Gavin's avatar


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Stay at home astronaut. This is the bad place. If you are a bad person you will hear about it.

Reposted by Gavin

Andrew Parker's avatar Andrew Parker
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Dear assholes who find this acceptable, Question your assumption that mobility issue = less mentally capable. One of the reasons people with MS refuse to use mobility aids is the embarrassment that stems from that assumption. Also get fucked.

1 replies 8 reposts 32 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Pyramead Head's avatar Pyramead Head
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Gave proof through the night That our flag was still there šŸ«”

27 replies 389 reposts 1519 likes

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Peter's avatar Peter
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the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears

157 replies 292 reposts 3004 likes

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Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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Writing for the NYT requires either having or pretending to have a degree of gullibility that could not occur in the wild

17 replies 76 reposts 390 likes

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Sarah McLaughlin's avatar Sarah McLaughlin
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UK police arrested five protesters and seized coconuts they held outside a courthouse where Marieha Hussain was appearing. Hussain was charged with "a racially aggravated public order offence" for holding a placard depicting Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman as coconuts at a protest in November.

0 replies 12 reposts 41 likes

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's avatar
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Six people did the thing that is supposed to require 2/3 of both chambers of Congress and 3/4 of the states to do

9 replies 138 reposts 677 likes

Gavin's avatar Gavin
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And Clinton still got more votes than trump. It was really close in a lot of states and probably couldve won if certain things did or didnā€™t happen. (Cough emails).

0 replies 0 reposts 1 likes

Gavin's avatar Gavin
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Yupp. Honed in on it so fast. Clear what he was talking about.

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Gavin's avatar Gavin
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Thatā€™s private property. This is about public lands.

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Kevin M. Kruse's avatar Kevin M. Kruse
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Most presidential libraries will prevent you from bringing in rotten fruit and vegetables to their events, sadly

20 replies 31 reposts 227 likes

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Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel's avatar Twitter's Bobby Big Wheel
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I have never been more convinced that Biden needs to do a sit down interview with Jiminy Glick

5 replies 16 reposts 141 likes

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Coach Finstock's avatar Coach Finstock
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Gotta say, even my largely politics-is-not-for-me relatives on Facebook are having a fucking conniption over the SCOTUS ruling. My uncle posted "We left England because we don't want a King. Charles is an inbred." I'm not sure what one has to do with the other, but he's right.

23 replies 132 reposts 987 likes

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PeopleDied2Vote 's avatar PeopleDied2Vote
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I'm obligated to post this whenever a baseball metaphor is dropped.

0 replies 49 reposts 264 likes

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Avi's avatar Avi
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George Lucas in 1999 making a movie about how the senate and Supreme Court are hopelessly corrupt:

11 replies 293 reposts 1520 likes

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Sean's avatar Sean
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supreme court rules 6-3 that no one but republican presidents get to have porn

1 replies 10 reposts 83 likes

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MrNelson007, Legendary Bracer's avatar MrNelson007, Legendary Bracer
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Think about this a lot, this vibe is in so many leftist spaces, once you make what someone deems a mistake you're tainted forever.

11 replies 51 reposts 305 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Chicken Puppet's avatar Chicken Puppet
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The last time people went to go protest a Supreme Court decision there was an immediate, bipartsan effort to use tax player dollars to put snipers on Samuel Alito's roof while our favorite pundits went "Brett Kavanaugh has a family :( :(. His daughter must be so scared :( :("

4 replies 146 reposts 455 likes

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Joshua Erlich's avatar Joshua Erlich
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one thing about Roberts is that he really does seem to be in it for the love of the game (racism). the MAGA folks have convinced themselves to hate him. normie libs hate him. he just does this because black people voting makes him so angry he canā€™t help himself.

2 replies 14 reposts 117 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Vince Mpls's avatar Vince Mpls
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March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.

36 replies 1170 reposts 2111 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Reply Guy's avatar Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Reply Guy
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ā€œMy fellow Americans. These are the heads of now former Chief Justice Roberts, and Associate Justices Thomas and Alito. Earlier this afternoon, after consulting with the DOJ, I instructed US Marshalls Shinobi strikforce to bring them to me. My motivation is, as Roberts knew too well, irrelevant.ā€

2 replies 24 reposts 153 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Popehat's avatar Popehat
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/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.

40 replies 894 reposts 2788 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Jamison Foser's avatar Jamison Foser
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will any of the feckless idiots who have over the years repeatedly assured us of John Roberts' nobility and seriousness of purpose devote their next column to explaining how they came to so thoroughly misunderstand the precise thing their job is to understand, or nah?

23 replies 123 reposts 791 likes

Gavin's avatar Gavin
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Itā€™s actually from a conservatory so could be from anywhere!

0 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Gavin's avatar Gavin
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Oh you want flowers too? Someone tell me what these are. Shot on film, Kodak Portra 160 šŸ“·šŸ“ø

2 replies 0 reposts 8 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Nicholas Grossman's avatar Nicholas Grossman
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Richard Nixon 1977: When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal. America 1977-2023: What, are you kidding? No way. Roberts Court 2024: Actually Nixon was right, and shouldn't have been in trouble for ordering the Watergate break-in, because orders are by definition official acts.

