

0 replies 0 reposts 5 likes

Ric Steinberger's avatar Ric Steinberger
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The great tragedy is that this will be very unlikely to lose him a single vote in November. Trump is leading a cult of several tens of millions of Americans who trust him and believe every word he says

1 replies 2 reposts 64 likes

DrEnglish 's avatar DrEnglish
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Amen. I can’t believe how the media is once again doing everything it can to scrutinize Biden and ignore the batshit crazy former guy. I can’t believe I have lived long enough to see this slipping away of this last great experiment for promoting human happiness…

1 replies 1 reposts 14 likes

Ted-Cville's avatar Ted-Cville
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... But it won't, because the MSM will continue to treat it as just trump being trump.

1 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Who's avatar Who
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Ummmm geopolitical idiocy and betrayal of allies aside, hasn’t #Trump been sued about a thousand times for not paying his bills?

2 replies 0 reposts 10 likes

Arriadna 🗳️💙🇺🇸's avatar Arriadna 🗳️💙🇺🇸
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He should be investigated for treason. 😡

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Donna Martina's avatar Donna Martina
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Gosh, I‘ve gotten old to see how a guy with psychose and a guy with frontotemporal dementia will blow up the world. 🤨😳

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Shah of Lincoln's avatar Shah of Lincoln
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The GOP will kowtow to this BS artist and brush off his dangerous rhetoric as fanciful hyperbole. Millions of people will vote for this traitor.

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Quaestor 🦇's avatar Quaestor 🦇
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Cool. So I will be dead in a few months. Thank you for letting me know. Because there is no way the idiotic and tremendous babbling americans will not elect TrumpHitler... Bye!

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

's avatar
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Ya know, with the Hur report just coming out, all Trump had to do was be quiet, and he would have started opening up a decent lead. I know that's like saying that all my dog has to do is not pee on fire hydrants.

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's avatar
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Will Rubles boost Trump´s campaign fund?

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Jadeabliss's avatar Jadeabliss
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Encouraging an attack on NATO is inviting Russia to trigger wwiii. Not just that he’d side with Russia…he asked Putin to attack.

0 replies 3 reposts 10 likes

🌸Abbey🌸's avatar 🌸Abbey🌸
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But Biden old.

0 replies 0 reposts 4 likes

Conductor 's avatar Conductor
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There is a big percentage of the public who think American politics is fundamentally broken due to systemic issues that cannot be voted away. An objectively radical move like this would certainly crash the status quo and force a global reckoning.

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nomi's avatar nomi
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and the other one is supporting and funding an active genocide that could lead to ww3 😬

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Pumpkin #FBPE  🇬🇧🇪🇺 's avatar Pumpkin #FBPE 🇬🇧🇪🇺
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On a positive note, Putin & Trump are old and not the healthiest of people. Their judgement day can't be that far away.

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Pumpkin #FBPE  🇬🇧🇪🇺 's avatar Pumpkin #FBPE 🇬🇧🇪🇺
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Too many people are glorifying war, including in the UK. But these leaders will not be the ones fighting it. People stand up for peace.

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Pumpkin #FBPE  🇬🇧🇪🇺 's avatar Pumpkin #FBPE 🇬🇧🇪🇺
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I don't understand how this could be the best the Americans' can find out of a population of ober 300 mil. Though us in UK haven't done much better

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

High Desert Otter's avatar High Desert Otter
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1. The Current Guy is old (as is the former guy.) 2. TFG, a presidential candidate and former president, is threatening to use Russia as an attack dog against our allies. 3. #1 above is the one getting serious media attention. This is pure batshittery.

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Raymow's avatar Raymow
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Poor little Donny. Tucker got to meet big daddy putin, so agent orange has to up his game to get daddy's attention. How this clown is anywhere near becoming president is mind boggling.

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Jon Arnesen's avatar Jon Arnesen
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Well, of course. Billionaires must join to defend their orange gluteus maximus against states governed by political leaders elected by people of non-anti-society-social classes. Not believing trumped up lies is high treason. Political elections of merit is truly terrorism to despotic billionaires.

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Scaypgrayce's avatar Scaypgrayce
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Nope, they want to go w/Biden’s memory.

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Carsten Bamberg's avatar Carsten Bamberg
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I can’t believe that this is even halfway true. And this supposedly greatest country in the world does little or nothing to prevent this moron becoming the next POTUS? Fucking hell — good luck, land of the brave! 🤦🏻‍♂️

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Joseph's avatar Joseph
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time is a flat circle

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

's avatar
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This latest Trump comment makes it easy for us to determine who the real patriots are, including news outlets.

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John Grumble's avatar John Grumble
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There's nothing much new about this. It has been worrying me for some time. Europe needs to invest more to ensure its own defence without having to rely on the US.

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes's avatar
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I cannot believe this man, a Presidential candidate, is stupid enough to voice this in public. There has got to be some underlying motive. Is he signaling?

2 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

's avatar
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Let's see. So if we are going to use old quotes, comments and speeches to hold against a political figure, can we do this for all political figures?

7 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Puffin's avatar Puffin
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Trump only understands the world as a collection of extortion rackets. BATO protection money, N95 masks, presidential pardons, fake apartments sales….

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

WaynesworldFL's avatar WaynesworldFL
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how is this possible? this must’ve started before 2016. We just didn’t see it.

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Andrew S.'s avatar Andrew S.
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The problem is, the news has been saying Trump is a dangerous lunatic for eight years now. They’ve been right the whole time! But half the country doesn’t believe them, and I don’t see how boosting this story will change that.

6 replies 0 reposts 15 likes

Rosa's avatar Rosa
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And yet those patriotic Republicans will still vote for a dictator with dementia who ought to be in prison.

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Rosa's avatar Rosa
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This is why if any Americans are thinking of voting for this demented megalomaniac, they should reconsider! Does America truly want to support Russia waging war in Europe. Two world wars we already fought & won against fascism & communism’s totalitarian state, and now you want to let them win?

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Pat Riot's avatar Pat Riot
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Straight up Traitor. Full Stop.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

's avatar
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This man must be stopped. And his enablers as well

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's avatar
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I’m going bet the media outlets is going to gloss over it and continue their hit piece on Biden and his VP

0 replies 2 reposts 18 likes

Pia Utö-Dysto's avatar Pia Utö-Dysto
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The Unites States of AR

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Donate Krappe 🦒's avatar Donate Krappe 🦒
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A statement by the former president which caused quite a stir e.g. in 🇩🇪 headline says "harsh criticism of Trump's statement" (Tagesschau is one of the major newscasts in 🇩🇪)

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

CardOfTheDay's avatar CardOfTheDay
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The good news is the old man probably isnt going to last much longer after a steady diet of hamburgers for the last 80 years.

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Bern Marx ☭ 's avatar Bern Marx ☭
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don't care NATO is a fascist colonizing organization no reason for North American Trade Organization should have that much power and influence in the eastern hemisphere.other than to oppress and control for its own corporate interests. go back to twitter with you bullshit fear tactics

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🤘Patricia Lee's avatar 🤘Patricia Lee
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Actually, that he’s senile should be the story every day. Utterly addled and senile. These are the distractive ramblings of a senile old man trying to get you to look at the stick, and not the fragile old decrepit hand.

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BrianB's avatar BrianB
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Proof positive that Trump is a traitor. Giving comfort, encouragement and aid to America’s enemies. Isn’t there a law against that?

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's avatar
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Any Western leader who calls for the murder of 500 million Europeans is a clear and present danger. I expect our secret services to neutralize him.

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's avatar
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I see chatter in intelligence circles that the German Secret Service is going to cause an 'accident' to save the alliance.

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Jason's avatar Jason
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People who play teamsports in politics are so pathetic and dumb

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John Ballard 's avatar John Ballard
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Interesting that the guy that famously never paid his bills takes such a hard line on delinquency.

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's avatar
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In fairness, he said he would only not protect those who didn’t “pay up.”

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Christopher D. Brown Ph.D. 's avatar Christopher D. Brown Ph.D.
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I don't know Tom, I saw 24 hours of continuous coverage that the other guy forgot what he had for lunch on a Wednesday 20 years ago. I think I migh thave to vote for the Russia guy because he is so much younger and quick-witted.