3 replies 28 reposts 71 likes

Gavin's avatar Gavin
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He could legally bribe each senator. On two fronts! Call it a tip and because presidents are immune.

1 replies 0 reposts 0 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Mr. Am I Being Detained 's avatar Mr. Am I Being Detained
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Someday a lot of people will claim not to have supported any of this and you need to survive to remember that they did

8 replies 144 reposts 712 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Mx. D.E. Anderson's avatar Mx. D.E. Anderson
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so this guy - Poot, heheh - replied to Maintenance Phase on Twitter and I keep seeing the highlighted claim a lot: that gay and GNC kids are being swept up by "trans ideology." (Genderology is a new one, gotta say). I want to just unpack that.

4 replies 14 reposts 49 likes

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Reposted by Gavin

Col. Boozy Badger's avatar Col. Boozy Badger
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ā€œYouā€™re a lawyer! What does this mean, really?ā€ Man, I donā€™t fucking know. In the last week an entire area of law I studied was more or less rendered entirely moot and now thereā€™s one specific guy in the whole country who may be able to do anything he wants without recourse. This is kind of new.

23 replies 442 reposts 1670 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Andrew Parker's avatar Andrew Parker
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Iā€™ve really tried to soften on the people who made a bad call in 2016 based on the premise that things couldnā€™t be that much worse under Trump But damned if I donā€™t want everyone talking about ā€œsee we did vote for the lesser evil in 2020 and it didnā€™t undo letting a fascist win in 2016ā€ to fuck off

1 replies 7 reposts 25 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Greg Greene's avatar Greg Greene
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ā€œThe Courtā€™s conservative majority has revealed itself to be the most direct threat to American democracy, and any Democrat who is not ready to shelve old fears about ā€˜court packingā€™ and get serious about expanding and reforming the Court isnā€™t made for this moment.ā€ Correct.

4 replies 111 reposts 324 likes

Reposted by Gavin

sandcrab's avatar sandcrab
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celebrate the end of america's regulatory state with Chevrolet's new 10 ton personal truck. the permanent summer of Chevrolet starts now

3 replies 26 reposts 166 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Peter's avatar Peter
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throughout the Trump immunity decision, the Court champions the idea of an unfettered, uninhibited President. the darkest part of the opinion isnā€™t that it paves the way for an authoritarian leader, itā€™s that it yearns for one

16 replies 166 reposts 907 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Joanne Freeman's avatar Joanne Freeman
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Originalists just violated the principles & concerns of the Constitution's framers. The framers broke away from a king deemed a tyrant. They profoundly distrusted centralized power. They even considered an executive panel -- rather than a single president -- to not give that much power to 1 man.

7 replies 57 reposts 265 likes

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Don Moynihan's avatar Don Moynihan
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Well Dr. Franklin, about that...

4 replies 17 reposts 85 likes

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The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter 's avatar The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter
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this has occurred to me, as well as the fact that trump has gone way out of his way to make sure that the judge hates his ass. i have little faith that anything besides voters will save this country, but maybe they could be given a little encouragement.

3 replies 13 reposts 104 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Nicholas Grossman's avatar Nicholas Grossman
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Yes, the Supreme Court not only effectively declared that Donald Trump has legal permission to try overthrowing the Constitution without consequence, they've also put all future presidents above the law to some extent, thereby removing a powerful incentive for presidents to follow it. Insane.

0 replies 6 reposts 35 likes

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Josh Gondelman's avatar Josh Gondelman
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I canā€™t believe the Supreme Court just ruled that the president can sleep outdoors in a public space.

38 replies 1184 reposts 4594 likes

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Michael Tae Sweeney's avatar Michael Tae Sweeney
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among other things this is what the Supreme Court thinks of the hilarious notion of DOJ indepdence! The President can just do whatever he wants to in ordering prosecutions and investigations! This principle is so important it extends into conferring immunity onto the President!

5 replies 38 reposts 167 likes

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Aaron Rupar's avatar Aaron Rupar
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So if Joe Biden declared today that Novemberā€™s election is canceled and ordered the military to keep him in power, would that be an ā€œofficial actā€?

35 replies 83 reposts 396 likes

Reposted by Gavin

The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter 's avatar The Silvered Spherical Ideal Median Voter
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ironically the only thing restraining biden from drone striking the insurrectionist supreme court justices is that the justices he would appoint to replace them would hold him accountable

26 replies 48 reposts 267 likes

Reposted by Gavin

Dave Levitan's avatar Dave Levitan
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A country where a minority of voters can elect a president with king-like authority and impunity and federal agencies that lack the power to do any of the things they are meant to do if big rich companies say they don't like it. Culmination shit for the right wing project.

9 replies 259 reposts 1039 likes