0 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

's avatar
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Yes and together they would create the world’s largest kleptocracy

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Candygram for Mongo's avatar Candygram for Mongo
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Is he saying all this shit because he knows he won't be elected, and he's just making as much trouble as he can

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ミ★ 𝓞𝓬𝓬𝓪𝓶'𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 ★彡 🇨🇦 💙's avatar ミ★ 𝓞𝓬𝓬𝓪𝓶'𝓼 𝓓𝓪𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 ★彡 🇨🇦 💙
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When someone tells you who they are... Listen!

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Tenthclowd's avatar Tenthclowd
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Not only this, he will bomb Ukraine along with russia, if we give him a chance.

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Scott Waddell's avatar Scott Waddell
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People need to wake up. This is genuinely concerning.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Sean Boon's avatar Sean Boon
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Put him in a ditch. Fuck that traitor.

0 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Sir Vrika MacPherson-Wolf, OMS's avatar Sir Vrika MacPherson-Wolf, OMS
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Mary was right.

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Sir Vrika MacPherson-Wolf, OMS's avatar Sir Vrika MacPherson-Wolf, OMS
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Tell me again how Trump had nothing to do with Russia invading Ukraine.

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

's avatar
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Just name him - Trump will not defend Ukraine and will allow Putin to attack NATO…

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Wild Country Girl🌱's avatar Wild Country Girl🌱
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When he said "I'd end the war in one day but I'm not going to tell you how", anyone that didn't hear "I'll give Putin whatever he wants" hasn't been paying the slightest bit of attention.

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You can call me Al's avatar You can call me Al
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Has anyone told him just how much of America's defence relies on bases on foreign soil under the NATO auspice. I wonder what the effect of stopping American forces use Diego Garcia?

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Eve58's avatar Eve58
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0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Mark Preston's avatar Mark Preston @handle.invalid
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I just despair!!!

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Henrique C. S. Junior's avatar Henrique C. S. Junior
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Professor who accurately predicted every election since 1984 says Biden will beat Trump - CBS News

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zwitscher_ben's avatar zwitscher_ben
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another thought, Trump has further radicalized himself since storming the Capitol in 2021. And yet people still follow him. This will become a danger, especially around election day in November. And also very dangerous if the desired result does not materialize

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zwitscher_ben's avatar zwitscher_ben
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I think Trump doesn't know, or never knew, what is "right" and what is "wrong"

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Andrew c's avatar Andrew c
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What a weird guy.

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Martin P.'s avatar Martin P.
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Unfortunately the the “liberal media” has its marching orders. From now til November, the story is “Biden is old”

1 replies 0 reposts 8 likes

Anna's avatar Anna
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Asked Putin to get him the top job & promised to repay him. Orange one is dangerous. Sadly the cult are clapping like seals.. they don’t get that if Putin attacks a NATO country like Poland, America is at war.

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Grace's avatar Grace
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Birds of a feather

0 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

Sergei Kaljukits's avatar Sergei Kaljukits
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Oh my gosh...

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LaurenceM 's avatar LaurenceM
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I reckon if Trump set this chain in motion, and war erupted in the Baltic , outrage in the USA would swamp Trump and the damage to the Republican Party would be immense. He’s a fkn idiot for sure , and they are idiots for not stopping him.

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Michael Valkenberg's avatar Michael Valkenberg
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It‘s actually even worse. Due to the utter lack of spine amongst Republicans, anything Tr*mp says immediately becomes policy. So now half of the US political system is fine with destroying NATO. Are you all aware that Europe is watching this? And the damage it does?

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Victor Ha's avatar Victor Ha
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Can someone explain to the Supreme Court and Merrick Garland that bipartisanship, States and Federal rights, even their own positions as credible lawyers will be destroyed by this monster if they keep parsing minutiae in the face of American extinction

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JBStrait's avatar JBStrait
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This is tipping point number 2,478 for the GOP to realize the clear and present danger that Donald Trump presents to the GOP, America, democracy, and the entire free world. This should be his “at long last” moment. It won’t be.

1 replies 1 reposts 6 likes

CZieten's avatar CZieten
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How about Attack on Alaska?

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Papasan's avatar Papasan
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The fuck he say!

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Aiden 's avatar Aiden
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He is soliciting help from a hostile, foreign power to interfere with our elections on his behalf. This is treason full stop. He did this before and people let him get away with it. We can't turn a blind eye again.

0 replies 1 reposts 3 likes

Uncle Runt's avatar Uncle Runt
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Wow the kremlin and CCP bots found this post

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Samuel L. Bronkowitz's avatar Samuel L. Bronkowitz
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John P de New 🇦🇺🇨🇦🇩🇪🇪🇺's avatar John P de New 🇦🇺🇨🇦🇩🇪🇪🇺
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Trump is a traitor to the US and all its allies

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Jason Marbach's avatar Jason Marbach
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Everything is just so fucking dumb

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes's avatar
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This has never been a secret. Trump somehow is in debt to the man. When you believe Putin over your own intelligence agencies a big signal is sent!

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Shadowjaq's avatar Shadowjaq
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There’s a whole lotta blonde women and men with profile pictures that look like they’re looking in the mirror of their F150 over on Twitter denying he even said this.

0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

Karen S Wilcox, PhD (she/her)'s avatar Karen S Wilcox, PhD (she/her)
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People should just…I don’t know….listen to what he says for heavens sake - he’s a madman

0 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Brandon 's avatar Brandon
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They’ll be talking about more important issues like how Joe Biden forgot his wife’s birthday or something.

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Remen Eramasi's avatar Remen Eramasi
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Isn't this like a straightforward textbook definition of treason. I mean even beyond all of the other way way over the top treason he's done. Why is this man still alive?

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Jimmy  (Ø)  Jim  (Ø) James's avatar Jimmy (Ø) Jim (Ø) James
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Trump is at war with the USA.

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Ely Rabani  #GazaCeasefireNow's avatar Ely Rabani #GazaCeasefireNow
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The ‘pay your bills’ trope is a disingenuous distortion which reveals Trump’s protection racquet attitude. NATO members commit to defense budget spending, not to paying the US.

1 replies 1 reposts 7 likes

's avatar
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Actually the response is the story

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Infopoint #Klimawandel #Artensterben 's avatar Infopoint #Klimawandel #Artensterben
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This must be reported daily

“If we do not take the necessary actions to conserve biodiversity, the world’s future and that of our people can be described in one word: desert"

AMOC “No realistic adaptation measures can deal with such rapid temperature changes”👇

0 replies 3 reposts 3 likes

's avatar
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This guy needs to be in prison or a coffin.

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Gautam Paul 's avatar Gautam Paul
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Aaah - so that is what a real "special relationship" is.

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Cassandra 📚📕's avatar Cassandra 📚📕
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People who vote for this lunatic must really hate themselves because they already know he wants WW3. So they're voting for their own dead.

0 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Rikhard ”en muuta keksinyt” Leijonaliemi II's avatar Rikhard ”en muuta keksinyt” Leijonaliemi II
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How in the hell did half of the Americans turn into Russian supporters?? If 15 eyars ago someone would have sayed to me that most loyal servants of Russia come from US, i would have laughed my ass off. Im not laughing anymore. Wtf.

0 replies 1 reposts 8 likes

Arkancrow's avatar Arkancrow
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Ok so if I get it right, USA will turn totalitarian and the 3 biggest totalitarian states : China, Russia and USA will side together to destroy the last remaining big democracy left in the World : Europe. And he's explaining that at a rally of his supporter and it's not even breaking news ???? WTFFF

0 replies 2 reposts 4 likes

Arkancrow's avatar Arkancrow
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Are there any recordings of him saying that I can listen to ?

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HudsonRiverCroc's avatar HudsonRiverCroc
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****** traitor… he should die poor and in jail… the damage he is doing to America is going to last longer than his life… even if he loses…

2 replies 3 reposts 94 likes

Marcus Zurhorst's avatar Marcus Zurhorst
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There would be no Trump anymore since a long while when all his workers would have received their money on time. What a shame.

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AluraParadox✨🏳️‍🌈HAPPY PRIDE🏳️‍🌈✨'s avatar AluraParadox✨🏳️‍🌈HAPPY PRIDE🏳️‍🌈✨
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He needs to realize the only reason he’s been able to make deals with nations we’re at odds with is purely because he is stupid and they know it.

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Thinker at the Gates's avatar Thinker at the Gates
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But Biden’s forgetfulness

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's avatar
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I don’t understand why this made the news that it did. Must be because of election season, because he has said this and similar things in the past without it garnering any of the attention that it just did.

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TAKE 2's avatar TAKE 2
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Tom, great article, but we have to get it out to the major population who don't know what the Atlantic is.

2 replies 0 reposts 6 likes

Truth Matters's avatar Truth Matters
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He is the biggest threat to the US period. He is far more unhinged than he was in '16 or '20.

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Traversing the Stars Podcast's avatar Traversing the Stars Podcast
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The real story is that there is 50% of the population here who will vote for him no matter what he utters.

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OttoTanoshiiNeko's avatar OttoTanoshiiNeko
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Who votes for TREASONOUS buttholes like that orange dumpster fire?? What is wrong with y’all conservatives?!? Y’all have completely lost your collective minds??

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

 TheRubberdom 👢Blue Sky Sunset 🌍👭#Life 🇩🇪💕#Fashion #FetisH's avatar TheRubberdom 👢Blue Sky Sunset 🌍👭#Life 🇩🇪💕#Fashion #FetisH
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Ken Knight's avatar Ken Knight
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Trump telling anyone that they "need to pay their bills" is the height of hypocrisy. He lives in a pure fantasy world, doesn't he?

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Warhammerchick's avatar Warhammerchick
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I'm not understanding how in the hell the GOP moved to Putin. I can't really wrap my brain around it, and I was a registered Republican from 1985-2008

4 replies 0 reposts 5 likes

Petra's avatar Petra
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And Europe should still buy weapons from the US?

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Main Chirp's avatar Main Chirp
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The DC trial must be televised. The entirety of the population needs to watch the prosecutions evidence on display. I’m aware that this is not protocol for federal trials. There needs to be an exception here. Can you imagine the right wing spin without total transparency?

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Main Chirp's avatar Main Chirp
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0 replies 0 reposts 2 likes

David's avatar David
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But it’s just “locker room talk” 😏

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Lady Wicket's avatar Lady Wicket
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This is scary stuff 😬 the Democrats really need to back a Presidential candidate that will ensure Trump does not have this opportunity

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Are You Being Detained's avatar Are You Being Detained
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Well, we don't have to worry that America will be the World's Policeman under Donald Trump. We'll be Putin's Henchman.

0 replies 0 reposts 31 likes

Lori Fontanes 's avatar Lori Fontanes
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Agree. The job now is for everyone with a media platform to (finally) throw out the regular playbook for “normal” candidates who follow the rules. I don’t mean act unethically or with bias. I mean open our eyes, tell the story accurately but get much more creative/effective. Now. While we still can.

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Neopagan Esq.'s avatar Neopagan Esq.
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Well, okay. But Biden is old. It kinda balances out.

1 replies 0 reposts 9 likes's avatar
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Citizen orange crook is the worst of the worst thing you’ve probably ever encountered in your life. The saying goes sort of like “Satan whispered ‘Donald, come with me and held out his hand.” D took it and away they walked hand in hand. We see the outcome. Orange crook will reap what he has sown.

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Carolyn 's avatar Carolyn
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Am I sick to my stomach, or scared? Does he realize that Putin’s not likely to stop in Europe?

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Luusjen's avatar Luusjen
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Tinks's avatar Tinks
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This is terrifying. You think there is any chance of a fair and free election when Putin just got handed his one and only wish?? The world has lost its goddamn mind

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Schroedingercat's avatar Schroedingercat
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So Captain Cocaine has declared we will start World War Fucking Three if elected. Tell me again how not voting against him is an ethical, moral, or anything but self-righteous choice?

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's avatar
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Didn’t he think WWII was next? Addled. 🙄

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Malcolm Quinn's avatar Malcolm Quinn
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It’s that age old political dilemma - do I elect the old person, or harness myself to the shark?

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Victor Ziblis's avatar Victor Ziblis
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It's over. Trump is gonna win. I'm too old to fight but I know there's gonna be fighting. The song "Silent Running" is so poignant now.

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Lauren Ashley Davis's avatar Lauren Ashley Davis
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Thank you Tom!

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SmashedNSinking's avatar SmashedNSinking
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It's gonna be weird when we eventually sell arms to Russia to destroy Ukraine

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Aidan Dunphy's avatar Aidan Dunphy
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In hoping this place doesn't become just another echo chamber, that headline is highly misleading. He reported making an off-the-cuff comment to a leader who asked him hypothetically what he'd do if they hadn't paid their NATO subs and were attacked. Reckless and divisive, though, as usual.

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Chris G.'s avatar Chris G.
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I'm guessing this will barely make a ripple. Certainly not a ripple of criticism. MSM keeps feeding him, hoping he gets crazier. One martyr...

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Karen's avatar Karen
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Trump sold out to Putin a long time ago. I can't believe any American who cares about our country can support him.

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The chicken lady's avatar The chicken lady
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If only someone listened to some of us who warned,but it seems as if not only the entire major party is in the hands of the Kremlin,but also parts of the justice system,while the biggest traitors in US hist. are still frolicking around,hiding&selling stolen classified docs,basically the nation out

1 replies 1 reposts 6 likes

MaryBeth Hastings, she/her's avatar MaryBeth Hastings, she/her
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It did make front of the WaPo online - yet in a font than suggests it's less important than a story on Biden's interview with the special prosecutor five months ago.

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Skye (they/she) 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈's avatar Skye (they/she) 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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Okayyy Yea Fuck this place

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes 🍉 's avatar 🍉
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I remember thinking that 2016 was the real time to stop this *** in his tracks. I still believe it to a certain degree. Win or lose in November, he has emboldened every visceral, far-right fear the American Pyche contains. This fallout will last for years.

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zoobadger 's avatar zoobadger
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But he sounds so strong and forceful when he proclaims his allegiance and fealty to Putin.

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John_Sighs's avatar John_Sighs
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America needs to take out it's trash.

1 replies 0 reposts 25 likes

Deniable Credibility's avatar Deniable Credibility
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cool. so he wants to help start world war 3, but wants to try being on the axis side this time. y'know, just for a change of pace

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Paul Driggere 🦋's avatar Paul Driggere 🦋
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He's ready to destroy the world to avoid being raped in federal prison.

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Mark S's avatar Mark S
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“You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.” this irony is delicious!

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Maxou Rona 🎸's avatar Maxou Rona 🎸
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Bastard !

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Anymouse's avatar Anymouse
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The Vichy Times is too busy obsessing about trangender care for children and President Biden's age. No time for articles about inviting attacks on our allies.

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Sophie these days's avatar Sophie these days
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The other guy forgets people's names (actually, so does Trump). The two are not remotely equivalent. Vote wisely, America.

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's avatar
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What an ass?

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes's avatar
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0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes's avatar
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I totally agree!!

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Lebanon Link 🌎 ✨ ❤ 's avatar Lebanon Link 🌎 ✨ ❤
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This was also the greatest gift to the Biden campaign. But can they turn it effectively? God I hope so. God I hope so.

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Lebanon Link 🌎 ✨ ❤ 's avatar Lebanon Link 🌎 ✨ ❤
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Thank God The Atlantic had a straightforward headline.

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's avatar
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And the "funniest" thing about it is that the party that used to froth at the mouth about anything connected to Russia, is now completely supporting a fascist dictator over our own country.

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Amy Alton Bautz 's avatar Amy Alton Bautz
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The writing is on the wall.

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's avatar
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this coming from a man that never pays: ✅ his lawyers ✅ his taxes ✅ the town/police/venue bills where he holds rallies ✅ what he owes charities he raised money for…

0 replies 0 reposts 3 likes

Donna L's avatar Donna L
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Yikes😬 Wish his base gave a damn

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Donna L's avatar Donna L
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Holy crap. Too bad his cult base won't give a dang

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FCGermelshausen's avatar FCGermelshausen
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And there seems to be no constitutional mechanism to remove him from the ballot, given his gerrymandering the Supreme Court.

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Dan Sandler's avatar Dan Sandler
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F-ing NYT has hidden this story below the scroll. Focusing their first two stories on Biden and ageism. For what? The third day in a row? Then barely mentioning Trump and his support of Russia over our allies. In an “update” post with no lede at all.

0 replies 8 reposts 56 likes

Dr. Michael von Forstner 's avatar Dr. Michael von Forstner
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That man is a massive threat to humanity! I sincerely hope that a majority of the GOP functionaries and voters will come to their senses.

1 replies 1 reposts 1 likes

Triple M's avatar Triple M
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This is why, despite my dislike for the Democrats and Biden and the desire for a third party, I will crawl over broken glass and through barbed wire to vote Democrat this coming election. I'll just also be pushing for ranked choice voting to try and prevent this type of situation in the future.

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JoyComethInTheMorning's avatar JoyComethInTheMorning
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I kinda wonder just who didn't already know this?

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Pete, Pal To Quite A Few's avatar Pete, Pal To Quite A Few
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So uh you think his supporters cars? You new here!

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Tracy Quan's avatar Tracy Quan
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Does he mean World War Three or WW2?

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Mike Palmedo's avatar Mike Palmedo
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Not disagreeing, but plans to round up immigrants and put them in concentration camps should also be the story every day.

Sweeping Raids, Giant Camps and Mass Deportations: Inside Trump’s 2025 Immigration Plans

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Timlagor's avatar Timlagor
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Climate should be the story. Sadly it's too late (again) to not have Trump covered but talking about him less is definitely better.

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Horace Dorrington's avatar Horace Dorrington
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Worth noting that when the NATO treaty was first signed in Washington in 1949, the US Marines band played "It Ain't Necessarily So." Really true.

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Rob Honeycutt 's avatar Rob Honeycutt
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My concern is the number of Americans who haven’t the foggiest notion what the implications are

0 replies 1 reposts 2 likes

Kordo's avatar Kordo
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...but the other (slightly older and vastly more mentally competent) guy is obviously going to lose based on the cerebral flatulence of people whose entire careers are built on being spectacularly wrong.

0 replies 1 reposts 13 likes

Bambi (Eoin)'s avatar Bambi (Eoin)
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Why does this not surprise me?

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Kathy OFFS's avatar Kathy OFFS
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I can't believe your party didn't see this coming 🙄 Dems warned all of you, even before you all loved prosecuting Hillary Clinton!! Repubs brought us down this path, but got major tax breaks! Hope your celebrating has brought Karma!

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Tamara Keel's avatar Tamara Keel
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Where did he get this idiot fixation on some sort of imaginary “NATO dues”?

2 replies 0 reposts 11 likes

Loz's avatar Loz
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Trump is dangerous and unhinged!

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n highlands ♎ ☮ ☯️ 🐢 ♻️ 💚's avatar n highlands ♎ ☮ ☯️ 🐢 ♻️ 💚
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How, I repeat, how is this traitorous criminal a**hole still this side of a jail cell ?!

1 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Ren Zelen 's avatar Ren Zelen
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This, coming from a man notorious for not paying his bills & blacklisted by reputable legal firms because he always contradicts himself & refuses to meet his obligations.

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Citizen of Nowhere 💔 I voted Yes's avatar Citizen of Nowhere 💔 I voted Yes
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Well they put him there, didn't they?

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Mike O.'s avatar Mike O.
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i mean listen i do not want Donald Trump to be president again but World War III allegiances are not as large of a concern of mine so much as us all likely becoming dead, because of it

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Freedom🏳️‍🌈🫶🏻's avatar Freedom🏳️‍🌈🫶🏻
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Like I am not depressed enough

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Zabadaba 's avatar Zabadaba
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If it was anyone other than him saying so, I'd be inclined to agree. America started this war, not Russia or Ukraine.

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Tim Eldred's avatar Tim Eldred
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It would be if the news media actually reported news. That doesn't seem to be their business model any more.

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JJ's avatar JJ
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This is crazy... Almost like he is a paid mole for Russia... Can you imagine the ex-President off America saying this... America is finished..

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Tom Wrongbottom 🍦's avatar Tom Wrongbottom 🍦
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TRE45ON The first impeachment should arguably be reclassified historically as treason. Then there was the sedition, and both still continue.

0 replies 1 reposts 26 likes

J.L. Kempton's avatar J.L. Kempton
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Guy that never pays his debts sez what??? 🤔

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes's avatar
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I'm really scared!

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's avatar
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Izzy's avatar Izzy
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The vast majority of Americans have gone completely mad!

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Tony Somogyi 🟢 🇺🇦's avatar Tony Somogyi 🟢 🇺🇦
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So if anybody thinks there will now be a string of opinion pieces in the NYT about Trump’s most recent alarming and deranged pronouncement regarding NATO, think again.

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Ingmar von Homeyer's avatar Ingmar von Homeyer
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Sounds like racketeering.

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's avatar
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Has this intellectual heavyweight got anything else to ponder?

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Loton's avatar Loton
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Yeah but who is MAGA going to believe? Not their own lying eyes…

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MKG's avatar MKG
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The single most imminent threat to national security is this person. Clear and present danger.

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Its rider’s name was Death...'s avatar Its rider’s name was Death...
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0 replies 6 reposts 10 likes

Only Human's avatar Only Human
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We already knew that. That's why Trump must be removed by any means necessary.

0 replies 0 reposts 37 likes

Nacho Disk's avatar Nacho Disk
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it’s almost like he’s been a Russian asset this entire time… it’d be great if someone with the wherewithal to do anything actually gave a shit besides getting TV time or writing shitty tell-all books

0 replies 2 reposts 14 likes

's avatar
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I don't know if they can do that even if they win. Military coup, or at least rebellion would follow.

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TheMercilessChannel's avatar TheMercilessChannel
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Why isn't this Guy still in Prission? Like wtf, america.

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Joseph Lyttleton's avatar Joseph Lyttleton
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Rob's avatar Rob
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The news media is busy, they are focused on Joe's age.

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Derfflinger's avatar Derfflinger
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#FuckTrump #FuckMAGA

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Sascha Kersken's avatar Sascha Kersken
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"A nice EU you got there. Would be a shame if something happened to it. But you know what, I'll make you an offer you can't refuse." Later: "Oh, you don't take my offer? Well, then I can't protect you against Vlad Calabrese. In fact, I'll encourage him to destroy you." He has always been a mob boss.

1 replies 4 reposts 16 likes

Don't Eat That's avatar Don't Eat That
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Well I'll be sure to not vote for him, too.

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's avatar
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Trump + Putin = dangerous world! Save us, God!

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Eileen Wilson's avatar Eileen Wilson
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Yes, it's horrifying on so many levels, not least that his hard of thinking supporters are too immersed in the cult to question the implications, not just for Europe, but also for the US.

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HeyGMKenny's avatar HeyGMKenny
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I hope he suddenly sleeps and rests forever

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Wildthin9's avatar Wildthin9
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Yes, If shit wore a suit and a red tie and could walk... She'd be Trump's twin

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OPW's avatar OPW
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It won’t be though White House is content to just shill how much the stock market is up and not attack the GOP They aren’t serious about winning

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's avatar
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Signaling in plain sight.

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swirlOsquirrel's avatar swirlOsquirrel
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The guy is SUCH A TRAITOR. 😡

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Azhrie Drake's avatar Azhrie Drake
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Well sure, but papers that are fascist sympathetic are not going to do that.

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's avatar
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I guess future isn’t bright.

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Ⓜ 3️⃣ 3️⃣ 🌌's avatar Ⓜ 3️⃣ 3️⃣ 🌌
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I have a bad feeling about this

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joe's avatar joe
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but, but, Biden is old /s

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